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Everything posted by Duner440

  1. No, its not everywhere. Its mainly at the bottom of some of the smaller dunes. Just make sure you ride along the top edge of the dunes before you dive in. Also you want to ride the edge whenever you go over the top so you can look for witch eyes. Those things hurt - just ask jeepman380.
  2. I will be out there with a big group around the same time. We will have to hook up and do some riding. The place is awesome. Just watch out for lava rock and witch eyes.
  3. Oh, also jeepman380. Sorry Strube, you friggin rode with me all day and I forgot to list you!
  4. I had an awesome time on Saturday. I got up at 1:40 a.m. and headed to the dunes at 3:00 a.m. It rained up untill about 5 miles east of Waynoka and then the sun came out. That is when I knew it was going to be a good day. Called Jeff to see if he was up yet and let him know that we were in town. I met and saw a few members while I was there: FASTOYS, bansheestang, trueraiderfan, camatv, wesw, bansheefreak, AnCieNt1, and Goenslow. If I missed anyone I am sorry. I wish bigboybanshee would have held out one more day so I could meet him and see his bike but I understand. I will post some pics and vids here in a little bit.
  5. Woooohoooo! crbanshee for president!! :beer:
  6. I've got a spot but I am still up in the air as to if I am going or not.
  7. woodro - I agree with you 100% Damn, this thread got kinda intense didnt it? All over a set of beautiful boobies! Lee, I dont think that anyone was really taking this too seriously. I know I wasnt. I dont think its that big of a deal and I definitly understand your point of view. I am on this site all day and then when I get home at night I get on it. I have a 6 year old son that, if he saw that, I am sure he would have said something. I wouldnt necessarily shield him from it, but I am sure some parents dont appreciate it. I have found myself here at work, looking at some posts that if someone is in my office I have to scroll down pretty quick in order for them not to get the wrong idea of what I am looking at. In my opinion I didnt think bansh-emans sig was out of line but I can see where a person in your position needs to take complaints seriously. Thats just my .02 and I am done.
  8. Free bump for some good prices. I wish I hadnt bought my a-arms already. Those babys would be sold!
  9. I dont know which is funnier, the fact that you actually took the time to post that or the fact that a couple of people are taking you seriously! Way to go 2bzy2p! But seriously, is black plastic faster? :laugh: :yelrotflmao: :yelrotflmao:
  10. Amen! Me and my brothers used to get our asses beat when we screwed up. When a kid screws up, and I'm not talking about something little, they need to be punished in a way that they will remember it so that when they are about to screw up again, they will think about the punishment. My two cousins grew up in a house that their parents did not believe in spanking. When they got into their late teens they walked all over their parents. I thank my parents for being hard asses to me and I wouldnt have had it any other way. It tought me respect and it tought me right from wrong. In my opinion that is what is lacking in kids these days. LONG LIVE THE BELT!!!!!!!
  11. Paper, rock, scissors would probably be the most professional way to decide who gets it!
  12. So, what you guys are trying to say is, that I am not going to recieve my half of the inheritance from the son of the slain king of Zimbabwe? Son of a bitch, I already started buying stuff! :woot:
  13. Nice kill! At least you got the $40 bucks from him.
  14. He sold me some games for my son. Great price, fast shipping, great items. Thanks again.
  15. I posted that I needed a-arm dust caps for my new a-arms. He PMd me quickly and sent them out. They look great. Thanks again.
  16. If we cant have a set of bouncing swirling boobies in our signatures then I guess the terrorists have won! :shrug:
  17. Mullet Man - I dont think he is interested in doing that but I will run it by him and let you know. bansheeryder_69 - I will let you know.
  18. Ok, this deal is a no go. The guy brought the bike in to where I work so Jeff could check it out. When Jeff went to start it, it felt like it had pretty much no compression. When he got it started the motor was knocking like crazy. It sounded like it had marbles in the motor. I dont know what the owner did to this thing but it ran great when I rode with him last summer. I could have kicked him in the balls for even trying to sell this bike the way it is right now. For now, I think he is going to get his Banshee together and then get the Blaster fixed. Once it is fixed it will be for sale again. bansheeryder_69 I left a message on your phone last night to let you know what was going on. I want to say sorry to anyone that was interested in this bike. It will be reposted when it is fixed.
  19. Well, I hope everything goes ok for you guys. My wife lost one before she had our first son and lost another before she had our second.
  20. Congrats! Is this your first? My wife just had our second back in November. There is nothing quite like it. I wouldnt trade being a dad for the world. :beer:
  21. I like it! I am into VWs. I have a '66 and a '67 bug. I would like to have this but I dont have anything to offer to you. Not only that, I am not going to Washington to pick it up. Good luck on the trade/sale. :thumbsup:
  22. Cool, I will be following Jeff down for a Saturday only trip. I will definitly swing by.
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