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we have some questionable guys on the board


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Nope sorry dont have another user name, really just joined today. Have friends that have profiles and just looked on with them and now im sick of it. Its pretty sad when you are just looking in someone elses profile a couple days a week and you get tired of the content, needles to say that there are children in the house. Besides that to everyone else who keeps calling me a guy/dude not true, female thank you and proud of it. There are more girls on this site than you think!


Its a good thing you had to go and create a new profile and user name to address this topic in the forum. You couldnt have just used your other user name, which shows that you are a complete and total tool.


God bless titties


I think Daj stated it correctly

Edited by wannashee20
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Dont know why you are pining this guy, when im the one who sent the message. I do remember agreeing to the rules that stated that we agree to not posting any obscene, sexually oriented content. I dont appreciate logging on going to a topic and then having a 6 year old sitting right next to me when a picture of naked women laying on top of eachother or showing themselves off without any warning so that I dont view that topic. If you want to look at naked women on the internet go to a porn site, not bansheehq, which ironically is starting to look like a porn site thanks to everyone who brakes the rules!


first, dont ever send me a stupid ass PM like that again.


second, do you make your 6 year old go in the other room when a tv show says bitch, ass, or any other obscene word?


third, do you make your 6 year old go out of the room when youre watching a movie that might show an ass or a boob?


fourth, do you really fucking think your 6 year old isnt gonna know what a dick, pussy, clit, ass, tits or any other body part is for another 10 years or some shit?


fifth, grow the fuck up. in this day and age, kids are fucking at 10, 11 and 12 years old. do you really think its gonna scar your kid to see a tit? has your kid never seen your tit?


sixth, this site is nowhere near a porn site. get your fuckin facts straight. so what theres a post with chicks in bathing suits? do you not take your kid to the pool, beach or amusement parks? what the fuck? is your kid tied up in your basement? youre ridiculous. wake the fuck up to the real world..


seventh, you contribute nothing to this site. go away.

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First these girls are not in bathing suites and the stuff on this site doesnt compare to things on tv that the kids Im around watch. I have just as much as a right to be a part of this site as you and who know s I might accualy know a thing or two. So now whos being retarted. I never did say this site was a porn site I only said it is starting to look like one!



first, dont ever send me a stupid ass PM like that again.


second, do you make your 6 year old go in the other room when a tv show says bitch, ass, or any other obscene word?


third, do you make your 6 year old go out of the room when youre watching a movie that might show an ass or a boob?


fourth, do you really fucking think your 6 year old isnt gonna know what a dick, pussy, clit, ass, tits or any other body part is for another 10 years or some shit?


fifth, grow the fuck up. in this day and age, kids are fucking at 10, 11 and 12 years old. do you really think its gonna scar your kid to see a tit? has your kid never seen your tit?


sixth, this site is nowhere near a porn site. get your fuckin facts straight. so what theres a post with chicks in bathing suits? do you not take your kid to the pool, beach or amusement parks? what the fuck? is your kid tied up in your basement? youre ridiculous. wake the fuck up to the real world..


seventh, you contribute nothing to this site. go away.

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maybe we need to tie in a damn chair & make him watch and listen to this for 24 hrs straight.




He is a her as stated on the first post of this page, unless she has a dick, then you got a problem :biggrin:

Edited by peak-j
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why should I still have to look at it, I mean focus on you banshee (everheard of that) isnt that what this site is for? If you want to look at tits go into the galleries theres plenty there. Thats deffinately not somewhere I choose to go anymore.

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There is no balancing out it just makes things worse, by the way that was retarted. I think your inteligence level just droped.



Hey maybe this will balance things out. Enjoy. I'm going home.


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