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I Know Someone Can Help Me With This Probem

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Well, I smoked for about10 years, Had to quit for my job. It wasnt even that hard to quit (good sign). And If my job didnt depend on me being clean, i would be stoned right now. even when I smoked I was ambitious. I wasnt or arent a "looser". So Id have to say that smoking dope doesnt make you a looser, attitude does.

Now if you want your system clean there are a lot of tthings you can do, I have used golden seal root (liquid nasty tasting stuff) and it works, I am a 250# 5'10" guy. But that stuff takes about a week. I recommend "quick caps" from GNC. its about 30-40 dollars and works for about 12 hours. You must follow the directions exactly(I mean exactly or it may not work right). The cool thing about this is that all you do is pop a bunch of pills and drink water. There are teas out there that taste like piss. Also depending on the test, they may test for "specific gravity", which basically says how dilluted your piss is. So watering down your urin may not be the best answer. Now there are some Quick tab kits that come with "creatin", this will make your piss appear normal. So I would recommend you go to GNC.

Good luck

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you guys all have good points and i agree with a lot of them. i know its the person's own choice to do these drugs. my friends that did them turned into heavy drug users. they started out on weed and ended up doing worse drugs than that. i dont want anyone to be pissed and i do understand where everyone is coming from. i just hate to hear about someone who started out on weed and ends up throwing their lives away because they get into heavier shit. again, no offense to anyone.

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Hey guys , I am not out to tell you what to do or how to live your life ,


I geuss I was just venting a little frustration .


I guy I know was just sent to the pen for 8 years for some kind off drug charges ,

and his wife is left to raise 3 kids all alone.

So it just ticks me that he did this to his family.


But if you want to do it that's your business.

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yeh i know exactly where locogato is comin from. i was a looser luckly i got out of it while i was young...well younger i'm only 18 now but i got kicked outta my house for havin coke when i was 16. i wasnt goin no where but since i was 16 i have quite all the illegal drugs, weed,coke acid shrooms, pills...... everything i did sept drinkin. droped outta school but i am doing so much better now its rediculous. yeh i am a drop out but i'm not a looser i got a ful time job makin 14 a hour which is decent money for some one my age. so not all users or former users are bad ppl as i see my self as a good dude but have made mistakes and live with them.

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yeh i know exactly where locogato is comin from. i was a looser luckly i got out of it while i was young...well younger i'm only 18 now but i got kicked outta my house for havin coke when i was 16. i wasnt goin no where but since i was 16 i have quite all the illegal drugs, weed,coke acid shrooms, pills...... everything i did sept drinkin. droped outta school but i am doing so much better now its rediculous. yeh i am a drop out but i'm not a looser i got a ful time job makin 14 a hour which is decent money for some one my age. so not all users or former users are bad ppl as i see my self as a good dude but have made mistakes and live with them.

bignasty, thats good to hear man. and hell no 14 bucks an hour isnt bad for an 18 year old. my brother works at sears part time and he told me some of their upper managers that have worked there 9 years only make like 10 bucks an hour. sweetshee, i didnt mean to sound preachy to you. you can make your own choices, just always willing to voice my opinion. let us know how shit turns out with the test.

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Well, I smoked for about10 years, Had to quit for my job. It wasnt even that hard to quit (good sign). And If my job didnt depend on me being clean, i would be stoned right now. even when I smoked I was ambitious.

i think anything you do for ten years is hard to quit doing..... if you take street "A" to the freeway every day on the way to work, taking street "B" is now a drastic change.... we are all creatures of habit..it all boils down to how much you are willing to let a vise effect your life.....ive meet peolple that will do a line every couple of months for the hell of it, i remeber 20 years ago smoking a half ounce of indo a day and still running my business, i would be in the studio and an artist would have a few ounces of coke they were sniffing and i could pass, cause i never aquired a taste for jibbing on powder, but ive done coke and just dont dig the high, there are plenty of worthless dudes in this world, that dont do drugs, being a looser is a state of mind, throughout history some of our founding forefathers did plenty of shit, i think the guy who doesnt do anything is the guy you need to look out for...............

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i think the guy who doesnt do anything is the guy you need to look out for...............

man i hope this doesnt mean me BD. i have done plenty of shit so far in my life, drugs were just never one of them. i guess i dont consider myself a guy you would have to watch out for.

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yeh and change sucks i miss my semi old not giving a shit about anything times. it was really stress free. theres a reason why i was cought it was cuz i didnt care and hadnt for a long time. i used to leave it out all the time and no one would say nuthin i dont know if it was cuz maybe they over looked it or maybe they were in denial dont know still dont care why they ignored it but. it took a hell of allota change for them to let me back in home and be able to work at my dads business doing what i do. and its cool for all you still livin it up tokers most my friends are and it doesnt bother me. its just not for me ne more

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I'm sure he doesn't mean you loco. You should be proud that you

have never got into that really. I think what he is trying to say is that

maybe people shouldn't look down so much on the guy who does...and

the guy who does...can still be proud, i.e. a good person too.

If you are happy and haven't needed to explore those types of things,

take it from me, it's not worth diving into just to check it out. You are

probably better off where you are at. I only regret that you and I couldn't

hook up on the trail some time and burn one :D .

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i think the guy who doesnt do anything is the guy you need to look out for...............

man i hope this doesnt mean me BD. i have done plenty of shit so far in my life, drugs were just never one of them. i guess i dont consider myself a guy you would have to watch out for.

well your not 40 years old either.....sooner or later you'll come home from work and crack a beer before dinner, or just maybe work out 3 hours a day, somewhere sometime, you'll have a little habit you enjoy....im 43 and didnt have my first beer till i was 33, i just hated the taste of it, then one day bingo i enjoyed a cold one before dinner, my wife couldnt put onions on anything i ate, now if my pizza doesnt have jalipino's i dont want it....i know first hand what its like to not be high and whats its like to be stoned, neither have affected my drive or ambition, my father in law launched the appollo missions for NASA and would come home and puff a jay just to deal with my bitchy mother in law, he can do the math on a peice of paper that will put a rocket within 40 yards of a target a million miles away..... all in all a pretty sharp dude, i think we all cope with life in different ways.......puffin a jay is pretty harmless, unless you turn it into something its not....and i think you hit it on the head saying youve done plenty of shit just not drugs, thats great...but in collage bill gates smoked more weed than carter has pills, and he's got more cash than god.......

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I'm sure he doesn't mean you loco.  You should be proud that you

have never got into that really.  I think what he is trying to say is that

maybe people shouldn't look down so much on the guy who does...and

the guy who does...can still be proud, i.e. a good person too.

If you are happy and haven't needed to explore those types of things,

take it from me, it's not worth diving into just to check it out.  You are

probably better off where you are at.  I only regret that you and I couldn't

hook up on the trail some time and burn one  :D  .

yeah im sure not pointing the finger, and not being high is for the better, being a abuser is not the same as being a user..i think the hardest thing ive ever done is quit smoking cigarettes, them frickin nasty bastards, they are like herion or worse.......but back to the topic, being sharp enough to pilot a plane deserves some respect and we all relax in our own ways, i myself enjoy riding my banshee, ive been high and ive been drunk, bottom line we all have to get up in the morning and do what we do or we are indeed loosers, drugs or not.....

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