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Check Out The Bansheehq Chat Room


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That's the link. Even if nothings going on at the time you go.. .stay logged in so we know it's getting used.


Here is one piece of instruction you will need to follow. After the you've accepted the pop up (if you get one) and the window is open you have to click on #bansheehq just below the area you type your messges. Nothing will happen but keep following these instructions.


Click #bansheehq

Then type your username in the area you would type your message

Then hit enter.


That's it. Your nickname will pop up instead of guest and you're set to chat. It does get slow, but if you're online, just stayed in the chat room and you'll be able to see whatever has been talked about.

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Yup, as usual a great time in there last night. Sat back, had a few brews, a cigar and shot the shit for an hour or so. Great job FixitRod, thanx for the link. Just goes to show why this site is so freaking outstanding, a great group of people. Hopefully talk to you all soon. B)



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when I go there the screen and everything pops up, I can read everything that enveryone is typing but when I try to type it does 1 of 2 things. 1 it does nothing at all.........2 it says no such nick. How do I get my nickname in there??


Can someone please PM me!!!!!!! I would realy like to get in there!!!!!!!!

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got1; when it first loads there's a blank box towards the bottom, that's where you type your name (and it changes "guest898345" or whatever in the pane on the right to whatever name you entered). Then you just type in that same box...


BUT I think there's a java applet or something that has to be downloaded first, unless you use mirc, but I'm completely ignorant on such things so hopefully someone else can help you out...


Yep, it was great talkin' to you guys last night, will someone get this thread PINNED so it's easy for everyone to find the link?????


I should be on around 6-7pm MST every day until Roostfest, and hopefully semi-regularly after that...

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i dont have Java.  anything java related I cant participate.  how\where do I get java.  i have win xp installed.  and there's no way in hell im using mirc.

wtf is wrong w/ mIRC? Its ALL I use and have never had a problem with it.

To use the java chat and Windoz XP, you will need to install 2 java programs.

The 2 java applications you need I have uploaded to my site. They are the bottom 2 files.


They are named Jerry1 and Jerry2

Install the second one first and then the other.... All you will need to make sure you have all the java files needed with windoz XP. You are now adble to do anything w/ java related sites. For some unknown reason Mickysoft never included any java files/applications w/ windoz XP or 2000



You could be typing in the box/window that is used to change your nickname. Do not type your text into the nickname box....

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