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Too bad your way out there in the boonies, a good quality shop is getting hard to find.  What's the turn around time on a weldmen that consists of about 70,000 lbs of T1 entirely seal welded?  :P


Best wishes to your dad. Hopefully he will be able to keep your ass in line while he's down.



The turn around time would be 30 years.


Blaine, yes I think he is getting one of those machines to work his leg and knee around.

From what my uncle that had this done 8 months ago said he will actually wake up from surgery in this thing.

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Hey Stan my wife is a nurse on the orthopedic floor at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach. 90% of her victims are knee surgery peeps. If you've got any questions or anything just drop her an email and she'd be happy to help. She likes to keep her patients educated with all the treatments, drugs, etc. that they get. So really don't hesitate...





Oh and yeah he's gonna wake up with one of those machines flexing his knee. Helps keep everything working right and speeds up the healing process by making the knee act like a pump to squish all the surgery goo out of a drain that'll be coming out of his thigh. Incidentally you might try to get the catch basin that it drains into. Makes a gnarly jungle juice!

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Hey Stan my wife is a nurse on the orthopedic floor at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach.  90% of her victims are knee surgery peeps.  If you've got any questions or anything just drop her an email and she'd be happy to help.  She likes to keep her patients educated with all the treatments, drugs, etc. that they get.  So really don't hesitate...



Oh and yeah he's gonna wake up with one of those machines flexing his knee.  Helps keep everything working right and speeds up the healing process by making the knee act like a pump to squish all the surgery goo out of a drain that'll be coming out of his thigh.  Incidentally you might try to get the catch basin that it drains into.  Makes a gnarly jungle juice!


I was gonna update this actually....


He went to the hospital on tuesday at 11am, they wheeled him into surgery around 1:30-2:00pm, and I was at the hospital with my entire immediate family at 4pm when they wheeled him into his room from recovery. The whole operation took around 1.5hrs! I found a site online that went through the steps of this operation, and to be honest I'm really impressed with how its done.


Well, he was groggy as hell, had a spinal tap and couldn't piss, etc etc...We stayed for around 4 hours and left that night, and he was practically smashing his morphine button every 30 seconds. He couldn't remember that is was locked out to every 10 minutes.


The next morning he walked 18 feet for his first round of physical therapy. He said it was so painful he felt like passing out. After he did the 18 feet, it didn't really hurt that bad until he did a new movement. Then it was the same thing. It hurt like hell, then didn't.


He was supposed to come home friday at 4pm, and he came home TODAY at noon!

The doctor said he will be truckin around pretty good in 2 weeks, and should be able to come up here to the shop in about 4-6 weeks. He can't do any real work for a couple of months, but it won't be quite as bad as we were told it could be in the beginning.

I'm still up to my ass in work, but I'm only pulling 12 hour days. <_<


His knee is a little swollen, but it isn't that bad compared to his good knee.


He did have that device on his leg to keep it moving, and the therapists are coming to his house tonight to help him and my mom set one up. Then he has his scheduled PT a couple times per week for the next little while.


For being a surgery that intrusive, that intense, its amazing to see what can be achieved.


The part that kind of sucks is I read in a magazine about 2 months ago that there is a gene therapy being tested by the FDA right now for his type of ailment. Its an injection that will make your body grow new cartilliage in the knee, so a knee replacement won't be needed in some cases. Its about 5 years away though.


Oh well. He did say the only pain he has now is the muscle pain from the surgery. His knee doesn't hurt at all. Thats the part I'm really happy about. He was limping around the shop this last month like an LA gang member.

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That's great news Stan!! :clap::clap::clap:


Glad your pops made it through OK...knee surgeries are a really common thing nowadays. You'll be amazed at how quick he'll get back in the swing of things, and most importantly, he won't be in the pain he was before :)


Thanks for the update Stan, best wishes to your pops on a speedy recovery! :cheers:

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Glad to hear it Stan  :cheers:  for a speedy recovery.  Did the let you keep his old knee?  clean that thing up and put it on his desk at work.


Wallrat - the jungle juice comment was wrong.


Travis, thanks for the words! He's truckin along now. PT 2 times per day at his house.



No, we didn't keep the sawn off knee parts....I'm sure they weren't of much use. I guess I could have given it to my chocolate lab to gnaw on....


And yes...the jungle juice thing...

I didn't put this in my post from a couple days ago, but when my dad was wheeled in from recovery into his room, they emptied that damn collection bag 4-5 times. About every 45 minutes....the first time I about f7uckin puked.....

It was over a QUART...and they pour it into this open beaker looking thing and it sat there for a few minutes while they put the drain bag back on.....I was lurching pretty good....My older sister was already having issues from the "hospital smell". I guess she gets all woozy and naseated and has to sit down for a while.... then they have the damn bucket of chum sloshing around the room while we're all trying to bullshit and keep my dad company.....



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