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So called Assult Weapon ban over!

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Wow I'm amazed at what I just read. With the exception of 2stroker, you guys don't have a clue. My dad was an cop and worked undercover in East LA for about 10 years back in the day. Of those ten, he watched friends of his get mowed down by assault weapons on a regular basis. Lifting the ban, even out of state, makes it a whole hell of alot easier to get a gun. The majority of criminals aren't very smart. You see something you want so you take the shortest route to it. So you send out a group of 'kids' out of state, they break into the gun shops and steal the guns for ya. Apparently nobody remembers the all out gang wars that LA used to have, nobody remembers the drive by's with 8 dead civilians, 4 of them kids. That's great that you enjoy going out and shooting targets and using your weapon responcibly, but just realize that the price of that "freedom" is that a whole bunch of gang bangers are gonna have the same weapons, and they won't be pointing em down range at steel targets.

Maybe you don't have a clue. They could go to the gun stores last week and get an AR-15. Cabelas had about 15 different models last time I was there over a month ago. The weapons included in the ban are not capable of mowing anybody down full auto you have to pull the trigger every shot. The whole thing about the ban was it didn't stop production of these guns it only said they couldn't have certain combinations of features such as pistol grips, flash suppressors....


Go to any gun show and you can pick up any kind of assault weapon you want. And just so you know I've heard about many drive bys where I live over the last ten years they never stopped.

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Drive bye's in IOWA what did they do, throw corn. Its sad that people feel they have to arm them selves for protection. The days of sleeping with the window open are gone in most places. I really hate to think what the world will be like when my son grows up. Its changed so much in the short time I have been here. Just remember if someone cuts you off in traffic or bumps into you on the side walk, try being nice first before being an ass it will go a long way in most cases.

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Just remember if someone cuts you off in traffic or bumps into you on the side walk, try being nice first before being an ass it will go a long way in most cases.

Exactly. I've always been the "nicer" guy. And in those situations the person either didn't pay good enough attention to what they were doing, and all in all it was an honest mistake.


Its when someone deliberately invades my personal space in a threatening manner, attacks me verbally or is just being a general cock is when I have almost no chance of containing whats on my mind, and honestly I should stick up for myself. Drawing a gun should always be the last--VERY LAST--resort in any situation, and that situation should always be: Is this person/situation going to cost me my life? If the answer is yes, then I've made up my mind I don't want to die yet. I'll do what I can, and if I make it out alive great!!!! Bonus points.

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An AR-15 or comparable assult rifle is not a good"home defense weapon".A shotgun is still to this day the best in home protection.With some 00 buck your guarranteed to hit the mark,not to mention when you "rack" a shotgun,the sound is unmistakeable.


Self defense is a pretty hard case to contest,unless the person is in your home,late at night and uninvited.You can make a case all you want,but when its comes time to use it 99% of the people won't do it or will take wayy too long to decide what to do.Which will allow a criminal who has probably already shot a number of people gunn you down.No matter how much preparation you have,you can't prepare enough to take someones life.



For example,your coming from a downtown resturant late at night,A "hood" pulls a gun and asks for your wallet and wifes purse,you

A:give him the wallet and purse


B:Pull your gun and see who's quicker on the trigger


Scenario A may allow you and your wife to see another day with the loss of monitary items,Scenario B will result in you and possibly your wife being injured or killed.Over what?some money?A car?Imo its not worth it.I'll take a beating over death anyday.


I too believe its a last resort,but I would never be the first to whip it out,like I said I'm not doin time for nobody.

Edited by Nightrider
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self defence a shotgun is hands dwn the best choice for close quarters. but you still have to aim the shot wont spread until about 15 feet then it doesnt spread much. doesnt matter what you use if you know how to manipulate the trigger to the rear causing the wepon to fire without disturbing correct sight alingment and sight picture, then you will always hit your target!!!

