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Had a close friend running down the highway last night on his 600 Honda at the speed limit when he crashed into a stalled car on the roadway. It appears some guys were towing a SUV with a tow strap when it broke and left the car on the roadway momentarely with no lights or markers on. Apparently James(my friend) didnt notice it or the lighting was bad...not really sure, but he hit it square on and died instantly.. After he hit the SUV, the guys towing the damn thing tried to run away but bystanders got the tag number and they were arrested later that night. I'm not preaching, Ive been a biker for over 35 years, but just sit and imagine what his last thoughts were and keep it in mind next time your blasting around on your street bikes...Jim

Edited by PassionRE
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my condolences to you and to your friends family .i myself have lost a couple of close friends to bike accidents over the years and i know how you must feel and what your trying to say to fellow bikers.you know in almost all the accidents i lost friends in it was because of someone elses stupidity.

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Sorry about your friend, man. I think about that stuff all the time, and it scares me, because you never know when something like that to any of us at any time.

I was doing 60 on my bike one time, when a car went by that had some 2x4s sticking out of his window about 4-6 feet.

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Sorry to hear that bro, last night on the news they had a thing saying "is it older riders faults or is it lack of experience".....that is pure bullshit, i know when i ride i usually ride the speed limit, sometimes alittle under, sometimes alittle over (5mph)...this is on a harley not a rocket...and everytime i go out i have about 5 dumbasses try and pull out in front of me, or change lanes and almost hit me, they better reconsider their statement and realize that it is usually driver error in the other vehicle.......not the bike.

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Sorry for your loss...Jim.


People always say it's the idiot on a bike that causes a problem...


All my good friends ride...and it's normally the jerks that don't pay attention, cell phone, eating, etc., that cause the problems. Being almost defenseless on a bike makes it worse...


Sorry again...best wishes to you and yours...

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