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Guy comes home from work to find his wife on the porch with all of her bags packed. He says to her ,"Where are you going?"

She says," Las Vegas."

He looks and says" Las Vegas?"

She says,"Ya , I just found out I can make $400 a night for what I give you for free."

Guy shrugs his shoulders and walks into the house. Couple minutes later he comes back out to the porch with all of his bags packed.

Wife looks and says," Where are you going?"

Guy says,"I'm going with you"

Wife says ,"why?"

Guy says ," I want to see how you are going to live on $800 bucks a year !"

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Guy comes home from work to find his wife on the porch with all of her bags packed. He says to her ,"Where are you going?"

She says," Las Vegas."

He looks and says" Las Vegas?"

She says,"Ya , I just found out I can make $400 a night for what I give you for free."

Guy shrugs his shoulders and walks into the house. Couple minutes later he comes back out to the porch with all of his bags packed.

Wife looks and says," Where are you going?"

Guy says,"I'm going with you"

Wife says ,"why?"

Guy says ," I want to see how you are going to live on $800 bucks a year !"





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Good one, Rattlehead. Here's one for you:



Guy comes sliding in to his driveway after a hard day at work and hitting the bar afterwards.

Jumps out of his truck, runs in to his house, "Honey, pack your bags I just won the lottery".

She comes running out of the bedroom and says," how should I pack", for the beach or the mountains?".


Hell, I don't care how you pack, just pack your sh&t and get the F&&K out!!





Dammit son..... :headbang:

Edited by The Rebel
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