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An AR-15 or comparable assult rifle is not a good"home defense weapon".A shotgun is still to this day the best in home protection.With some 00 buck your guarranteed to hit the mark,not to mention when you "rack" a shotgun,the sound is unmistakeable.

I wholeheartedly agree. My "self defense" comments were *not* aimed at assault rifles. My .45 goes with me into bad neighborhoods, and just out of town because I never know where I/we will end up. In the house, if I felt threatened, I'd have my pump 12 gauge loaded and ready but... I don't. Assault rifles themselves have no place in any defense situation in America.


Some valid points were made by others also... when it comes down to it, in a situation, how does one know the guy/gal isn't going to mug you and *then* kill you? Yeah, I would be willing to take a beating but when it comes to great (read: possibly fatal) bodily harm or emminent death, the rules change. When it comes down to it and you don't know what is about to go down... are you willing to chance your life and perhaps that of whoever is with you, to find out? I'm not.

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Drive bye's in IOWA what did they do, throw corn. Its sad that people feel they have to arm them selves for protection. The days of sleeping with the window open are gone in most places. I really hate to think what the world will be like when my son grows up. Its changed so much in the short time I have been here. Just remember if someone cuts you off in traffic or bumps into you on the side walk, try being nice first before being an ass it will go a long way in most cases.

No the drive by's aren't in Iowa, I only ride there because that's where I keep my Banshee plus my parents have a fairly large farm to ride on so it's good for me. I actually live in the twin cities and weekly someone is getting shot somehow. I would assume with the killings up here that California or New York are much worse. My point was that just about every gun shop since the ban has had plenty of assault weapons for sale it never stopped. The ban only made the ignorant feel better.


Last night I heard on the news about some older lady sitting in her vehicle at Home Depot up here and some guy came up to her and asked for directions then threw a small bucket of automotive paint stripper in her face burnt her face and chest up, for no reason just to do it. I wish that lady could have got a shot off at that guy but what was he afraid of it was an old lady who couldn't defend herself, he jumped into his SUV and drove away.


I'm not big on the self defense reasoning either, I'm for the right to do what you want as long as you don't affect someone else. If I were going to defend myself in my house I'd definately grab my 12 gauge but when I run empty I'm grabbin my AK. And if I really wanted to go out and kill someone I'd rather use my 30-06 at a couple hundred yards or so, not my AK.


Did anyone hear about the family that went to eat at Luby's in Texas and the daughter wouldn't let her dad take his gun inside then someone came in and killed them while they were in eating? I don't know too much about the above incident I heard it on the radio, I'd like to hear the specifics if you have them not sure when this happened either. But had the guy who killed them known that everybody in the place was packing he'd have had to have a big set of balls to try that.


Oh and the answer to Knightriders question always A, but if $#it hits the fan after, go down fighting you might as well die defending yourself as opposed to just die.

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I figured I'd get a few of you fired up. ;)

Don't worry I have a cabinet of "thundersticks" in my basement under lock and key. I don't need to carry one because I don't need a felony charge for shooting some bastard for the wrong/right reason.You pull the trigger on someone you better brace yourself for court.Lawsuits related to firearms are too common these days.I don't need the hassle.

"from my cold dead hands"

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I find it amusing at all the tough talk on shooting people.All of that hardass talk is just that"talk".It takes alot more than that to pull the trigger.When the time comes its will be a hard decision to make.


God gave me a hard head.



The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government ...Thomas Jefferson

My sentiments exactly. :cheers:

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But had the guy who killed them known that everybody in the place was packing he'd have had to have a big set of balls to try that.

exactly..the problem isnt too many guns its too little guns. If everyone on the street was carrying a gun it would be very hard for some crook to do something. Why would you rob a bank knowing evryone one inside had a gun? Those crazy people that go on shooting sprees? they would get shot after they fired there first shot. Teachers at columbine with guns? Those 2 douche bags wouldnt stand a chance. If "assult rifles" wernt illegal in Commifornia those two clowns with their illegal "assult rifles" in that crazy hollywood bank robery thing some citizen could have popped through their body armor with their rifle istead of waiting for the swat team to show up with rifles. Its better to have it and not need it that to need it and not have it!!! and its easier to get out of jail than the mourge!!

