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ledofthezep needs some prayers

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Brandon, ledofthezep, has been in the hospital since Sunday with a staph infection in his lip. He does not know the severity of the infection but the doctors are concerned that the infection could spread to his brain and/or to other parts of his body. Yesterday morning around 11am the doctors at the current hospital started their final antibiotic treatment to help cure the infection. In about 15 minutes we will know whether or not the last antibiotic that they have to offer is working. If not, he will be moved to another hospital in Wichita. As much as he knows, the worst case scenario could be his lip being huge for a long time. He is being kept in the dark about the severity of the infection so he does not get stressed, which could cause more problems. I'm not sure that being kept in the dark is the best way to handle the situation but I also understand that more stress could lead to other problems.


Please pray for my best friend and your guys' friend as well!




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Damn, the past few months have been rough for this guy.  But like stated, hes tough and will pull through this as well.  :)


:headbang: "Right On"


Let him know, the HQ guys and me and April are praying for him Prest.

If there is anything you all need holla bro.



"It is always the darkest before you reach the light at the end of the tunnel."

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His girlfriend was lost first, then his job. He's havin a rough year so far. He's got good spirits, he'll pull though.



damn right he will!


preston... PLEASE tell led that im asking for him, and ill have a beer for him tonight! i did notice that there wasnt much posting going on by him.... im sure some of us here are missing his wity humour already! i know i am!


get well soon led!


tithead... :cheers:


edit: p.s, send led the pic of gonzoret`s avatar... that would cheer him right up!

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