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Everything posted by 89Steeda

  1. Cubs= 90+ HP and 50+ ft. lbs. 4 mill
  2. You have to purge the alcohol out everytime you store your bike, like for the night. You use twice as much fuel. Although you are getting it cheaper. The exhaust smells good but burns your buddy's eyes. And the other drawback is that you get a 10 - 15% increase in power.
  3. This is so cool that you guys are looking out for one another. We need to set up a nationwide network to get the bad guys.
  4. When I go to the paint store to buy the toluene. What is it called. I mean, what is the trade or brand name to ask for. When I ask them, I get a dull stare. They think i'm gonna go cook some meth or something.
  5. You can heat the extracter with a torch till it glows. After it cools, the extractor will now be of a softer metal, not like the super hard metal you are trying to drill now. Not sure what this does to the strength of your frame though.
  6. I busted a nut in the back of my Bronco in high school a few times. If I could just get the wife back there now.......Oops, wrong forum.
  7. I'd compare them to CPI. Real close. Never tried the Rockets, so I can't compare them. With my highly trained ear, the Shearers are a touch louder than CPI. Might have just been me.
  8. Northwest sleeve resleeved my CR250. Great job. Just thought I'd thank them.
  9. The going price for stock pipes on e-bay may have just gone up. I wish I still had my stock pipes around. Would be fun to pull the Shearers and slap a set of stockers on and go race. After rejetting of course.
  10. Sleeper????? Mine stick out like a sore thumb. Can't really hide them. Should have at least painted them black.
  11. I bought a 120 and cut 2 links off just yesterday.
  12. I soaked the studs with penetrating oil overnite. Then hit the case with heat. First one came out just fine. Second twisted then broke. Got the studs at the dealer. Same size as the 2 rear center cylinder studs.
  13. I'll second the stud extenders. Just spent an hour drilling.
  14. Kinda funny, I don't think Calvin has a 10mm Cub cylinder out yet. Just stock,4 and 7mill.
  15. I'm runnig a Noss head right now and love it. But you should also look at the White Knuckle head. Its a one piece head, not as many o-rings. Less to go wrong. Looks cool too. But the Noss has never failed me yet.
  16. Check out the White Knuckle intakes.
  17. So your saying you are the new owner of the company, Rocket Pipes? Is Minkia still with them?
  18. I have to drive by this guy's house every day on my way to and from work. The day he (they) got busted, there were no less than 7 City, sherrif and state cop cars (and trucks) at his house. They had everything he owned (or didn't own) layed out in the front yard. Went through the house with a fine toothed comb.
  19. I was always under the impression that I could take any year CDI and change the plug to whichever Banshee I had and it would work. Now I was told that the later models(aftermarket) will not work on the 87. Whats the scoop?
  20. Who makes the best clutch springs. I don't care how hard it is to pull the clutch in. I just need springs with the most holding power till I get a lockout clutch.
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