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Banshee Vs. Ds650 ?

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What would win, a stock banshee or a stick DS650?

u mean stock ds-650 .. depends on the rider.. the banshee should win but the ds can beat a banshee.. really that question is who is a better rider , who weighs more, ect ect there are too many factors involved..

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I got beat up a hill a few times by one. I dont know if it was stock or what, never stoped and talked to him. He had to be only like 150 maybe 160 compared to my 240 #s. Came real close to beating him though. I think he was piped for shure but what else I'm not shure.

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DS650 are fast in stock trim. A stock banshee can not beat one. Unless the guy on the Ds is a ready bad rider or weights 300 pounds. I ride with one all the time and he beats stock banshee's all day. I ride his all the time and their a blast! When you take off its hard to keep the front end on the ground, just the opposite of the shee. They also have the best top speed of all the stock quads. You put pipes on the shee and its a different story.

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