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Everything posted by Meat_Head

  1. Thanks guys , now I hope Ill find some time next winter to clean this thing real good and post new pics of it with the T-REX engine and the +4 swing-arm. Dont worry tree shooter there are alot of Bashees outhere that look better than mine.
  2. Meat_Head


    Why would anyone want to trade a set of cylinders that still have good bores left in them for some that are pretty much done? Going for a big bore? How about this if you want to go big bore, you sell your good cylinders for a decent amount and buy a thrashed set for close to nothing.You can then put the money you made while doing so towards buying what you will need for the big bore set up... United Pot Smoker, maybe if I put it this way you will see where I am going...Let's say you are about to light up one of your joints and some guy comes along with one of his own but this guy's spliff is pretty much done, maybe a couple of puffs left but not much more.He asks you if you would be willing to trade your stuff for his straight up no questions asked, after thinking about it for a lil while you finally agree to the trade.The other dood then asks you why you did so, your answer goes like this "Well man, after giving it some thoughts I realized my smoker wasnt as big as It should have been so I might as well get rid of it and get myself a bigger roller"...See how it makes no sense.
  3. I think NYUK's clutch is slipping a lil.
  4. Man forget about all that billet stuff and join the Cirque du Soleil...
  5. Thanks but I think Im gonna keep it for now.
  6. Meat_Head


    Definitely the worst controllers design ever but it was still fun at the time.
  7. Thats fine Brooke I wasnt implying anything, was just a lil curious.
  8. I have been following this for a while now and even though I dont think much of politics in general (just to be polite because all politicians stink if you ask me), this thread is pretty awsome. There is one thing though, a couple of weeks ago Collin Powell was on Meet the Press and when asked by Tim Russert if WMD had been found in Iraq he said no.Now I am not taking any sides here but just want to know if they have been found or not??? Some of you say they have been found while Mr Powell says otherwise, whats the deal here?
  9. Meat_Head


    How about a set of Cheetah cylinders + an old Kubota tractor for your cyls, deal???? In case my offer aint good enough I can also add my high tech 2 bits Intellivision game console to the mix, one of the controllers aint working though.
  10. Possibly Id need some good close up pics of your cover though, Im no Raptor expert so I am not too sure what their cover looks like...
  11. 75$ to do a cover like this but since you are on the west coast and I live like 3000 miles away from you...You either sell your cover and buy mine or you polish your cover yourself.
  12. Noob, glad you like my work. I was thinking the same when you were posting pics of your insane fenders...
  13. Lol, I mean the next day...UPS can be pretty fast but it comes at a price, I only use it when I need something real quick and cant find it anywhere else.
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