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Its better to have it and not need it that to need it and not have it!!! and its easier to get out of jail than the mourge!!


I think you just won something.....


I used to, and probably will again before I get outta this hole, have neighbors that were drug dealers. I don't mean selling weed. I mean every fuckin 15 minutes 24 hours per day a car or sometimes 2 were pulling up, people would get out, leaving the engines running, stick around for a minute tops and then leave.

From the day they moved in until the day the cops came for the 3rd time (about 3-4 months) and took their kid, and then impounded their cars and then took their sorry asses to jail. At the same time 3 houses down it was nearly the same thing. A little more low key, but those fuckers would walk infront of my house eye balling me. I had some fuckin 14 year old punk eyeballing me one day. I said "What you gonna do?" and he just kept walking. I had no idea if some asshole was going to see my banshee in the garage, or wait for us to leave to rob us, or even come in through a window in the middle of the night. I had my gun hidden but I'm glad I had it where I could get to it if I needed it.


My parents who are nearly in their 60's have had the same problems, except my dad has lived in that house since he helped his dad build it when he was 16 and there was nothing but corn fields and dirt roads. One day about 2 years ago, his neighbors were eye balling him to the point that they would literally stand there and stare at him for 5 minutes. So he made it a point to start wearing his shoulder holster and his .45. It took 2 days of that, just seeing my old mad with his gun for them to leave him alone. Hell he had it because he wasn't so sure what they were up to, and you get 4 assholes staring you and your company down everytime you're in the back yard you know somethings either up, or going to come up.


3 houses down from their house someone broke in beat the homeowners, tied them up, beat them again and then robbed them. It starts to hit home how important it is to either A: Be able to afford to live in a gated community, or B: have something simple to help you out in a situation. However living in a good neighborhood doesn't always cut it. Every now and again you hear about the robberies near the ski resorts in the $500,000 homes and condos. Where better to rob than where the money is right?

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If your afraid to pull the trigger why have a gun in the first place?

10 year old, or 80 year old, if they are robbing me or robbing my house if I can get my gun out I will pull the trigger.


Out at the mill they put the security guys through some of the same training as cops, only not to the greatest degree. We take the stops class, range qualifications,etc. Than there is the C.A.P.S. class with equipment the mill bought for them/us. I used to be on the security half, but I'm more of a FD guy in my blood so I transferred over. Anyway this guy from Canada, which is what the C stand for, was showing our instructor how to operate it and basically going over what was going to happen. Theres this big projector screen and a clip is played on it, you use live ammo, they talk to you you "talk" back to them for the sake of training. Anyway my first round up there I got picked to goto a school because of a fight. "We", me and my onscreen partner, showup and the kids in the principles office blah blah. About 2 minutes later you hear shots ring out, so we go and start heading down the hall, we get about 5-10ft from teh double doors and probably 3 kids barrel through them, unarmed, about 10sec later another kid comes through and stumbles, followed by a fifth kid with a gun and he's all about shooting this kid. BLAM, I fucking shot that kid without a second thought, had 3 rounds in him before the kid got a round off. According to this guy I was the first in thousands of officers he has trained that took out the kid before the kid fired :cheers: . Everyone is afraid to pull the trigger on the kid, if you found a 10y/o in your house with a gun robbing you blind would you shoot him or hesitate because he's a child? PULL THE FUCKING TRIGGER. Oh and is it Russia that everyone has a gun?

Wanna ban all these guns? Ask Australia what happened to thier crime rate. Would you launch your banshee off a 500ft high jump if you knew there was no chance of you getting hurt, or the banshee being fucked up?

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