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look at this freaking turbo

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alot of these big turbo motors are starting to incorporate lag reducing features like severly delayed ignition timing at idle, similar to a "bang bang" system where the ignition at idle is delayed so much that the explosion is still happening while the exhaust valve is starting to open. this excess combustion pressure gets thrown right into the turbine, creating massive airflow and keeping that turbo spooled up.


ive seen some guys injecting nitrous and fuel right into the exhaust between the engine and the turbo. theory is that the continous explosion in the manifold keeps that turbo spooled up even when youre at idle. such systems have little to no turbo lag whatsoever.


less lag than a supercharger and more power to boot. sounds like a win-win to me.


a friend of mine has a turbo 3 rotor rx7 that he drag races. im not going to bore ya with the details but hes got a t-4 turbo off a mack truck on that thing and he can get that turbo spooled up to 30psi while hes waiting at the starting line for the trees to turn green. when he launches hes pushing 30psi and that car just plain gets. hows that for turbo lag? when hes sitting there at the line his exhaust is popping and backfiring from the rev limiter so loud that it sounds and feels like a bomb going off. every 1-3 seconds is just goes bang really loud. you can feel the shockwave of each bomb explosion way out in the stands.



the other thing is, pound for pound a turbo will give you more power with less weight than a supercharger typically will. by a good ammount too. lets say you take any 2 identical engines and you add a properly sized turbo and super to each 1 and place a boost restriction of 10lbs on each engine. assuming that each forced induction system was setup properly, the turbo engine would typically show significantly more power over a broader rpm range and still weigh less. this is because a properly sized and setup turbo system is vastly more efficent than a supercharger.

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best of both worlds. Buick Turbo Regal....domestic and turbo.



and a 1600hp car running low 9's (even thos its a street car) is pathetic!


Key here is street car, BIG differance to a race car.

I've seen RX7's, porshes, even a VW camper van pull the wheels, you got to remember Turbo's build torque.

Sure #'s can be matched on paper, but to drive high hp muscle cars is much different than a high strung turbo 4 cyl. I've driven lots of each and they all have a perpose, but O love the old iron.

Those of you who know, know what I'm talkin about.

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