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Smokers suck......


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This is awesome.


Its like the Jerry Springer show in text. :cheers:






:o:o Check this news report here in Dallas tonight on smoking... Maybe pimp just won the battle he somehow manipultated (sp?) a few states with Texas being one of them, CBS 11 news report "Getting Fired for Smoking at Work..". :o:o

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Hi everyone.  I am Pimp559's wife.  He has been all worked up over this thread about smoking, and I thought I'd drop in to take a peak.  I've never been on this board as I am usually way too busy to take time out from work to enjoy a little free time.  Anyway, I was shocked to say the least at some of your remarks towards me.  I mean, come on, if you want to bash my hubby, that's one thing.  To pull me into this is a completely different thing.  Why do you have to be so rude to innocent bystanders who have had nothing at all to do with it?  Specifically, Brooke, bogart, Blue Deuce, and superchicken.  I hope you feel good about yourselves bashing someone's PREGNANT wife and unborn child.  Please do not talk shit about me or my sweet little girl I am about to give birth to.  My hubby may have a hard time expressing his opinion w/out coming across brash or judgemental, but that doesn't mean you should say horrible, nasty things about me and our daughter to be.


I too do not agree w/ smokers puffing away around non-smokers, especially at a baby shower.  It is very rude.  That is why I took the time to put out "No Smoking Please" signs all around.  On the other hand, it is also hard to walk out to someone who is standing by their truck and ask them to put out their cig when they have just been very thoughtful and brought a very nice gift to your shower.  I think what hubby was trying to say is that it puts us between a rock and a hard place.  I mean, these people are our friends and do mean a lot to us, but I am not going to stand their and breathe in 2nd hand smoke so that it can be passed through my placenta into my babies womb.  It just really makes me sad that it is even an issue around them.  We do not spend a lot of time w/ them due to the fact that when we do it is like a smoke fest.  I mean maybe a cig here and there I could deal with, but these people smoke one after another after another.  It really does amaze me that they do not see that as rude. 


Anyway, I was hoping that I could jump in here and settle things down a bit.  Again, for those of you who said nasty things about me...thanks a lot....I really appreciate it.  You do not know me and you've really hurt my feeling by saying horrible things about my baby girl.  Maybe you all should take a step back and look at it from my eyes. 


Also, for those of you on the money kick, life is not all about how much money you have.  Yes, hubby and I live a very comfortable life, but we have also had NOTHING before and were just as happy.  We work very hard for the nice things that we have.  Money doesn't make you who you are....your family, friends, and how you choose to live your life is what it is all about.  So for those of you who do not have as much as "Blue Deuce" so what???  As long as you are happy and have loved ones, then you are just as rich as he.


I too am a LOVER of banshees.  I've ridden for several years and will raise my baby girl to be a banshee lover too.  It is sad that the first time I visited this forum I found so many nasty comments about me.  I'm not sure I'll invest too much more time here as I really do not want to be pulled into a childish name-calling match. 


Thanks for your time and please, please have a little respect for the non-present spouses and children of the members of this board. 


Thx for your time ~ A Lynn






Im dying, it was his crotch, and we all know that pimp is a TRANNY :jesterlaugh::rotflmao:

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goddamnit, i just read the "bigger man" post, we are all cool pimp, but hey not to start anything, but if i was pimp i would have made a fake poster name like that and said its my wife to defuse the situation, kind of a neat pimp conspiracy theory. It just seemed kinda fake to me thats all.But good thread everyone. Its nice to get my anger out sometimes. :D

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goddamnit, i just read the "bigger man" post, we are all cool pimp, but hey not to start anything, but if i was pimp i would have made a fake poster name like that and said its my wife to defuse the situation, kind of a neat pimp conspiracy theory. It just seemed kinda fake to me thats all.But good thread everyone. Its nice to get my anger out sometimes. :D




Want another conspiracy theory?


