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Need Help, only one side getting hot


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You are definately covering the basics...great job.

This is not what you want to hear...but, you might have to get a little more technical on the measuring of parts.


First things first, the easy things.

Check the pickup gap on the flywheel/pickup. Check BOTH magnets on the flywheel, set it between .015 and .018.

I would swap CDIs with a known working bike, if you can. If you swapped wires and the problem did not follow to the other side, you can probably rule out a coil. Ohm the coil leads AND the stator, just in case. Are these stock carbs or aftermarket?

If stockers, no real good way to swap side to side. If they're after market, swap side to side.


IS all the TORS crap completely unplugged and removed?


Look for stupid things, gas cap vent pluged, screen in the fuel valve plugged.


Did you leakdown check the motor? Just because it has even compression doesn't mean a head, base gasket or crank seal isn't leaking. Or that the intakes aren't leaking.... That is exactly what a leakdown tester does for you.


Did you check squish on both cylinders, piston to wall clearance, ring end gap?


I know it's got even compression on both sides...but, it's still possible, although unlikely.

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Thanks for the tips.


Yes, they are stock carbs. Yes, the squish is correct. It just kind of pops cool air out of the right pipe. Not big loud backfires either.


I will try my CDI and get some fresh plugs and gas in there. The plug is getting wet, so I know it's getting gas, but not totally soaked like I've seen before. There also is spark, but I don't think it strong enough. What do you think that means?


No leakdown test yet. I have to find someone I can borrow the tool from.



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I just had a similar problem with my shee and did all the testing and found that the left cylinder reed wasnt seating all the way. Pulled the reed cage and got it to seat and ran like a champ. Just another avenue to possibly head down. Good luck.

Edited by tnr
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I am making some progress and it's getting better. I swapped CDIs and nothing. I swapped my coil and pu in new plugs gapped at 30 and the bike runs better. The right side is getting hotter, but still not as hot as the left. It gets hot when I'm ripping on it. I pulls really hard only at the bottom of the gears. Entire 1st gear it pulls, buut at the top of 2nd and 3rd, it does not pull hard at all.


What would make it do that? I'm going to check the reeds and magnito. Any suggestions?

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What jets are in the bike?


I am not sure. But I'm certain the jetting is dead on. The bike ran perfectly when putting it away last year. I got the jet kit from the same place that ported the cylinders. A very reputable guy.


When I checked the plugs, the left one was perfect. Nice and light chocolatey brown. The right one was slightly brown but had a large darker brown large spot on one side. Kind of wet, oil, etc..?? Almost half the plug?


How many pickups are on the stator? How do I check that, measure it, etc..???


Any other suggestions?

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No offense, you're asking for help, but are not even willing to remove the carbs and check for jets.


Best of luck to ya...


I'm not saying the jetting is off, take the carbs apart and clean them anyway. If carbs are out of your skill range, take them to the guy that did the work and ask him to clean them. Bike has been sitting...since you put it away.

Old gas and oil can gum up the carb, it's small passageways, etc.


If you're not willing to check the jet sizes, you're going to have to give the carbs to somebody to clean them. I'd bet they're plugged up....

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Dude, sounds like you need to pull the carbs off and give them a look and/or thorough cleaning before anyone can help you any further...


+1 you said its fine WFO then i bet that piolt is plugged becaust the crossover is the choke for the right cylinder it get s gas for both from the left. IF its fine witht the choke out then the bike is lean. cause you are sucking a lot of gas into it. just take the damn carbs apart check the main and piolt jets sizes and clean everything A LOT. remember 1 grain of sand can cost a motor if it is ingoned.

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