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Everything posted by Wallynut

  1. Sounds like you've had plenty of time to think about it, may your life together be without hardships, but instead be like the cornicopia of life, overflowing with the good things we all hope for. Congrats
  2. In Wisconsin, the mag limit is 5 rounds. The VN have been a problem here, most are good people and keep to themselves, but there are those that will tresspass at any time, they also kill just about anything that moves for food. Been known to shoot all kinds of birds. I'm surprised that he even had a hunting liscense. Unfortunately, here there is no death penalty per se, liberals say we should hold their hands and love them to death. The only good thing that may come of this, is that maybe Law Enforcement will watch these people a little more. My bet is that our liberal Govenor will push for ban on semi-auto rifles (aka:assualt rifles) I got home tonight, heard about this on the way back. Wife was all wound up wondering how we were, this happened about an hour north of us.
  3. I've used just regular sheet metal screws, they work. You can loose some when riding, never had anyone say they've been hit with one. Most that I ride with, know better then to get right up behind me cause they are gonna get hit with something(aka rocks). I never lost them riding on ice, but threw some riding trails where the snow was lacking, roads and tree roots can be culprits.
  4. The whole story isn't out just yet, but sure will be interesting. The shooter was what they call a Mong (bad spelling), from Vietnam. There's lots of them here in Wisconsin. Will try to find a link to the story.
  5. I didn't vote. But, I will say that the 2 into 1 setup is great for the trail riding I do. I bought mine to get better low end power first and ease of jetting secondly. I got rid of the hesitation that just frustrated me with the stock carbs and the power where I need it is great. Can pull wheelies up to 4th gear now with no problems. I never liked the TORS garbage, so that came off as soon as the machine got home from the dealer, but with that change came trouble with riding in water when cold out. Sticking carbs make for an aggrevating ride, well that is no more. I'm not sure about the fuel usage, time will tell on that issue. I really like the 2 into 1 Trinity carb
  6. Give'n him the back hand with a coffee mugs works for me, but I also like the stapler.
  7. When you take the bowl back off, the pilot should be right next to the main, down a tube that is part of the carb. It will require a small flat blade screwdriver to remove it. I can't help with jetting on 34 PJ's, but others will pipe in soon, they will need to know where your clip is on the needle, besides what pilot you have. You might try moving the needle one notch one way and then the other. Give it a try while you have it apart.
  8. My nephew and his dad both have 400ex's. The one has had no maintence at all, it's like a Timex watch, takes a lick'n and keeps on tic'n. After three years of use(abuse), it's starting to burn oil, but not much. The other has had 440 kit w/ porting and cam, it goes pretty good,great power. They handle really good for trail riding, are good on fuel consumption too. My nephew is able to do some great stunts with his. He can do wheelies while sitting on the handle bars, he can also do wheelies the farthest I've ever seen, seen him go over a quater mile in an open hay field. No BS. I don't like the ergonomics, seem cramped to me. The rear brake is too hard to stab with the foot, easy fix, but the shifter is way to close to the peg for me wearing riding boots. I rode his today, just can't seem to get used to 4 stroke power, too low in the rpm. The price is good on them right now, especially for '04's. Time will tell if Honda will continue to sell the 400ex, reverse on the new ones will help.
  9. I don't have more smoke coming from one side then the other with my 2 into1 . Either your reeds are the problem or your leaking in air on one cylinder. Spray some starting fluid around your manifold/reed and see if the idle increases.
  10. That is a really nice machine. Duncan Racing put a lot of stuff on that, not just stickers.
  11. Find out if it's a 33 or a 35 pwk, doesn't really matter execpt by those that may do porting down the road. I'm finally getting my jetting tuned in, I'm 180main, 48 pilot, second slot from the blunt end on the needle, and 1-1/2 turns on the air screw,lid still on, and that's with a 33pwk. The jets are not the same as you had with the stock carbs, most dealers will have them tho. I love the single carb setup, could NEVER get the stumble out(just before the power band) with the stock dual carbs no matter what I did. Don't have it now. For the trail riding I do, it's perfect, and no more stuck throttle when it's cold out and blasting through water.
