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  1. Have somebody pumping the lever and look closely at the rubber hoses at the caliper, if they are old they can expend and thats why you are losing pressure on the first aplication of the break. Ive seen it many times on cars and trucks.
  2. 3

    What is this?

    That is terrible, i cannot believe somebody bought that kit unless it is the brain behind that concept :: I thought it was pretty funny to look at but maybe i shouldnt have posted it here, i just hope nobody else will buy one of these.
  3. What offset you guys are running on +2 a arms ? i am shopping for new wheels and i am not sure of the offset that will work the best. I understand the advantage of the 4/1 offset but i would like to take full advantage of the wider front end. Let me know what you are running up front. I am not racing if that could help. thanks David
  4. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Bans...090476805QQrdZ1 Found that today and i was thinking to post it and let you see it. Who is going to be the first one to try it?? Im telling you, thats in not going to be me.
  5. Pictures please Is it PT Mid pipes??
  6. Ok i find the good info on Silver Lake :biggrin: http://www.michigan.gov/dnr/0,1607,7-153-1...34760--,00.html
  7. Hey bud, let me know if you find a porting place in Ontario or Canada. I made some research but didnt found anything. David
  8. I buid a plate and bolt it on the tube that is right in front of the base of the radiator with U bolt. It is temporary until i repaint my frame, then i will weld a new plate on the same spot.
  9. I live in Greenwood, Nova-Scotia and Spike too. I am always open to traveling and roadtrips and we already talking about a trip to the state. Maybe i will look stupid but wich one of the 10 Silver Lake in the states you are talking about? Massachusetts? its fesable from N-S.
  10. One more thing, maybe that will make more sens, i moved up everything up front, CDI/regulator. Thats why i chopped down a lot of wires.
  11. I think you didnt understand or maybe its my bad english :biggrin: What i try to explain is, you strip the whole thing down, keep all the wires that you need and when you are at the point of cutting them down to the length you want you use one of the connector that you removed and weld it at the end of those wires. Then heatshrink it and tape it all up and thats done.
  12. As you striping it down you can keep a good lenght of wire with the connectors and reused them while rebuilding the arness. Weld them on the arness. Yes it will mess up the color code but when you have striped one up you know what wire do what but the good thing is that you will have a arness that you can remove and leave all the component in place. My .02 cents
  13. Dont forget about me i want two of both :thumbsup:
  14. If it change with the RPM maybe its the voltage regulator?
  15. yeah ill try too, got to make it smoother and nicer before :thumbsup:
  16. Dont worry guys i didnt bought that jet. I wish i have a shop like yours around here Jeff, but that is not the case. So i have to look around eBay, the net and the for sale forum and try to find the better deal without having to pay to much for shipping or being rob by UPS. But the worst part is that the Yamaha dealer is at 20 minutes drive and they dont know anything, I had to explained them what is a TORS and I think they are still trying to figure out what it is. Anyways, i am getting better at searching and try to buid some good connection in the states. have a good day guys
  17. 3

    Who build those?

    Thanks bud, they where on eBay and they went to expensive for me for unknown arm at the times, maybe we will see someone with them on here.
  18. Ok thank for all your replys guys, i guess i will try these 15 something inchs shocks if i can get them for a good price. Nothing like trying by ourself :thumbsup:
  19. Half an inch or 3/4 of an inch is not a lot if you put it on this long of a a arm, you are sure that it will damage the ball joint??
  20. Do i have missed something or i am just not stupid? I went to the dealership, Honda thats all i have around here, to buy some jets for my single carb to make sure i have everything i need when i will install it. The guys looked in the book then on the computer and main 185 is not available. He goes'' im gonna check in the HRC kit if i have a 185 for you''. When i came back he told me that the jet cost 12$ !!! How they justified that 10$ more for the same stupid jet? Did HRC honda manifactered their jets at 0.0000001'' tolerances or what ? No wounder their upgrade kit cost so much. I had to bitch agains it, you i fell better now.
  21. I aint no expert either :beer: but for sure it will make the front end sit higher. What i really want to know is if its going to work good with a +2+1 a arms set. Any expert or someone who tried it???
  22. Ok i already know that a stock front shock is 14,5 inchs long. My question is can we play a bit with that, can i put a 15 or 15 1/4 inch long front shock on a none LT a-arms? Will it work and just sit a bit taller and/or sag a bit more?
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