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Everything posted by TIM LUTZ

  1. Would be really nice to find a YFZ roller already set up for XC
  2. Yea, It's the really technical hill climbs that I'm having trouble controlling the power to the ground. I'm thinking the YFZ450 geometry is going to help a little with that. I have never even rode a YFZ in fear that I'd sell the Banshee and never look back.
  3. Seriously considering a hybrid for the 2015 XC season. Anyone raced a Banshee powered YFZ? Really want to try this before I go all 4-stroke.
  4. Marked these down to $38 a set. Can ship tomorrow. If not it will be Tuesday. Need racing $ for this weekend. http://www.ebay.com/...984.m1555.l2649
  5. How about a steel clutch basket. LOL
  6. http://www.ebay.com/itm/121420973560?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649
  7. Nice to see you chime in Brandon The last picture I posted was of Hinson's first basket that was thrashed in Gary Denton's quad for 3 years. Just curious, What is your 2 cent on the pro Vs cons of a heavier clutch basket for a XC / hare scramble Banshee?
  8. Guess the answer would have to be Kryptonite then.
  9. Wayne Hinson's first clutch basket. Was in Gary Denton's quad for 3 years. Steel.
  10. Wow. Good review of the Hinson STEEL clutch baskets. This one is full of... "I said that" and " Yea, that's what I said". It's also has a few "That's what it did for me" in there as well. Before you all fire back a response remember physics is physics. Count to 3 and don't say something stupid about something you have not tested because now there are 3 opinions (that I know of) on the subject. Me, Jim and oh yea, the product review department at Dirt Rider magazine. http://www.dirtrider.com/tests/gear/141_0905_dr_tested_hinson_steel_clutch_basket/
  11. Everyone uses the sh.t out of the rear break. Half the time it's how we change direction.
  12. Unfortunately probably next in line. Was sad to see personal water craft go 4 stroke.
  13. I'm with you. The advantages out weight the dis advantaged FOR ME. I don't need break neck acceleration. I have that now and the only thing it will get you is a bent tie rod. I need smooth, controlled predictable power to the ground. THIS IS THE REASON 4 STROKES ARE REPLACING 2 STROKES IN EVERYTHING. Well, maybe except hot saw.
  14. He's 3rd in points GNCC XC1 Pro. Fun to watch him ride and you're always wondering when he's gona be coming up on you..
  15. You all want to see a guy run the shit out of a 2 stroke thru the woods. This is the series I run on my banshee and Adam is stupid fast on this 250R. However he is a lot faster on a TRX450R 4 stroke in this type riding. . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b072S_jeoeM
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