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playstation 3 vs chainsaw


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Can someone get the address to that tard, so that we can pay a visit to him and show our appreciation for wasting our time (2:14). If you think for a minute that a back woods moron like that can afford a 60gig PS3 I got news for ya. But that box when thrown bounced like an empty box, not a box that has a heavy computer game in it.


When the round was dropped on it, the box again bounced the round off of it like a spring and then it bounced up like an empty box. Then when the host tard pushed on the hole in the box, notice how he pushes lightly and then notices it pushed in to far, plus the box moves again. Why did the box move, there's nothing in it................... :shoothead:

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playstations as well as nearly any computer equipment have metal steet inside to shield it from radio waves. i have a chainsaw and i cant even cut through 1 nail in a piece of wood. how can that chainsaw cut through a shielded playstation so quickly? there would have been sparks comming off the chain and he wouldnt have made it 2 inches without the chain going dull.


that was just an empty box. a box they could have made money on by selling on ebay. (yes people buy the empty boxes)

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kinda funny how this guy tries to look like he has the money to burn on destroying a ps3 that sells on ebay for more than his house in the background. Didn't think for a sec that that was real. Any electronices store has the empty boxes on display. I was thinking about getting one of those boxes, filling it with some bricks and giving it to a co-worker of mine. LOL. he coulda atleast put a shot ps2 in it to look real, heck, I got one he could have for free. then he wouldnt have to sell his house to make the video.

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