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Everything posted by banshee370

  1. Dude! He used a WHOLE tube of gogo juice.... Imagine the shit (no punn intended) flowing from her ass? I couldnt even imagine the mess and the stench
  2. You suck! Honestly........ You do! I woke up to 3deg this morning and it went to a high of 10! Tonight is supposed to have wind chills of -15. Getting a dusting of snow tonight and a Nor Easter on Sat, Sun, Mon thats supposed to drop a foot of snow. Have I mntioned how much I Effin HATE new england? Link to weather
  3. www.google.com or www.whitepages.com If you have any info on the guy (name, addy, phone #) you can do a reverse look up. Let me know if you have a hard time and I will do what I can to help.
  4. Why am I involved? Why the hell are you involved? Maybe because this is an open forum and I too have a booger that i feel needs to be dug out. Last I knew this was an open forum and we were in America... Free speach! So to answer your question. Beacause I can! As for being a lesbian... That is none of your business, but to tell you the truth...... Yes... Yes I'm a lesbian. (and proud of it) I have been addicted to gorgeous women ever since I can remember. I am confused though.... You need to have a penis to work and provide for a family and a vigina to cook, clean and do household chores? I never knew that... Is it some sort of written rule somewhere? I can only imagine what your wife is like... because you present yourself as one hell of an asshole here. I remember you saying once that you were out of work... Do you help your wife around the house or do you just sit on your ass expecting her to do all the work since she has the vigina and all? I'm gonna go out on a limb here and assume that my comments above are corrent. Your mom, ex-girlfriend, wife must have left you for another woman in the past, Maybe they grew tired of you arrogant, condescending shitty attitude, or you just couldnt satify them in other ways. And while on that subject,,,, You seem to be infatuated w/ these "medical operations". Do you have some sort of tranny fetish? Do you get off on the fact of women dresing up as men? Or mes dressing up as women? That is perfectly normal you know (for some people... just not me) And just to clarify things... since I see your a lil slow. That comment MEANT that you should find someone on the same INTELLICTUAL level as yourself. Your attempt to direct the comment back at her is pretty lame if you ask me. And yes Brooke... your right..... this is starting to get quite boring. I feel like Im talking to my 2 year old.
  5. On a side note.... Another FEMALE member here has openly admitted to a lesbian encounter once or twice..... why dont you jump all over her like you do Brooke? All of your "dyke" comments have been directed at Brooke... So do you have an infatuation with her or was I right that your mom or significant other left you for a woman?
  6. Since your so HOLY.............. how about the fact that several guys here have admitted to doing drugs... from weed to worse.. Your so against drugs... Why dont you jump all over their shit about it? I personally dont do drugs, I dont condone it, but its something in this world we almost have to accept. Its an addiction that is way more than some kids smoking weed behind their parents garage. Lawyers, doctors, policemen, firefighters, teachers....... and again. your fellow banshee brothers here. I dont see you calling any of them drug addicts and lowlifes??? you dont do your best to belittle them in front of everyone else here? Are you two faced or just choose to pick one persons "fault" (in your mind) and drive your beliefs in as a penny nail into a 2x4... As for my analogy about pimples and someones "experimentation" ....... I thought its perfect... Your Zits and her personal preference does not effect anyone else. I will sleep fine at night knowing that your pimple ridden face is oozing puss.... and I will also sleep fine at night knowing that a women may enjoy the company of another woman. Life will not come to an end! Either one has no bearing on the other, and your zits shouldnt effect her life or anyone elses for that fact. So she enjoys to look at a beautifull woman from time to time and comment about them... Hows that any different from any man thats posted about a beautifull woman? So how can you pass judgement on someone you have never met? You posted your topic on AN OPEN AND PUBLIC forum... If you cant handle what people have to say then maybe you should lock yourself in a closet and hide from the world. And last but not least..... Maybe you should specify that your jokes are only for Pure heterosexual males, not in puberty, Married, with children (maybe without if the can handle light hearted comedy), but dont smoke, like quiet walks in the woods, but are manly men, and dislike rainy days, hispanic women or maybe purple women that have blond hair, and use waste oil on their french fries, but dont salt their popcorn. Or maybe wake up, take off the blinders and realize that people are people... we are ALL different from all walks of life and enjoy different things
  7. Holyman: How did she admit to being a dyke? She experiments in the past and that changes what? But who really cares about that..... And if you have a serious acne problem... would that make it right for me to ridicule you every chance I get? If someone did state that they wear their moms undies... Its THEIR choice! While "I" may not agree with it... ITS NONE OF MY BUSINESS! Sure its funny as hell..... But what makes me so perfect that gives me the right to humiliate them? Please tell me what gives you the right to judge her. Other people on this forum have stated personal things about themselves here in the past.... Why dont you ridicule them? Is it because the topics arent controversial enough for you? Why does the idea of a woman enjoying the company of another woman bother you so much? Did your mom or a woman burn you once in the past by leaving you for another woman? Thats enough of an ego killer to push anyone over the edge. Hmmm maybe I stumbled across something?