  12. Just read about this in the lastest Dirt Wheel rag. When a lot of people think that the Banshee is irrelavent and outdated, this shoves it in their face that it is still a machine to be raced. Couple that with the win at Pikes Peak, it's great. I know everyone doesn't think highly of the atv rags, they piss me off too with their propping up certain manufature's models. Have yet to see a article on building up a Banshee for racing dunes against 4-strokes, along with the cost factors. Personally, I've never been to the dunes, but all the pics I see, Banshee's are almost always in the lead! I just wanted to point out this win, I'm tired of the BS about how unreliable (easy to blow up) the Banshee is. Never had any trouble with my current Banshee, have had it for 2 seasons now
  13. I'm not sure the Arafat had complete control when it came to murdering innocent women and children. There will be a power struggle within the PLO. Those that want to continue to kill, and those that want a life for families. My guess is that the ones that want to kill, will be the ones to take over. What does this mean for the middle east? More death and more hate.
  14. Arafat did nothing for his people. Helped himself to money meant to help his people. Now his widow will collect 22 million dollars (US) a year. Doubt she will donate any of it, she' got a life style that Teresa Hines-Kerry would be jealous of. May Allah show him the error of his ways.
  15. Maybe someone going hunting could make a side trip, deer huntings right around the corner. Seriously, find out if the check has been cashed and if not what to put a stop on it if you don't fell comfortable dealing with him.
  16. If you were fine with the stock jetting after putting the pipes on then with filter change, you should need to go up 1 or 2 mains. Get the factory filter out of there, put in the proflow, you won't regret it. Just make sure you do a plug check.
  17. Only problem I could see, is if you want to use the air box adaptor sold by Trinity. The manifold shouldn't be any trouble, but the air box adaptor may not work because of the external size of that side of the carb. Otherwise, as Scott said, it's a matter of getting the jetting correct, you would be guessing since no one seems to be using that carb. Just gotta get the manifold to try it.
  18. As said go up on your mains and then play with the pilots. I started to mess around with my 33PWK 2 into 1 set up yesterday. I found that the pilot jets really seem to have more effect then with the stock carbs. At present I'm at 180mains, 50pilot and second from the blunt end on the needle. I'm still too rich off idle, at 42 I was too lean, sputtered no matter where I had the needle.
  19. The best thing about this election being over-------NO MORE J. KERRY COMMERCIALS. Just can not stand his whiny voice. Now if we can just get Mike Moore to die of a heart attack. Maybe he will move out of the country with all those loser liberal hollywood mucks.
  20. Change your jetting, you'll be leaner in the cold weather. I'd also let it warm up a little longer. Some will notice harder shifting, but never had that problem running ATF type F fluid in the tranny.
  21. I've got the IMS 5.6 and like it for everything but looks, it's ugly. Gotta get some stickers to pretty it up. I have no trouble with hitting the bars lock to lock and I have stock. Don't know if Yamaha used different bars for '03, that's what I have. I just bought a race cut front plastic so I could always go back to original. On the IMS, what you need to cut off will be a problem if you want to go back to original. You actually cut the flap part that wraps around the back of the tank (where the seat covers it). Since putting it on, I can go farther then 4strokes I ride with.
  22. If you look on the left side of the carbs, you will see a "window" that will show a shiny spot when the throttle is pushed. If the spots don't appear at the same time, your out of sync. It wouldn't hurt to go into the carbs if you bought the atv used, you never know what the previous owner may have done jetting wise, plus it's a good thing to know what you have in there. Get a cylmer manual if you don't already have one, best $20-30 you can spend.
  23. If your really interested in getting one, the dealers in the Milwaukee area tend to be high priced, not sure about the dealer in Germantown, but there's one in Kenosha that will sometimes deal, and Nielson's down in Ill (Lake Villa I think) are descent to work with, thats where I got my last Banshee.
  24. Well, I've decided to keep the 33mm pwk. They were willing to switch and pay for all shipping, but figured I would see how it works out. Porting is way down the road, and with some of the suspension items I want to also change, it may be just fine. Suppose I better go shop for jets tomorrow on my to the voting booth.
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