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I fail at the 4 mill build

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The long rods hit because i didnt clearance enough and the squish is .019. So it has to come all the way back apart again. Also thick base gaskets. This is just awesome. Any input would be nice guys. As in any short cuts. Thanks and I hope this made you laugh.

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See the shaved stock head i bought off a member who said it was setup for a 4 mill. I bought the 4 mill ported cyls second hand so i had no idea on what gaskets to use. I went on assumption. I was wrong. So knowing my squish is .019 ill get .030 base gaskets. Its the crank with bronze rods, I guess its a rather popular thing to have to do for these cranks. Does anyone have any ideas to clearancing the top of the case to allow the crank to rotate freely but not separate the halves or do you guys think its not possible? I know metal shavings are bad but if i can flush them out or whatever id rather do that instead of having to fully take it apart again. Any ideas are appreciated.

Edited by From Mild TO Wild!
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if your jugs a ported and you start stackin up base gaskeests you'll end up with crazy exhaust timing . It would be best to get your head set up right . You can get thicker head gaskets which wouldn't mess with your port timings .

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