  8. So since she enjoyed the company of another woman makes her a drug addict? And since she has a job that makes her different? Why because she aspires to ber her OWN woman? Are you for real? So a woman w/ a job needs balls? Good god wtf is wrong with you? And since she decided to be open about her past experiences, what gives YOU the right to critisize or chastize her for that? Are you better than everyone or think that you are, and THAT gives you the right to judger her? Get a life and find someone else to nitpick over... You seem to be very fond of her by the way you jump all over her posts
  9. I think everyone needs to cool the fuck off.......... Why do people find the need to gang up on one person if their views are different from their own? Because one person likes the color purple and everyone else likes yellow... does that mean that their views are skewed because they are different? Lets be real..... Brooke's replys are in plain and simple english. Dont hate her if you cant understand them. If anyone believes there is a "perfect woman or perfect man" then you better lay off the smack. The closest thing to perfect is finding someone w/ your thoughts, views, ideas, but with a mind of their own. Most "relationships" end up w/ one person mainly "in charge" while the other in less control. Show me one thats not? There is no need to degrade someone either. People in glass houses shouldnt throw stones........ No one is perfect, and as much as holyman projects himself to be religious and perfect............. he isnt. Everyone has skeletons in their closets. I find it funny that everyone jumps on Brooke for her "experiences"... She has always been open and honest, more than I can say for most here. How does that make her a bad person? good god everyone needs to back off the keyboard for a few. Stan/Rodney; I just butter both sides...... and if it falls, I look at it as extras
  10. Here is the whole banshee manual in PDF format. You will need Acrobat reader to view it. It has the full wiring diagram towards the back Link You may want to get ahold of someone who has nitros installed.... I thought you needed a battery but I could be wrong. Good luck
  11. Information off that phone # Port Aransas Business Center, Office - (361) 749-6291 - 520 Cut Off Rd Ste 1, Port Aransas, TX 78373 - That # also comes back to.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quality Lawn Care & Landscaping - (361) 749-6291 - 520 Cut Off Rd, Port Aransas, TX 78373 I'd call that Port Arkansas business center and ask for Pam Schmitt, More than likely its just the name of who ever is in charge of shipping... but at least it gives you someone else to use to contact this dickwad - Now off his second email addy... nick@andrewhodel.com http://andrewhodel.com/ Who ever owns that domain has their names hidden. But here is the thiefs page http://andrewhodel.com/index.php?page=member&id=13 And all of his images http://andrewhodel.com/index.php?page=memberimages&id=13 Maybe we should ALL post to his blogs calling him a thief?
