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So, how 'bout that Kramer?


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its kinda ironic i have black clients come in every day to use my services calling eachother "nigga" but if i was to say to one of my clients "what up nigga"........id be racist? in chris rock's show he can call whites Crackers all he wants though, richard pryor, sedrick, dl hugley, all the black comidians.....i say fuckem if they cant take a joke go see a different comidian, i was at a chris rock show when he called a white heckler honkey, cracker, whitey.......its ok for them but pray tell a white guy says nigger, its the end of the fuckin world, Nigger doesnt define black it means Lazy good for nothing black, so i say if the shoe fits wear it, if a black called me whitey or cracker id laugh just like the honkie at the chris rock show did......maybe the word Nigger hits to close to home for some blacks............

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Everyone makes mistakes. That's why there's erasers on pencils.

In AMERICA, there's freedom of speech. If you don't like it, MOVE OUT!

Being called a cracker is a racial slur and should be taken as seriously as the word nigger, chink, spick, etc... All white people are not proud of what some did in the past, thus offended.

Nobody, no matter what the circumstances, is supposed to take any shit from anyone.

Kramer did what he did because he is only human. He made a mistake. He excercised his freedom of speech. He was offended. And he defended his pride. Anyone who objects to what he did is a hypocrite or has never popped his head out of his/her protective bubble untill now. Things like this happen all the time. It's only when someone points it out and and cries racist that things get blown out of proportion. Now, his life and career is ruined because of doing something that every other human being with pride in theirself would do in his situation.

Besides, his career is to entertain. ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED? This thread would not exist if you weren't...

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Why are black jews angry. . because they have to sit in the back of the oven. Sorry, that one is horrible. This world is full of racism. Everyone has thought of it, but it's just that. . a thought. It's when you act upon that it becomes a problem. There are some things you don't do when your a celebrity. Iunderstand they are normal poeple, but they are normal people who reach out to millions more than me or you. It's just like the athletes who get paid millions of dollars to not be "role models." I'm sorry, but we pay your salary through us paying for a ticket to watch you play. All we ask in return is to not do something stupid that our influencial kids who look up to you might do. Same with celebrities.

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I like how Kramer was told he was washed up & never made it to movies. :biggrin:

He was way out of line though. I didn't think any of it was funny.

I have too many friends in different colors from different cultures to find it entertaining.

I'll tell you this, if my black friends were there they would of ripped Kramer off that stage no problem! If it was one of my white friends up there & was called a cracker mofo then he would of jump off that stage & start throwin blows or swinging the mic stand!

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Wow, he called some guy a nigger?!?!?!



He may be a racist?!?!?!?!?



Who gives a shit. Last time I checked it was not a crime to be a racist. Here's some news for you..... We don't all have to like everyone. We should all be allowed to express our opinions, and if someone doesn't like that opinion, let them kiss your ass.

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I found it interesting in a statistical report that many of you may have seen in your local papers just a couple days ago. It made a comparison between Asians, Caucasians, African Americans, and Mexicans. It compared educational backgrounds, avg income, home ownership etc.. What I really found interesting is that Mexican Americans were the least educated of the 4 groups but had a higher avg income and more owned their own homes than African Americans. The Caucasion and Asians income was proportional to their eduction. AA were below avg based on their education and Mexicans were above avg based on their education. Because of their work ethic more Mexicans are able to stay out of poverty. Anyway just some statistics.

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