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Everything posted by yzrmbsg

  1. Put my order in last night! Can't wait to see it in person! Thanks Jeff!
  2. with what he has listed, its definately not gonna beat almost anything that wants to race, but it is definately a good start, and seems to be in decent shape. Dude has no idea what the hell he's talkin about, of course the fuckin brakes come with pads and rotors, dumbass. I'd go take it for a test ride and if all is well, offer him $1700 and go up from there, or whatever you want to trade him +$. Ask him if he has broken in the new top end. Sounds like he has no idea of what he really has, so good luck getting any decent info from him.
  3. do you have any pics of the blue that you have? thanks!
  4. Thanks! Will do, been workin alot the last few days, but finally got some sand paper, #0000 steel wool, polishing wheel, polishing pads, some mothers and flitz, its time to shine up my pipes, side cases, bowls, and a bunch of other little things!
  5. Damn, thats horrible. Never worn a tether on a bike, just jetskis and sleds, but maybe I should...
  6. They both have their strengths, I love Glamis, I grew up there! Nice free flowing rounded dunes, very soft, smooth sand, so easy to navigate. St. Anthony has HUGE dunes, some great race hills, but evry damn dune comes to a point, peak here, peak there, they are a pain to navigate, you have to pretty much go up and over everything, not a lot of dunes flowing into dunes, its more up and over one dune and up and over the next dune, you can't ride the tops of them because they just drop off. Lots and lots of witch's eyes everywhere. There are SOME dunes at St. A's that flow with eachother, but not anywhere near what Glamis is. If I had to pick a favorite...it's Glamis, but St. A's is still fun, choke cherry is a great race hill and devil's dune is a fuckin awesome bowl, swimming in the lake is pretty fun too.
  7. I have a factory black plastic grill, pm me if you are interested
  8. Thanks for the comments guys! I bought the pickle fork and popped the ball joints out, I tried using a hammer before I bought the pick fork, but they weren't budging. I used something called plasti-dip to paint the plastics. It a kind of rubbery like coating. The best thing about it, is when/if it starts to wear out, you can just peel it off...literally. I have used it on tools, plastics, metals, wheels, all kinds of shit, it is awesome stuff. Very durable, i know, i know, you wouldn't think it is very durable if you could just peel it off, but it really is, it's awesome. http://www.plastidip.com/
  9. Here's another pic of the BEFORE! I can't wait to get this thing done, hopefully within the next month or so!
  10. Yup, thats exactly what I did! Love it!
  11. I've had a busy day... but I didn't feel like stopping and going to the store to buy a pickle fork, so to continue my momentum... I started to slean and paint the plastics, and installed my new modquad cross grill! Still wet, this is the 5th coat to cover up the red. Also still wet And after all this today, it's time to sit my sore tired ass on the couch and post up these pictures! Lemme know if you have any suggestions!
  12. Mountain of parts... almost completely apart...need to go buy a pickle fork to get the ball joints out of the steering stem DOH! More parts, gonna cut all the TORS shit out of the harness while I have it out...
  13. Chopping the frame up! Well...cutting off unnecessary pieces! Away with the stock light mounts! Grindin away!
  14. The start of the tear down... No mo Motor!
  15. Hello all, new here, been riding since I was 5, I'm 24 now, dirtbikes, 3-wheelers, quads, streetbikes, love it all. Used to ride Glamis for about 10 years when I lived in Chandler, AZ, moved up to Boise, Id and now ride in St. Anthony's. I try to make it there as much as possible, but haven't been able to make it as much as I would like to! I love riding in the sand, duning, or racing my buddies up the hill or thru the bowls. Anyways, I have 99 banshee that my Dad bought brand new in 98. He's done a few thing since then, FMF fatties, vforce2, bigger carbs, wiseco pistons, adjustable timing plate, enginetrix coolhead, and some billet pieces here and there. This thing runs like a raped ape for having not very much done to it, and is the most reliable 2 kick starting bike. The only thing I plan on doing to the motor is getting a dune port for it and then riding the shit out of it! I've been thinking about it for quite a while now, and have finally come up with a color scheme, Flat black plastics/frame odd and ends with blue and polished accent pieces. Here is a pic of it when I aquired it.
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