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Everything posted by jayzx10r

  1. jayzx10r


    The correct statement would be: coming from someone that's never OWNED a l/t car..... :-) I've ridden in more than a few real nice buggies and can understand one's justification to drive ridiculously fast in an area where shared use takes place with other buggies, trucks, cars, quads, bikes, and pedestrians. The seemingly lackadaisical care for others while they propel their 2000 lb /900HP vehicles under somewhat managed control (keyword is somewhat, not absolute) is typical of those that think that since they are "bigger," everyone should get out of their way. How many SUV owners are courteous to Pruis drivers?? As to the rules of sand, I thought it was like skiing, driving or boating...the overtaking entity is responsible to pass safely. Basic speed law: Don't operate an off-highway vehicle faster than it is safe for conditions. (38305 C.V.C.) Sometimes the T-bone can't be avoided, but excessive speed is usually a factor....enter the Long Travel Buggy!! One guy was bragging about how he'd gone more than 100MPH. On sand. I can go half that maybe. You're a responsible dude with experience Matt, but you know there are a lot of buggy drivers that lack skill to do the shit they pull off out there....quads and bikers as well. The only difference is that they aren't hurtling a ton down the dune!!
  2. jayzx10r


    Just returned from Glamis a couple of hours ago.....the wind died down Sunday and was friggin awesome!! They closed the drags on Saturday evening--another fatality involving a quad vs. buggy scenario. The long travel buggy's are gonna be the reason they lock up Glamis one day.....
  3. jayzx10r


    Too bad you're gonna be in the washes....I'll be at Pad 3 from Fri night-Tues afternoon. 50' north of the Pad 5 sign. Orange cone on the roof of my '80's RV. I will be at the Sunset Drags on Sat evening too....west side at the beginning. Look for the PIAA headlights. Jay.
  4. I have to give thanks to Yamaha for providing me with the 2r I've run now for 270 gallons of premix without catastrophic failure while operating in the inhumane conditions Glamis offers. BTW: Jason's Vapor figured we get about 11MPG so that's near 3000 miles so far!! Yamalube 2r
  5. Your tire choice depends on the riding you do and the consistency of the sand there. I like my Sand Skate II's and run them 99% of the time I'm riding at Glamis, then I bolt on the 21x12x8 8 paddle Haulers to race at the Sunset Drags on Gecko Rd. I can't wait to take them off for general riding..... Haulers are the preferred tire of choice in Oregon because tree shots and sand consistency are different then SoCal....from what I hear. The guys that think you should run baldies are only thinking of dragging....because they suck for duning. They are a great straight line tire. You can use 'em, but a nice single rib tire is the cats meow. I use the Sand Tires Unlimited front....lightest tire I've ever seen. Up front, light is right!!
  6. He has dyno sheets to prove it!! http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=300530913236&viewitem=&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWAX%3AIT Wish I didn't already have one...even if I don't have that much power.....
  7. Hey Matt, Can you rebuild/refresh my YZ250 rear shock? I couldn't tell on your site if dirt bikes are excluded from your services. Thanks, Jay in SanD.
  8. The short answer is NO. You can find it all here: http://www.mud-throwers.com/atv_wheel_chart
  9. Since you wanna be a dick to contributing members (not that you are necessarily one of the assholes that only join to sell their shit here for free...) maybe you should follow the rules yourself: 4. Post your location. This will help to let a potential buyer know where you are. FWIW, I ride streetbikes and that motor is a dog.
  10. my vote is to meet at the Vendors Row on Gecko at 4:00PM, then we can hit up the Evening Drags until sundown....ftw!!! The Drags are at Pad 1 or 1.5 on Gecko Rd.
  11. Which ones do you need? I have a couple sets....
  12. I'm planning on heading out to Glamis on the 16th (Wed) for a long Presidents Weekend. I'll be on Pad 3, just 30' north of the Pad 5 sign. I have an 80's RV that will have Orange safety Cones on the roof. Roll by and have a beer!! PM me if you wanna exchange numbers..... We should do a group photo at the Sunset Drags on Saturday..... Jay in SanD.
  13. I think I got a sunburn this weekend!! The sand today was epic. But then again, it was outstanding yesterday too!! Jay from SanD.
  14. So the maybe has turned into a go!! I'm not gonna see the person at wash 4...he's gonna just mail out my tires. How can it be harder to use levers on a flat, road like surface? The washes are a long way from the dunes, and a really long way from the Sunset Drags at Pad 1.5. Glamis.....here I come!!
  15. It's a maybe right now but I've got someone to meet at wash 4 if I head out. Where are you gonna camp? I'm usually at Pad 3 on Gecko Rd.
  16. They are discontinued. You're only gonna find NOS. Hey, look at MY tires!!
  17. I've been in this program for a while and just found out others can join. You get a whopping 2% cash back to be used on future eBay purchases....but hey, you were gonna buy it anyhow so why not!!! http://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?RewardsExtEnroll&CTASignup=false&ExtLanding=true Jay.
  18. I'm in San Diego and know of a few different places to pick up fuel here. Can you carry it out to Glamis in your vehicle? Which fuel and how much specifically do you want?
  19. I wouldn't do it...it isn't the same Yoshimura you're thinking of....no damping adjustment either. They look as cheap as cheap can be. Even the R in the name on the sticker is reversed. lol
  20. Hey man, Welcome to BHQ and our ebay section. This is the section where you don't post a price, pic's or description of the shit you wanna sell without paying (Fe)ebay seller fees. And to ensure people take you seriously, don't follow the posting rules located at the top of the page, specifically #3 or 4 relating to posting price/location. Now if you'd only demand cash payment sent to your PO box it would be complete!! Seriously, just list your ebay item number in the "online sales" section. Good luck with your sale.
  21. Sold!! Well, that sale didn't free up a lot of space in my garage!!
  22. I knew there was a reason I didn't run an ignition switch!! Cheers on getting it running again. I despise electrical issues. I usually end up .
  23. I picked up a set (that would be 2) of the FAST Easy Throttle Springs and decided not to install them. $10 shipped and they're yours. I don't do Paypal. They piss me off. You can mail me a Money Order or $10 direct and we're good to go!! I can actually have you Paypal my bud Jason if you wanna go that route.....$10.30. Pic and description: http://www.farmandsandtoys.com/partdetail.asp?partid=119 EASY THROTTLE SPRINGS for KEIHN CARBS These have been very popular for the guys complaining about a sore thumb. Much lighter tension spring without the worry of cutting the stock one too short and having a runaway throttle. Easy springs $5.00 each Jay in San Diego.
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