All of pimps' posts were riddled with typos/misspellings. His "wife's" were not. Then along comes the 'bigger man' post and whoa look! Homeboy got some hooked on phoenics n' shit. Either that or the mrs. said, "honey, go shoot up while I clean up this mess you made."



A Lynn ~ I think somebody needs to explain something to you:

Every person, when all things are considered (looks, job, intelligence, wit, car, grooming habits, vices, etc.) can be assigned a numerical value between 1 and 10. For the most part you're stuck pretty close to the number that nature dealt ya. For example if your ugly and stupid, you could make shitloads of money, have 20 exotic cars and you might be able to swing a 6 or 7 tops. Best guess from the little bit I've seen I'm thinking you're probably in the 6-7 range. Best guess again, I'm thinking Pimp is somewhere around a 3-4. Here's where the problem comes in. When dating, you can go 1 above or below your number. A 7 can get lucky and end up with an 8 and all is well. Likewise that same 7 could settle a little bit and go for a 6 and still be happy. Anytime you go more than one number away from your own, it won't work. Oh sure, you can do it for a little while, but in the end one person is gonna realize, "wtf am i doing with this dipshit?" Its unfortunate that you went so far as to have kids. But if you're dead set on making things work out with Pimp then more power to ya. Best advice I can give ya is figure out a way to lower your number a bit. Luckily having a kid will help with this.


Oh and one last thing before this post burns out. Guys, unfortunately SikGirl is a little bit goofy about showing herself on the net. Everytime she's posted a pic, she pulled em back down as soon as somebody didn't kiss her ass. Fortunately :evil: I saved em! :rotflmao: So here ya go everyone:












Edited by Wallrat
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All of pimps' posts were riddled with typos/misspellings.  His "wife's" were not.  Then along comes the 'bigger man' post and whoa look!  Homeboy got some hooked on phoenics n' shit.  Either that or the mrs. said, "honey, go shoot up while I clean up this mess you made."



I was thinking the same freakin thing....you can't learn to spell in a matter of hours :rolleyes:

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Hi everyone.  I am Pimp559's wife.  He has been all worked up over this thread about smoking, and I thought I'd drop in to take a peak.  I've never been on this board as I am usually way too busy to take time out from work to enjoy a little free time.  Anyway, I was shocked to say the least at some of your remarks towards me.  I mean, come on, if you want to bash my hubby, that's one thing.  To pull me into this is a completely different thing.  Why do you have to be so rude to innocent bystanders who have had nothing at all to do with it?  Specifically, Brooke, bogart, Blue Deuce, and superchicken.  I hope you feel good about yourselves bashing someone's PREGNANT wife and unborn child.  Please do not talk shit about me or my sweet little girl I am about to give birth to.  My hubby may have a hard time expressing his opinion w/out coming across brash or judgemental, but that doesn't mean you should say horrible, nasty things about me and our daughter to be.


I too do not agree w/ smokers puffing away around non-smokers, especially at a baby shower.  It is very rude.  That is why I took the time to put out "No Smoking Please" signs all around.  On the other hand, it is also hard to walk out to someone who is standing by their truck and ask them to put out their cig when they have just been very thoughtful and brought a very nice gift to your shower.  I think what hubby was trying to say is that it puts us between a rock and a hard place.  I mean, these people are our friends and do mean a lot to us, but I am not going to stand their and breathe in 2nd hand smoke so that it can be passed through my placenta into my babies womb.  It just really makes me sad that it is even an issue around them.  We do not spend a lot of time w/ them due to the fact that when we do it is like a smoke fest.  I mean maybe a cig here and there I could deal with, but these people smoke one after another after another.  It really does amaze me that they do not see that as rude. 


Anyway, I was hoping that I could jump in here and settle things down a bit.  Again, for those of you who said nasty things about me...thanks a lot....I really appreciate it.  You do not know me and you've really hurt my feeling by saying horrible things about my baby girl.  Maybe you all should take a step back and look at it from my eyes. 


