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Kehein PWK 35 heavy pull?


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Did a search and could'nt find anything. Do these carb's have a real heavy pull? They are alot bigger than stock so im assuming this is normal. The spring's look like they are sitting down in the slide correct but damn the throttle is heavy. I also have a new cable on and lubed up. If this is how they are, is there anything to improve this to make it lighter or do I just have to suck it up lol.

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I have them with my Duncan 403 Eliminator motor. They were very stiff for me too. Drove me nuts!


When I asked one of the Duncan crew about it they suggested going to a twist throttle. I can't stand twist myself....tried it several different times....just not for me.


When I asked about shortening the springs they said it was a bad idea becasuse if you shorten them too much your slides could potentialy stick open. Their suggestion was to slide each spring over the proper sized wooden dowel and very carefully sand the exterior of the spring evenly with a real fine grit sand paper.


I attempted to do this and it was way too much of a PIA for me. I ended up simply shortening each of the springs. I made two attempts at it in stages to be carefull. My first attempt I took off about 25% of each spring length. They were still a bit stiff for me at that. I think that I took off another 15% or so after that and stayed there. This made a considerable difference on the overall for me.....and so for for about 18 months I have had zero trouble with the slides sticking....they still snap back plenty hard imo and evenly every time and difference for rideability was great for me. Hope this helps.

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just cut a couple loops off of each spring. problem solved.


That doesnt really fix it. It doesnt matter if you cut it off. If a spring is compressed by 50 lbs of pressure cutting coils off just shortens the spring. It will still take 50 lbs of pressure to compress. You need a spring that is made up of thinner wire, and has less tension.


If you needed your shocks softer you can't just cut a coil off. It will just make it bottom out faster, lower the ride hight, it will still be just as stiff.


I run the FAST EZ pull springs.


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That doesnt really fix it. It doesnt matter if you cut it off. If a spring is compressed by 50 lbs of pressure cutting coils off just shortens the spring. It will still take 50 lbs of pressure to compress. You need a spring that is made up of thinner wire, and has less tension.


If you needed your shocks softer you can't just cut a coil off. It will just make it bottom out faster, lower the ride hight, it will still be just as stiff.


I run the FAST EZ pull springs.



Just to be clear, those lighter springs from Fast will work on the PWK 35 carb's?

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That doesnt really fix it. It doesnt matter if you cut it off. If a spring is compressed by 50 lbs of pressure cutting coils off just shortens the spring. It will still take 50 lbs of pressure to compress. You need a spring that is made up of thinner wire, and has less tension.


If you needed your shocks softer you can't just cut a coil off. It will just make it bottom out faster, lower the ride hight, it will still be just as stiff.


I run the FAST EZ pull springs.


To a certain degree you are right...it just shortens the spring...but as the spring compresses it gets stiffer. I found on my carbs the springs are under quite a bit of pressure once you install the carb tops. IMO there is simply way more spring length than needed. By shortening the spring length you reduce the amount of pressure on the slides from idle to wot...plus it makes it much easier to adjust the needles too. With the factory length it is more difficult to remove the throttle cable from the slides. With the shortened springs it becomes much easier in my experience.

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I have a keihn 35mm on my blaster and it has a hard pull but it got looser over time and I kinda like it lol!

Don't think I could ever get to like pulling two 35's with the way they are. lol

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