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This is the funniest thing you have ever read

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got this pm from enFORCER titled "hey loco, lets be friends.."


So hey, don't know why your such a Dick. And I don't really care. But what I do care about is you deleting my post and causing me slander in a public forum. Now you can either return the post you deleted or for $150 bucks I can file a lawsuit in federal court suing for slander and defamation of character. Now Lee will get a court summons and he will have to hire a lawyer to answer the charge even if it gets thrown out. So do you want to cause him all this head ache or would you just like to stop being a Dick?



what exactly did i do to this guy?? i dont think ive even really said anything directly to him have i?? ive made some remarks in the threads but not attacked him. and as for deleting the posts, the only posts i deleted were in MY thread and i did not want it goin off track when there was already an 8 page post about it... :confused:

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does this mean im going to get one too for posting a kawasaki kfx400 thread on a banshee forum.


tyler, iv not seen you post anything to piss this guy off. :shrugani: this getts sillier by the day.


your breaking our balls here enForcer, seriously, your breaking our balls.... with laughter.

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i just got this from him too...now everyone will know what slander and all this other shit is...take notes guys...


Well, it seems to me you encouraged other forum members to slander me. And seeing that you posted several times in the thread I contend I was slandered in, you are in part responsible.

So I do have enough to file the suit. Just remember.

Collectively known as defamation, libel and slander are civil wrongs that harm a reputation; decrease respect, regard, or confidence; or induce disparaging, hostile, or disagreeable opinions or feelings against an individual or entity. The injury to good name or reputation is effected through written or spoken words or visual images. The laws governing these torts are identical.


To recover in a libel or slander suit, the plaintiff must show evidence of four elements: that the defendant conveyed a defamatory message; that the material was published, meaning that it was conveyed to someone other than the plaintiff; that the plaintiff could be identified as the person referred to in the defamatory material; and that the plaintiff suffered some injury to her reputation as a result of the communication.


To prove that the material was defamatory, the plaintiff must show that at least one other person who saw or heard it understood it as having defamatory meaning. It is necessary to show not that all who heard or read the statement understood it to be defamatory, only that one person other than the plaintiff did so. Therefore, even if the defendant contends that the communication was a joke, if one person other than the plaintiff took it seriously, the communication is considered defamatory.

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and that the plaintiff suffered some injury to her reputation as a result of the communication.


do you have tits and a Y???? :confused:


he brought it on himself in my kfx400 post. i dont see what the problem is.

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Well I personaly feel loco is being defamatory in a defamatorive way, and thats not defamatorly nice. All the defamatory thats going on is defamatorly mad wack and should be stopped in a defamatorly fasion. Further more, if enforcer is being defamortized in a defamatory way than maybe he should take his defamatory ball and head to his defamatory house :cry: I cant stand people who want to sue over lame ass shit.. YIKES :bolt: I hope that was defamatory in a defamatory fasion cuz if so Iam truely defamatorly sorry :cheers:



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got this pm from enFORCER titled "hey loco, lets be friends.."

what exactly did i do to this guy?? i dont think ive even really said anything directly to him have i?? ive made some remarks in the threads but not attacked him. and as for deleting the posts, the only posts i deleted were in MY thread and i did not want it goin off track when there was already an 8 page post about it... :confused:


K, someone owes me another drink. :rotflmao::rotflmao::rotflmao:


and I'll sue who ever I have to, to get it.

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this guy should sue himself... thru his messages to loco, he's brought defamation upon himself -- harmed reputation, decreased respect/regard/confidence, and has induced disparable, hostile, and disagreeable opinions or feelings against himself. :confused:

what a jack-ass. :flush:

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sounds like a "telephone-tough guy" and a wanna be know-it-all to me, espeaially since he cries "slander" which doesn't apply in this case even if loco did talk smack about him. Since slander refers to spoken word, not written.




a false spoken statement about someone which damages their reputation, or the making of such a statement:



the cat sounds like a hypersensitive to me.

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