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T-5's and stock silencers? need to know asap!


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I am wondering if my T-5 headers will work together with my stock silencers?

The reason I ask this dumb question... The place we are supposed to be going to this weekend requires a sound check and needs a spark arrestor. Its too late in the week for me to order a Toomey Hush kit so this is my last resort. This is the last weekend I will have to go riding until next spring, all the fun places close for Deer season then snowmobiling.


I would go check myself but my Banshee isn't at my house!

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Hey the t5's will work with the stock silencers, but you need to cut off about an inch and a half off of the silencer as the stock silencer will not fit into the toomey pipe and is too long. I also used high temp silicone tubing as someone already posted.



Sadly enough they still sounded like Toomeys too. Ran pretty much the same too except for the altitude.

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hey guys, I never got back to reply to this thread. Everything worked out. I like someone said I had to cut the silencers and use high temp silicone hose. It got me through the sound check, everyone that worked there where betting that I wouldn't make it in. It passed with flying colors, 89 decibels!!

My banshee ran just about the same, there was a little bogging on the bottom end but still screamed on the top end. I will purchase myself a Hush kit this winter, I kinda liked having quiet exhaust.

Thanks for the tips guys!!

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  • 4 years later...

I ment that the jetting was a little off because were went up about 2000' from normal. Still ran good though


Did you check back your jetting at your "normal" altitude ?


I'm asking because I just picked up some T5 and I'd like to use the stock silencers because where I live there is sometimes cops in the trails and the give tickets to loud exhaust so I'd like to get by with black t5 headers and stock silencers. I'm also wondering where I should start jetting.


P.S. I just noticed I dug out a really old thread, but I think it's still relevant so anybody feel free to comment...

Edited by answ3r
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