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Yes that sux. I got a DWI on my shee last year riding the railroad tracks. Arrested me and impounded my shee as well. This cop was blocking the road on me. I didnt try to run or anything because I figured he was just gonna tell me to take it home.NOT... Lost me liscense for 4 months over that shit. The judge thought it was crazy and only gave me 1 year unsupervised probation with no fines. All I had to do was pay court costs. The only reason I lost me liscense for 4 months is because I refused the breathalizer. I felt I didnt have to blow because I wasnt in a car or anything. I was riding my quad on the tracks for gods sake. Yes it sux when you have a cocky SOB who has nothign better to do than mess with somebody having fun on their quad. I can see if you were riding wheelies down the highway.

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Running always sounds good but to outrun a cop is different than outrunning Mr. Motorola. If you can hit the trails you're definitely going to outrun the popo but if its not possible to get off road, GOOD LUCK! Banshee's are fast and I'm pretty confident on mine but the speed of them walkie talkies makes me a little nervous. :bolt:

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hey man, it sucks what happened, but watch what you say bout "the fuckin pigs" maybe you odnt understand that without these "fuckin pigs" youd be killed. Also, not all cops are like this, so if your gonna say something negative about law inforcement, dont apply it to the entire field. Im 15 so i cannot criticize you because of your age, but i will say that you do act like your age, or maybe even younger.

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woops, sorry i just realized, you said dickhead pigs instead of fuckin pigs....even better

well, i think he ment the dickhead ones that are out there, yes there are many good ones that have every right to arest you if your on the road, but off to the side or just crossing it safley there should be a "no harm no foul thing" I've been realy careful/lucky so far. but my one friend got busted with his quad just being parked outside a restraunt. Most of the time around here tho we'll be siting at a gas station which we have to ride bout 50 yards of road to get to and they'll be drivin thru fillin up the cars and just wave, since they have more imprtant problems like people high on drugs stabbing each other on the other side of town that auctualy threaten the comunity. The one like side town place since there was barley any trafic they dident even bother but once ppl started drag racing (with lil kids and all around) they finaly decided no ones goin to be riding the roads.

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thats felony in mass your lucky. most police men suck. they take everyhting so fuckin personally so they turn the law against ya. you should be about to tell them to go f*ck off if you want. but some are a buch of fuckin mommys boys, fuckin fat fucks that shouldnt have ever gotton the reponsibilty of correcting people. the law will f*ck you over for no reason.



hey when you were going down that road i bet you were thinking man this is a crime huh? J/K cost 80 to get your bike back and at least another 120 for the fines. where does the money go? more fuckin laws more police men more fuckin stupid kids are allowed to be on the police force. go after the real fuckin felons. f*ck. just hoping a cop reads this and judges me for writing it thats all. good luck

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cops DO suck...i got pulled ova one time for riding about 100 yards down a back road that no cars were on in like 2nd gear...jus tryin to get home from a trail...really theres no reason for that...u would think that they have better things to do?

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dirt rider its funny couse i bett the first thing you would do when your car got stolen as call the cops


i duno what kinda cops you guys have where you live it douse sound like some of them are being a lil on the harsh side but how did you act i have a fealing a few of you were being shit heads but i duno


my dad is a cop its kinda anoying sitting here reading about how you hate them all so much when hes out there risking his life to protect shit heads like you i hope one day you need a police officer and there is no one to be found mabey they you will respect what they do for you

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im with you mullet boy....they can always think of the bad things the cops have done to them, but they will never mention how a cop helped them out...just remember that cops are here for a reason, and if they werent America would turn to shit...

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I've dealt with some a-hole cops that will twist the law to write you a ticket... but, they deal with worse crap on a day to day basis than I would ever want to. Some might be dicks to little ol me but... you can't group everybody into one group. Sure, they might not be the most pleasant to deal with... but think of what they do, the crap they go through, etc, and be thankful they're there.

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ive known many police officers in my 15 years being alive, and almost every single one of them share the same general idea..."they treat you how you treat them." you treat them with respect, you get treated the same way. you act like an asshole, they act like an asshole. no i am not saying this goes for all cops, but for the most part this is the golden rule of life, and it is what most police officers follow. i say most because occasionally you will get an officer who is having a bad day, or is just a flat out asshole.

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MulletBoy I stand with you on the issue, the only problem is its not the decent cops that people hate, its the nerdy-got-the-shit-kicked-out-of-them-in-school-now-I got-a-badge cops that everyone hates.


Hell I'm a fireman, even was on the volunteer department of the fucking city I was caught riding the roads in, and my grandmother dispatched for them. THEY STILL GAVE ME A TICKET AND IMPOUNDED MY SHIT, 2 BLOCKS FROM MY FUCKING HOUSE. Which by the way is in the same damned city.


Do I think all cops are dicks? hell no I hunt whitetail with one thats a cop a city over, but do I think there are some that completely ruin it and give the rest a badname, yep no doubt in my mind. But the problem is its those cops that are getting people for the stupid shit, like walking home drunk from the bar. Why at least he wasn't driving.

Edited by Fireman-hott
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Running always sounds good but to outrun a cop is different than outrunning Mr. Motorola. If you can hit the trails you're definitely going to outrun the popo but if its not possible to get off road, GOOD LUCK! Banshee's are fast and I'm pretty confident on mine but the speed of them walkie talkies makes me a little nervous. :bolt:

exactrly...and it didnt help that the same guy stopped me last year...and my grandma works at the station in this town...that got my bike back for free :D

but the cop was an asshole and i also figured hed let me go like he did the first time...he musta had a bad doughnut or somethin

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