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Everything posted by chase73

  1. Are you willing to meet halfway I live in mass ??? the only thing thta worries me is the crank and the fact that suzuki has nical plated cylinders that means it cant be bored just replated
  2. I spoke to the guy that was selling grills on ebay for $10.00 and I asked about new deals and what are the chances of Bansheehq members can get discounts and deals.He not only said yes but, he wants to advertise on the forum here is a clip of his email to me.
  3. tats4life, what needles are you running with your 28mm setup ??? I got mine through CT racing last year and they told me that they have to use different needles. Do you know the size needles you are running ????
  4. hummmm C'mon screamin that's diggin a little deep making accusations like that it made absolutely no sense !!! are you retaliating against me because I have voiced my opinion on the moderating situation ? I started this topic to let everyone voice their opinions on the moderator issue and you get scared and pull the bullshit card by saying I am on a mission to tear apart HQ. Did I hurt your feeling's? To the above comment FU
  5. Hey all I spoke to the guy who is selling the grills and I asked him about some new deals for the people from bansheehq he had this to say
  6. It would be nice to get a spell check and or a grammer check. I know I slip all the time and just say f*ck it !! how about it lee is this possable??
  7. what member did you buy them from ???? and is it a true 420 or is it used with a 4mm stroker crank to get the 420 and who did the port work ?? was it ported correctly for the 4mm ?????
  8. screamin you are the one I have the most concern about. Ohhh and the crybaby statement Its not crying about mods its showing concern for the site maybe you dont understand that and thats just one more reason to have concern about mods like you
  9. Edited because I want to be like a MOD The site has been fine for as long as I can remember it did not need mods it is the begining of the end of a great forum
  10. your lucky to get 2000-2500 if it is all tricked out blasters are a dime a dozen sorry bill you wasted your dough on that ride why dont yu keep it for a year or so then try and sell it atleast get some use out of it
  11. LOL I have raced a expernced rm 250 rider his bike was piped thats it and we were even so If his is moded like ported and shit forget it. My bike is tricked out 2 ported and all the bolt on shit there is
  12. Ok this is from experence with the templates !!!! They do make a difference when done correctly but , you need to shave head .030 or get a cool head and advance timing +4 . The only thing that the templates do is hog the hell out of the intakes and hit the exhaust a little . I really noticed a huge difference with the vito's SUPER STOCK pistons because with the extra exhaust port change the pistons add . My conclusion if you really want MX style porting do not do the race logic porting its easy to remove the metal but its really dam hard to replace it. The most power is made from the transfers not the intakes the intakes dont make that much its just the most noticable and viewable after a port job. The Banshee's biggest problem is the transfers very poorly designed and are the hardest to do. I would suggest saving your money and letting a profesional do it like maybe Dan from Patroit racing or Tyson racing or Passion RE I have heard some good things about nim Blue Duece is having his done now mine are with Dan .I will add one more thing if you really have your heart set on doing it yourself like I did if you call up and ask race logic or email them they will tell you how to modify transfers it is part of the kit the dont give you unless you ask . Read the manual it explains this !!!!!!!!
  13. Has anyone tried to use the yz490 clutch I am pretty sure some people switched to that setup you may want to look into it I just started to veiw the topic today adn my first guess was the clutch 2 from experence . Ask Dan what clutch is best he runs high HP engines I have heard about the yz490 clutch being used but stiffer springs will work. just get a ez pull lever like the raptor one and u will be fine
  14. race logic port work does work ok I did it to mine and a few other sets of cylinders but, the biggest thing it changes is the intake ports so if you want to get a MX style port job done in the future I would think twice about doing the race logic style port. The spot where a lot of power can be made is the poorly designed transfer ports and that race logic teplate does not touch them . Just a thought !!!!!!1
  15. lol I was just looking at your name bronco91.I just totaled my 1991 bronco last week got cut off and hit retaining wall
  16. hoodlums I take offence to that I just think the forum has been going for 3 plus years now without Mods why fix somthing that aint broken. I dont need to hear to improve it either because the only improving needed around here was the updated website and maybe a spelling check would be nice Its funny the 2 guys that are Mods are the ones to reply to this AHHAHAHAHA
  17. Read his feed back he bought a item of ebay . It was a how to make 2000 plus a month from ebay manual. What a dick
  18. I believe that those screws are philips head correct ? if so use a impact screwdriver the kind you can get at the auto store or sears for 20 bucks great addition to tool box. You hit it with a hammer and it impacts it out ussally works 99% of the time
  19. tloc thats the owners man you get with the bike not the repair manual. what one are you asking for ????? there was a pdf version of the repair manual floating around here somewhere. aim me and I will try to file transfe it to you
  20. Thanks all I used the impact and a rag ad it worked great one of the screws underneath that holds the clip that hold the gears was snaped off so I removed old stub and got new bolt. I am going to go threw the whole bottom end and modify the shift star while I am there
  21. yeah I guess it would be good in some ways what happened with it did it get voted in I havent heard a thing since it was mentioned????? I am hoping to have my bike ready in few weeks
  22. yup its most likely the top end . When doing the top end on the banshee its ussally the best way to do the whole thing both sides even if you think the other side is good atleast rerig it and hone the cylinder but if one piston went most likely you need it bored out anyway so you really haev to do the whole top end . What made you just do one side ????? it was only like 50 bucks more to do them both ???
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