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whats a good all around tire


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i know there is so many tires out there, i run holeshot xcr's on my kfx 400.... love them. well my banshee has a +6 swingarm and as you all know shee's will spend the hell out of tires . im woundering what would be a good tire thats going to hook 4 me. this is more for grass(fields) and dirt roads(hard and soft).. this bike is pretty much used for drag racing ,i hat getting beat off the line because i sit there and spin.i have holeshot hd (bald as hell) right now,bald when i got the bike. u think i should just go with a set of pro wedges ,then to buy a set of holeshots or razrs ??? thanks for the help... .rico

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How do you take the knobs off? sander or a cutting tool? Also how is the wear when you cut off every other row of knobs? How smooth will the bike ride? And which are the best or either, knarlys or klaws?


I have a spare set of 10" rims and i run a lot of grass. What yall said about hooking up well on grass really caught my eye.


I am thinking about doing that if the answers are what i like and keeping my 19" holeshots for when i go ride on dirt.

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Tyler Clark told me about these tires & how to cut them. I used the Knarleys & cut off the short rows of knobs with a saws-all w/ a course wood blade. I used a copper tire patch wheel on a drill to smooth them off next to the tires carcass. I have ran them for a year now for grass & dirt drags & they hold up excellent, one tough tire. The ride is not bad, not nearly the bump like a paddle tire on hard pack or asphalt. I tried about every tire except paddle brats, trying to hook for drag races on dirt / grass & have found none to compare to this set up. Tire spin is greatly reduced, the launch to me is similar to sand starts.


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