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Everything posted by enFORCER

  1. Now that is some interesting language. But the question leaves me a bit confused. Its it Cultural, Ethical or Spiritual?
  2. Perhaps their is a bit of misbehaving on both sides, and some peoples views are clearly more radical than others. Hmmm, and come to think of it. I've never really been a Saint myself. :beer:
  3. I don't really care if anyone thinks I'm going to Hell for not believing as "they" do. I have never disrespected anyone's faith, or views. I believe that is a path one must find his or her own way on. However reading this thread just proves that religious bigotry and intolerance is alive and well today. It's clear some people feel wronged just because they can't force their views on the rest of us.
  4. How did the dogs or slots in the side of the gears look like? If they are worn, they can cause this. Like CadillacBanshee said, check the clutch as well. Worn shift drum groves can cause this too.
  5. It is just an observation.
  6. As I read this thread, it has become clear to me that this discussion is not about one's own beliefs and faith, but that of Religious Fundamentalist. Fundamentalist regard themselves as the guardians of righteousness, as soldiers of the truth. Through out the history of man, these fundamentalist are the fuel that fired many of the crusades, wars, and atrocities of the past and present. And still today man bares the wounds and scars of these fundamentalist. Fundamentalists are nothing new however, they are as old as religion it self. They can be abrasive, angry, mean, closed minded, judgmental and downright ignorant. But do not be confused, they are not true representatives of any of the faiths for which they claim to speak. I say that because every major religion has had its share. Fundamentalist Muslims have made many non-Muslims fear that religion, and yet the Muslim faith, at its core, remains a peace-loving faith. Fundamentalist Jews have made many non-Jews fear that religion, and yet the Jewish faith, at its core, remains a peace-loving faith. And Fundamentalist Christians have made many non-Christians fear that religion, and yet the Christian faith, at its core, remains a peace-loving faith. It's only when Fundamentalists are not keep in check and allowed to gain political power that their existence is a threat to mankind. In just my life time, these people of "God" have caused most of the problems that the world is dealing with today. Lets take for instance, The Islamic Revolution that took over Iran in 1979, killing thousands of nonbelievers. This was lead by Muslim Fundamentalists (people of God). The bullets that killed Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi were shot by Sikh Fundamentalists. The bullet that killed Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was shot by a Jewish Fundamentalist. The Crusades against the Moors, killing hundreds of thousands of "heretics" in the process, was mounted by Catholic Fundamentalists. Terrorism against American targets around the world is launched by Islamic Fundamentalists. Terrorism against the minority Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland is launched by British Protestant Fundamentalists. And now, in the United States, there is a growing fear of legislative and physical abuse against our human rights, led of course by Holier than thou American Fundamentalists. The real issue with these people is not their specific faiths. It's their addiction to thinking they are right. It's an addiction to believing they have a cornered the market on truth. And anyone who dare think otherwise is just "dust in the wind" or something else as equally stupid. In other words, it's an addiction to a "made-truth," that is, to a belief that the truths they've created in their minds are indeed absolute truths and that everyone else must be made to believe the same or face the consequences.
  7. I have a +12 rear swingarm. I still needed a bar. And this is on sand.
  8. You need a wheelie bar to take full advantage of a 10 mill.
  9. I had one. A KLX110, sold it about 2 months ago....
  10. Congratulations on getting the Banshee! :thumb:
  11. Well, your friend may have been Pentecostal. If he was, he is known as a "Holy Roller." It is common for Pentecostal Christians to speak in tongues (the moaning you heard). And they believe that when "The Holy Spirit" seizes them, they must roll over and over on the floor and twitch in an uncontrolled manner. This must have been very exciting to experience first hand. And it obviously left a lasting impression on you.
  12. It's all good.... Happy 4th of July everyone :beer:
  13. Now why would anyone want to hang out on BT, when you have the best Banshee ATV site right here? :beer:
  14. Yep, Happy 4th. Hope they (the troops) all come home soon.
  15. Ah huh. Well, pardon me, I thought I was in the Roostin' Room, Dad.
  16. That's cool. I must have rubbed a little sand in your vagina huh? Because I don't remember saying anything to ya before. :yankyank:
  17. Hmmm well, I never really heard anyone say they didn't like me. :beer:
  18. I run Klotz Super Techniplate with alcohol. I run Klotz R-50 with gas. You can switch back to Klotz with no problem. The thing you don't want to do, is mix two different types of 2 stroke oils with the same gas. This is not good. But is does no harm to switch to a different 2 cycle oil.
  19. Hmmm, truth and understanding. Now that is an interesting concept. Little of which has been demonstrated here by either side. The English term "under-standing" means to be underneath reality. However, I can also understand TRUTH, which is the verbal mirror of material and transcendental reality. Just a few words from a man who believes the path is wide enough for us all to walk on.
  20. Congratulations on the new Banshee! You have just purchased one of the finest quads ever made. You can MX or drag, and anything in-between. Just remember, the more money you add, the faster it will go. So be careful! :beer:
  21. Well, there is a limit to how much the stock 26 mm carbs will flow, and you have probably reached that limit. You can pick up a set of 28 mm or 30 mm carbs at a reasonable price. I wouldn't go any bigger than 34 mm, because you will start to lose some bottom end power. That along with some clamp on filters should allow you to take advantage of your port work.
  22. enFORCER


    bad99banshee is not a Dick. He's just mentally retarded and beyond professional help. :yelrotflmao:
  23. Oh, is that the best you can come up with from your bag of witty comments? LOL. You know, your really starting to set a bad example for the other 9 year olds on here.
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