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bush or kerry


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Chalk what up for Bush :huh: He has said nothing that warrants a victory. I will not talk about him for he is our leader. However, four more years without worring about what the American people think, say bu-bye to any overtime and your pensions... I'm not rich, therefore I cannot vote right wing. Also, if you were in Iraq fighting w/o body armor would you feel safe? No one should be there w/o proper protection. My brother is a Special Forces instructor @ Bragg, he has 5 set of armor and those kids have none. We have proved our point, lets leave. We will never bring that nation to stand for freedom. They hate eachother and the world, how do you stop that? Let them figure it out, when they are stable we help rebuild.


Vote Kerry, mixing oil w/gas @ whatever the ratio will be affordable :headbang:

overtime: "Even EPI concedes that many low-income workers would be gaining the right to overtime pay. Under the proposed rules any employee making less than $425 per week would be eligible for overtime benefits, up from the present level of $155, a figure that hasn't been changed since 1975.

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And how convenient you Kerry supporters are to leave out the fact that Kerry voted AGAINST money for supplying the troops...

Bird, you say youre not rich so you cant vote for Bush? who is letting you keep more of your own money ? you will NEVER get rich if youre dependant on a govt. hand out , and that is exactly where the wrong(left) wing wants to keep you.

And how do you propose that pulling out of Iraq will make it stable?

All you people that are so scared of confronting evil in this world are the same ones

who'll be bitching up a storm if we get attacked again... :shrugani:

Bush kicked Kerry's ass in the debate , and all he had to do was quote Kerrys own

voting record! He talks about getting more nations involved in Iraq , but when we had

his "ideal" coalition to go into Iraq in the 1st gulf war , the dickhole voted against it.

Just because Kerry TALKS tough on terrorism in two debates doesnt mean his ACTIONS for the past 20 years have changed. :shootself:

So take your limpwrist there and vote for Kerry , I want security for my family, less govt. , and lower taxes.


W-04 :dance:

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However, four more years without worring about what the American people think

I THINK he has done a pretty good job with the hand he has been dealt, and I think there are a few more AMERICANS who will agree. What else should he do to make you happy? Maybe an intern or two?


I'm not rich, therefore I cannot vote right wing.


Kerry is rich he doesn't vote right wing. Kerry pays more in taxes than as you seem to consider him Mr. Filthy Rich Oil Man Bush makes in a year.


We have proved our point, lets leave.  We will never bring that nation to stand for freedom.  They hate eachother and the world, how do you stop that?  Let them figure it out, when they are stable we help rebuild.


Can't you come up with a better solution than that??? The US Armed Forces have made a much larger change in a couple of years for freedom than Iraq has made in over the last 1000+ years of they're existance. Maybe your not smart enough to realize that there has been people living there since the beginning of man. Maybe you should gear up on your history. I've even got a recommendation, why don't you read the BIBLE?


Vote Kerry, mixing oil w/gas @ whatever the ratio will be affordable :headbang:


What are you talking about??????? :confused:

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"I THINK he has done a pretty good job with the hand he has been dealt, and I think there are a few more AMERICANS who will agree. What else should he do to make you happy? Maybe an intern or two?"


Pretty original with the intern thing... Anyways, yes he did a fine job during the period of war and with 9/11. That period is over and our deficit is growing to the point of no return. He doesn't have to make me happy, that's what is great about this country.




"Kerry is rich he doesn't vote right wing. Kerry pays more in taxes than as you seem to consider him Mr. Filthy Rich Oil Man Bush makes in a year."


Kerry is a democrat, they vote liberal... left.




"Can't you come up with a better solution than that??? The US Armed Forces have made a much larger change in a couple of years for freedom than Iraq has made in over the last 1000+ years of they're existence. Maybe your not smart enough to realize that there has been people living there since the beginning of man. Maybe you should gear up on your history. I've even got a recommendation, why don't you read the BIBLE?"


FYI "Maybe your not smart enough to realize..." I am smart enough to know that's you're not "your" banghead It's not my job to come up with a solution... Changes? What changes did they want to make? After we make them a democratic country are we going to work on womens right as well? Please don't bring religion into this, we cannot even agree on government.