  12. I'll take a #9, or a #18......... but dammm #21/22! Phew... And then there is #33 and #39............. Ok I gotta go cool off now
  13. Jason: I am behind you 100% here.... What most people dont know is that Works only has a few different sets of valving for their dual/triple rate shocks. For example.... A set of shocks built for a 200# rider on stock a-arms is say.. the same shock as one built for a 150# rider on +2+1 a-arms. I dont know the exact setups since its been a while. (last tim I checked into it for a friend) Now... Elka's are almost the same way.... If you have ever seen any of the most common shocks apart, then you could understand why Axis and Ohlins are much better than most. Let the flaming begin As for buying shocks built for stock width and adding a-arms later... You WILL need to have them revalved. Elka may just say re-spring it.... but I'd say get it done right. If you buy them now already valved for +2's they will be a little stiff but u can back off on the preload and compression to soften them up for the time. You would be better off going that way then having to redo them at a later date. (my opinion)
  14. Im running a Gibson +1 in chrome and I surely LOVE it.. Last I knew they also come complete with clamps.(anti-vibe) Their clamps also have a mount for a tether built in...
  15. T3's and CPI's are mainly top end pipes. I dont see why you would want either of those pipes with the porting your getting. If its between the 2. then I'd say CPI's since they will have a little more low end than the T3's. Stay away from cut T3's since they will have even less low end power
  16. Im affraid to give my 2 cents here................... Im sure someone will come here telling me that Im full of shit or god knows what else Feel free to PM me and I will give you the scoop.
  17. http://patriotracing.net/ Dan is a great person and can build you just what you want.
  18. Happy B-day old man! I hope Santa and the B-day fairy is good to ya this year!
  19. LOL! Bonus! hehe yea right... I work for a large corporation that grossed almost 700 million this year. (between 130 locations) The branch Im at does on average of 40-60,000.00 a DAY in sales. In my department (paint) we average 60-70,000.00 a month in sales. And thats between myself and one other guy. A few years ago we were doing less than that w/ 3 people (including myself) I received a 20.00 ham... WHoopDeeDoo! 3 years ago we had a huge fire and lost 90% of our inventory including all the office PC's. I spent close to 3 weeks rebuilding our network 3 times. I had to get a temporary one set up the day after the fire (saturday) I then spent the remainder of my weekend salvaging information off the server. Did I mention that I am their paint rep and NOT in their IT dept? I am also salary so any over time I work is on my dime/time. Week 2 of this ordeal the VP comes in to assess the situation and made his way over to thank me for all my work (hand shake) After I'm all done I hand my boss a bill for $12,000.00 to give to the insurance company since they would have had to hire someone to do all that work (normally $125.00 an hour on site out here) You figure out what 60 hours a week x 3 weeks x 125.00 an hour is... hehe Well needless to say I received a $50.00 gift certificate (as with everyone else in the company did) I say big business can lick my ass! Sorry to go off in a rant, but it feels good sometimes!
  20. I guess some people just dont understand how a business survives. Sorry to get off subject but maybe you (Meat) should go out and price high quality heims, and spherical ends and compare them to cheap automotive replacement ball joints. I also didnt say that R&D costs make up ALL of companys profit on any given product... Ugh~
  21. Here is a link that will give you an idea of temps depending on what time of year you want to know http://www.weather.com/activities/other/ot...126&from=search Brawley California http://www.weather.com/activities/other/ot...126&from=search Yuma Arizona
  22. Denny: Upon further research.... here is what I found out... The Roll and Walsh LT a-arms are more expensive than the Gibson's. Also.... another reason why every one elses are cheaper is that they use Ball joints (that will limit travel) and are also much cheaper to produce. Gibson has always used a high quality Spherical ends w/ heavy duty heim joints. If you notice... Eyeball, LSR, Houser, and denton all use cheaper automotive grade ball joints. The higher end arms all use Spherical ends. Cant compare apples to oranges I guess. Right there I see the cost difference between the others... Does that make them superior? Or worth it.... All depends on your pockets and how serious you are about racing. As for ARS/FX. They are produced by the owner of Custom Axis... and everyone in XC is running them because they were given to them.. Who wouldnt run a free set of a-arms? And they too are more expensive than Gibson's..... Sorry if I took things to heart.. I just cant see ripping on a product/company and comparing them like a corvette to a cavalier. An honest comparison would be the eyeball's (725.00-cheapest) to the Houser's (950.00-most expensive). I'd give my left nut for a true LT setup for my shee.... but since there isnt one... and I cant afford one... It's all good. And kick ass job on the site Brooke.....
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