Also, for those of you on the money kick, life is not all about how much money you have.  Yes, hubby and I live a very comfortable life, but we have also had NOTHING before and were just as happy.  We work very hard for the nice things that we have.  Money doesn't make you who you are....your family, friends, and how you choose to live your life is what it is all about.  So for those of you who do not have as much as "Blue Deuce" so what???  As long as you are happy and have loved ones, then you are just as rich as he.


I too am a LOVER of banshees.  I've ridden for several years and will raise my baby girl to be a banshee lover too.  It is sad that the first time I visited this forum I found so many nasty comments about me.  I'm not sure I'll invest too much more time here as I really do not want to be pulled into a childish name-calling match. 


Thanks for your time and please, please have a little respect for the non-present spouses and children of the members of this board. 


Thx for your time ~ A Lynn






So you too agree with 90% of the people posting here... Respect is not of the issue, just because some of us smoke doesn't make us any lesser of a person than those who don't. Yeah, it's a nasty habbit, but we still do it, and yes...we know it 'could' kill us. But telling us of the dangers of smoking doesn't mean you have a hand in our death and just being in the Marines doesn't mean shit for my freedom; hell I could go join today but that doesn't mean you're free because of me, see what I mean.? To each their own... :notworthy: to you for making that post & posting up your pic. ;):cheers: to all who have posted in this thread...it's the GD "roost'n room"....tis here for just this reason, therefore I haven't lost any sleep over this thread nor have I stopped smoking or hold anything against anyone who has posted on here---even though some pretty good low-punches have been thrown; but I have lmfao pleanty. :D



This is awesome.


Its like the Jerry Springer show in text. :cheers:









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Want another conspiracy theory? 


All of pimps' posts were riddled with typos/misspellings.  His "wife's" were not.  Then along comes the 'bigger man' post and whoa look!  Homeboy got some hooked on phoenics n' shit.  Either that or the mrs. said, "honey, go shoot up while I clean up this mess you made."

A Lynn ~ I think somebody needs to explain something to you:

Every person, when all things are considered (looks, job, intelligence, wit, car, grooming habits, vices, etc.) can be assigned a numerical value between 1 and 10.  For the most part you're stuck pretty close to the number that nature dealt ya.  For example if your ugly and stupid, you could make shitloads of money, have 20 exotic cars and you might be able to swing a 6 or 7 tops.  Best guess from the little bit I've seen I'm thinking you're probably in the 6-7 range.  Best guess again, I'm thinking Pimp is somewhere around a 3-4.  Here's where the problem comes in.  When dating, you can go 1 above or below your number.  A 7 can get lucky and end up with an 8 and all is well.  Likewise that same 7 could settle a little bit and go for a 6 and still be happy.  Anytime you go more than one number away from your own, it won't work.  Oh sure, you can do it for a little while, but in the end one person is gonna realize, "wtf am i doing with this dipshit?"  Its unfortunate that you went so far as to have kids.  But if you're dead set on making things work out with Pimp then more power to ya.  Best advice I can give ya is figure out a way to lower your number a bit.  Luckily having a kid will help with this.


Oh and one last thing before this post burns out.  Guys, unfortunately SikGirl is a little bit goofy about showing herself on the net.  Everytime she's posted a pic, she pulled em back down as soon as somebody didn't kiss her ass.  Fortunately :evil:  I saved em!  :rotflmao:  So here ya go everyone:













damn Brooke has some competition, those pics are bangin sik

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I did good...I still got the stills. :drool:  :D  :cheers:  :clap:

Still smoke'n... :shrugani:  This thread makes me wanna go spare another 7min of my life ever time I read it. :rolleyes:


do you mean stills as in the still photos? if so how about posting the shot of her bending over with what appears to be white panties with cherries on them (it's hard to tell for sure). yummy :drool: with brookes permission of course :cheers:

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