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So, how 'bout that Kramer?


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when your insulting a person you dont just say somewhat mean things. you got for the bomb or the juggular (spelling).


yeah he went way over board, but its like your doing your job and someone heckles you and bashs you while doing your job, you would get pissed off. now should he have went ape shit yelling nigger, no.


should the hecklers called him a cracker?? no


there is such a double standard of racism.




group of black guys beat the shit out of white kids its called a beating.



group of whites its called a hate crime.



fine for every hip hop artist to throw the lines out, n this n that, dont see people bitching about that. fine when black comedians bash white guys.



just think it double standard and kramer went really over board. and his is goofy anyways.

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So yeah, I think it was uncalled for, as someone said, its his job to entertain, not to blatently insult certain people. Granted, it is done on tv all the damn time by Dave Chapelle or Carlos Mencia, but they are much more tactful about it and they are not white. It does seem that being the 'majority' which I dont even think white people are anymore, we are held to a higher standard.


I live in the army. Equal Oppertunities is more important than the mission here. It doesn't matter bombs drop all around and shit, as long as people aren't saying inappropriate things to one another life is good. What he said was pretty much generalized towards all black people. That was fucked up. Take a step back, and look at each race. I view the word nigger not as a certain color of people, but it is more of an attitude. Sure black people dont look at it that way and I dont expect them too. Each race has their own niggers. I know none of you guys are proud of the KKK or the redneck bastards that support shit like that. Neo nazi's and shit. Those are the white peoples.


Every race has them, and I wish everyone could see this. Kramer fucked up, plain and simple. He was probably out of his mind on blow, did a little too much before the show. You can tell by how he kept repeating himself to keep his mind on track while he thought of shit. He is a poor example of anything. He fucked up, let him fry, let him pay, he will never act again after this.


Basically all I'm saying is that it sucks, but life goes on. Sure he shouldn't have done wht he did, but he did. There are more important things in life to look at tho.


my two cents..


Oh yeah, and getting in peoples minds is a much better way of dealing with shit. Attack their insecurities. Its the only truely ruthless way to deal with people. >=)

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Well my 2 cents,


You can have blacks throwing around the word nigger and cracker how ever they feel...you get white guy doing it its wrong.I think its Bullshit! No one alive today had to deal with slavery,So i think they need to get over it. They get more breaks in life then a white guys do...You have to have so many in jobs or its wrong..and it dont matter if they are qualified or not they get the job....Its not the white mans fault they make up 90% of all convicts and majority of shitty neighbor hoods are black. They are always walking around thinking someone owes them something and everyone is out to get them..Its a damn shame...I do know some that work and have a honest living, but the majority uses the system and use the tax payers take care of them....rather it welfare or we pay for them to be taken care of in prison.


So yes i feel bad for Kramer cause 75% of working white men have the same anger inside.

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I agree whit what most of you are saying... The dude went overboard for sure...

However all the races that talk shit on white people are no better..

I agree with Wes.. Double standards are the problem.


One thing I thought was funny about the vid... He starts to freak and most everyone gets quite except for one dude laughing his ass off... Wifes probably slapping the shit out of him yellin "stop that, its not funny" and he is having a great time :yelrotflmao:

White trash mother efer.. ITS OK, I CAN SAY THAT CUZ IAM A CRACKA :thumbsup:

sorry I couldn't resist..



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I'll tell you folks what racism is........Try rollin into east st.louis around 1:00am and not knowing where your at, or where your goin.


Everybody wants to point out the white man being racist, look around people! We got cussed out and threatend by the fuckin toco bell drive thru guy. Not to metion the other 5 cars that were in line in front, and behind us.


I'm usually all about tryin to get along with people, but when you got 5 car loads of niggers wantin to stomp your FUCKIN teeth out cause your WHITE, it kind leaves a bad taste in ur mouth!


sorry to offend anyone....

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thats right!


There is some thats good hard working people and provide for there families...But you still have the other 80% that aint worth a shit, that gets a job over you that he dont qualify for that gets fired three weeks later. Just drive thru the hood or should i say ANY innercity block and watch them stare at you while they are sipping on 40's and smokin a blunt on the porch cause" there great grandfather was a slave and the world owes me something" Fuck'em GO KRAMER!

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of course theres a double standard. theres double standards on both sides. hell, white people complaining about being disempowered cause of black people is the same as black people complaining about being disempowered cause of white people. black people can use the N-word but no one else can. remember new orleans mayor ray nagin saying he wanted a chocolate city? that was offensive. but guess what, life isnt fair. get over it. this thread was about one mans behavior. you cant excuse that behavior by pointing out other bad behavior. all everyone wants to do is blame and complain. if your life sucks do something about it. its no ones fault but your own. as they say, life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. i feel as unsafe in an unfamiliar area full of white guys hollering at me as i do in an unfamiliar area full of black guys hollaring at me. them hating me cause im white doesnt justify me hating them because they are black.

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Brooke,funny thing about that is...If two black guys walk into an all "white" bar, chances are nobodys really gonna pay attention to them. On the other hand, if two white guys walk into an all black bar, there is prolly gonna be some bad shit goin down.

And I know your gonna argue this, so


Lets put it this way...I sure as hell wouldnt wanna be one of the white guys!

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Brooke,funny thing about that is...If two black guys walk into an all "white" bar, chances are nobodys really gonna pay attention to them. On the other hand, if two white guys walk into an all black bar, there is prolly gonna be some bad shit goin down.

And I know your gonna argue this, so


Lets put it this way...I sure as hell wouldnt wanna be one of the white guys!

maybe thats true, maybe its not. so what. dont put yourself in dangerous situations and youll be all set. its dangerous for me to go to a bar full of any color guys alone cause im a small female. that doesnt mean all men are bad. just means there are dangerous hateful people in this world and i need to be smart and protect myself.

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