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How pissed do the looters in N.O. make you

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I just think it's funny since pretty much, if not all, but a DAMN GOOD PERCENTAGE of the electronics people are ripping off WON'T WORK... they're either wet, or damaged, or crushed. or the idiot stealing it will trip over a dead body or a tipped over fruit stand and drop the shit into the water anyways...


ghad, what have people become? If i were there, living in some apartment in New Orleans... I'd be hoofing it away from there...not sticking around looking for eBay'able items, waiting for the flood waters to consume me.


LOL ok, that shit's just funny. But it's a sick, sad situation overall.

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I just think it's funny since pretty much, if not all, but a DAMN GOOD PERCENTAGE of the electronics people are ripping off WON'T WORK... they're either wet, or damaged, or crushed. or the idiot stealing it will trip over a dead body or a tipped over fruit stand and drop the shit into the water anyways...


ghad, what have people become? If i were there, living in some apartment in New Orleans... I'd be hoofing it away from there...not sticking around looking for eBay'able items, waiting for the flood waters to consume me.


LOL ok, that shit's just funny. But it's a sick, sad situation overall.



I know exactly what you're saying. WTF are they going to do with a TV full of water and now where to plug it in, and no where to even STORE IT??


Idiots. Seriously though. Its time to start dumpin on them. Causing mayhem in a state emergency should warrant that. Me and my dad were talking about how just about the only thing here that could cause that much problems would be a major earthquake. Got to be able to protect whats yours, and even though you aren't there, its still yours and it should be there when you get back.



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Well you guys were all on the right track but havent yet realized the correct treatment of the Looters... they still are useful human beings you know ,

because after you shoot them in the head they can be stacked up on the levee

to fill the gap ! so in the end they can serve an actual purpose.


So if you are caught stealing and its not a can of beans. water, or baby formula,

just drown yourself and save our ammunition , a boat will be along promptly to put your stupid ass on the pile.

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Well you guys were all on the right track but havent yet realized the correct treatment of the Looters... they still are useful human beings you know ,

because after you shoot them in the head they can be stacked up on the levee

to fill the gap ! so in the end they can serve an actual purpose.


So if you are caught stealing and its not a can of beans. water, or baby formula,

just drown yourself and save our ammunition , a boat will be along promptly to put your stupid ass on the pile.



youre a freakin genius man

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As a former homeowners insurance claims rep, I have to agree with Lee and the other folks who said that most of this crap is never going to work or is straight up dangerous. The only things that will not be damaged by the water is the only stuff worth taking to begin with. And that really comes down to jewelry. Pretty much EVERYTHING else is going to be destroyed by the water or contaminated.

I would never condone stealing but most of the stuff that is being hauled away is going to end up in a landfill anyway. They might as well have these idiots who are going to risk their lives go in and help clean up. The only thing worth protecting is currency and jewelry and ofcourse the stuff that never got wet. Anything else touched by the water is history... especially if it's insured. I've seen people who get all emotional about their belongings after a flood and it's really sad. They want to make someone pay {suffer} for their loss. When even if they are un-insured, the ONLY things they should salvage are canned goods, bottled water, sealed medications and DRY clothes and bleach or chlorine. And after that, wait for the dozers and pray that some government agency will offer some money for the loss. All you accomplish by wading thru the sewage, chemicals and rotting matter is making yourself sick, more open to injury and exhausted.


And if any of you guys are out of work and know how to do construction estimates and can handle eating prison food and working in HEAT and stench, go to your nearest major insurance claims center and ask how to apply for "storm" or "CAT" duty. The money is OUTSTANDING but you work 24-24. There will also be catastrophy companies already en-route to contract with the insurance companies. You can easily make thousands of dollars a week with per-diem expenses paid and bonuses.

Some of the larger companies are...


Paul Davis Systems

Service Master


and there are others.

Come to think of it, it will be alot like going to Iraq but the pay will be MUCH better.

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Me and my dad were talking about how just about the only thing here that could cause that much problems would be a major earthquake.




That would the some shit if they were to have a earthquake and it caused a sunami or some shit, or they may get luck and have some big ass crack open up and drain all the damn water out. IMO New Orleans is a dead city and all the local surrounding areas, it just seems stupid to rebuild something like that.

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The thing these people need to worry about, is getting out of there. Disease's are around the corner.Clean up on this isn't gonna be like some rain storm, it will take a long time, all the while, there will be bodies rotting and sewage seeping into everything. More are likely to die from this, then the storm it'self.

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All is well some have x-boxes, flatscreens, 9mm's and a case of Jack what more do they really need.


Dumbasses shooting at the people who are trying to help them and carjacking nursing home buses. They act like they are in a 3rd world country. It reminds me of the islanders who threw spears at the choppers that were dropping water and food after the tsunami. "Louisiana has forgot about us" "Louisiana is doing nothing for us" you're still alive so shutup and let them rescue others.

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IMO New Orleans is a dead city and all the local surrounding areas, it just seems stupid to rebuild something like that.



That's nuts, I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I mean, I know it WAS people's home, etc. but come on, rebuilding it would not be worth the hassle involved. It would be better to just help these people relocate and start a new life in a place that's not so "disaster prone". I personally would rather donate the money to help someone move and settle elsewhere than to donate towards rebuilding a city that's been COMPLETELY destroyed. :shrugani:


We'll just have Mardi Gras in Memphis on Beale St. :headbang:

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what in the hell is this country coming to? free country my fucking ass dude.. this shit just pisses me the hell off. Look at what we are paying for gas now...im in ohio 3.10 a gallon...WTF! i have no faith in this country anymore ...we've got people running around stealing shit that has no value to human life.. then we have others across the way fighting for our country? for what so we can continue to do this shit?



U.S.A. :flush:

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All is well some have x-boxes, flatscreens, 9mm's and a case of Jack what more do they really need.


Dumbasses shooting at the people who are trying to help them and carjacking nursing home buses.  They act like they are in a 3rd world country. It reminds me of the islanders who threw spears at the choppers that were dropping water and food after the tsunami.  "Louisiana has forgot about us" "Louisiana is doing nothing for us" you're still alive so shutup and let them rescue others.



I saw that too. They act like they are the only one.

500,000+ PEOPLE!!


How the fuck do they expect to help everyone all at once?


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How the fuck do they expect to help everyone all at once?



Even better is when you see the shelters and the people running them say they need more people to help, well let's see you've got like 5,000 people sitting in the area directly behind you put them to work serving food and handing out water. It's like they want you to fan them with palm leaves most of them are just as able as the people helping them. They are even starting fires in the superdome. It's a horrible situation but they are making asses of themselves.


Now they are saying they people are getting raped in the convention center????

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