"What are you talking about???????"


Just sarcasium... I think you can figure it out.




"And how convenient you Kerry supporters are to leave out the fact that Kerry voted AGAINST money for supplying the troops..."


This was before the troops went, Bush sent them anyways. Put it on the man directly responsible...




"And how do you propose that pulling out of Iraq will make it stable?"


Do you really care about the stability of Iraq? China? Bosnia? You care about it here, or at least you should.




"Bush kicked Kerry's ass in the debate"


Please, Kerry is hands down a better debater. Debates don't mean shit though. That would be like me saying, "Kerry is so much more likeable then Bush". I would be blowing smoke up your ass.




"Body armor"

You got me, everyone is wearing it. Would you call armor that blocks low velocity bullets and shrapnel proper armor for war? Maybe @ the local cop shop in the Midwest, but not for a war.



last conspiracy theory I need an answer to is why Halliburton won contracts with the feds w/o bids.

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go to factcheck.org to see about the haliburton thing. many companies have been getting no bid contracts with the governemnt for years its just how it works.


If you do think kerrys tax raise will effect you because you arnt rich think for a minute. its a tax raise on those who make $200,000+ a year. Now who makes that much a year? Most every small business. So you tax the heck out of small businesses which are really the bread and butter of the country, they go out of business, people loose jobs, evil big business gets bigger, and more jobs go over seas. Wow that sounds alot like what kerry says is the problem hes going to solve!!


Kerry only seems to do better in the debates to the ignorant people who do get that he makes up things and takes both sides of the issue and basically says "i disagree" to everything bush says and comes up with some rediculous answer for it


And incase you didnt catch it watching CBS iraq is doing VERY well, elections are very close to happening. Hiraldo Rivera went to bagdad and said it was so much nicer you couldnt recognize it. He said we arnt re-building the cities we are building them up new becasue there was nothing there to begin with.

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I'm not rich, therefore I cannot vote right wing.


Kerry is rich he doesn't vote right wing.


Kerry is a democrat, they vote liberal... left.


Maybe I should have asked a question to you instead. Why do you have to be rich to vote right wing?


FYI "Maybe your not smart enough to realize..." I am smart enough to know that's you're not "your"


I admit I had a typo but that's why I'm not a secretary or a school teacher.


"What are you talking about???????"


Just sarcasium... I think you can figure it out.


You really are smart. Just using a little SARCASM.


What changes did they want to make?


Get yourself a Ouija board and ask the people who were killed by Iraq's government because they disagreed with it.


last conspiracy theory I need an answer to is why Halliburton won contracts with the feds w/o bids.


Before you stick your foot any farther down your throat name one other company that can do what Halliburton does.


Also do you even know what Halliburton does?


Bush kicked Kerry's ass in the debate


Without a doubt. W-04

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I answer no more of your questions...


"Before you stick your foot any farther down your throat name one other company that can do what Halliburton does.


Also do you even know what Halliburton does?"


That's as bright as the intern question. Thanks for playing...

having no responce for his rediculous haliburton claims bird213 retreats to go watch more CBS and buy Farenheight 911 on DVD

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And how convenient you Kerry supporters are to leave out the fact that Kerry voted AGAINST money for supplying the troops..."


This was before the troops went, Bush sent them anyways.  Put it on the man directly responsible...




"And how do you propose that pulling out of Iraq will make it stable?"


Do you really care about the stability of Iraq?  China?  Bosnia?  You care about it here, or at least you should. 





Do you even know what youre talking about? Oh , I forgot youre not answering anymore questions...

The troops were there and the money wasnt just for Iraq :shootself:

Im sure every soldier hit by a roadside bomb was very glad to have his "cop" vest

that kept shrapnel from entering his chest cavity.

And you bet your ass I care about the stability of Iraq and other nations that

harbor and train terrorists... since youre not replying anymore I'll try and spell

it out for you : Terrorists train in "bad" countries , then they try to come here to do

bad things... simple enough for you?

Next time you go correcting other peoples grammar , work on your own "sarcasium"


Oh , and I'll be glad to keep "playing"... unless youre happier playing with yourself :yank:

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