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body build help?

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Well im young and i decided im going to get rid of some of this fat so what should i do just work out all the time ive been serching the web .. im a pretty big kid now im 6'2 bout 280lbs only look about 220 or so but im going to build my body into muscle or atleast enough where i like my body .. So what should i do just work my ass off i dont really wanna go to a gym maybe like run around the block once a day or up the trail or something , whats all the stuff mean about onyl eat so much pprotein calories and stuff also .. Thanks

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Eat healthy, not neccessarily diet, but cut out fats and sweets. Protein builds muscles. Lifting weights is good, just get some freeweights. Alternate days between different parts of your body ie one day do arms and abs, next day do legs. Running till you get tired helps a ton, but dont do it till you puke. Push yourself, but dont overload the weights. If you lift more than you can reasonably handle, it wont build muscle, it just damages tissue. Find a max and go 10 lbs under it. And for each set drop it five pounds. I do this daily for football and trust me, it is an unbeleivable difference. In the offseason i feel like a slob, but during it, i am a beast. I have a big build, but can outrun skrawny kids easily.

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Eat healthy, not neccessarily diet, but cut out fats and sweets. Protein builds muscles. Lifting weights is good, just get some freeweights. Alternate days between different parts of your body ie one day do arms and abs, next day do legs. Running till you get tired helps a ton, but dont do it till you puke. Push yourself, but dont overload the weights. If you lift more than you can reasonably handle, it wont build muscle, it just damages tissue. Find a max and go 10 lbs under it. And for each set drop it five pounds. I do this daily for football and trust me, it is an unbeleivable difference. In the offseason i feel like a slob, but during it, i am a beast. I have a big build, but can outrun skrawny kids easily.


He pretty much nailed it down.

You don't HAVE to lift weights to lose body fat. You need to change what you eat, and how often you eat.

Like he said, cut out the sugars and refined foods such as white bread, and eat more whole grain foods, vegetables and drink more water and less carbonated drinks.

Personally I drink mostly water and coffee throughout the day, and I stay away from fruit juice, Gatorade, all that shit.

Remember though...as you start to deplete your body of carbohydrates you will feel hungry. Carbs are what give you that full feeling. You'll need to be more mentally strong that anything. Somedays I get to the point of binge eating which isn't good. You got to remember that you might feel hungry, but your body doesn't require food right then. Just eat something small, and good for you about every 3-4 hours. Not Taco Bell, not Pizza Hut....something like a small turkey sandwich (make it plain!!!) on wheat bread. Sounds boring, and it is. Its bland as hell, but nothing in this life is free or painless. Get used to feeling like shit, and you'll look better everyday.

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Cut out sweets, bad fat, and dairy. I would reccomend going to the gym but if not then get some free weights and a bench. Lifting weights will not burn much fat so try to go running, biking, or something cardiovascular atleast 3 or 4 days a week for about 20-30 min. Do as much as you can, push yourself, make the cardiovascular harder when you get in better shape. How old are you? still in school?


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Just close yer mouth, fatty. Trust me, if you weigh 280, you look 280. You need to quit that fat girl, "I carry my weight well" mentality.


You don't need to eat everything in sight. It's mind over matter.


Stay the hell away from fast food.


Loose weight, or hot chicks won't want to lick your dik.

A dik lick is way better than a cheeseburger.


Don't get married, thats always good for a 30 lb gain.

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A mix of weight training, and alot of cardiovascular activity will trim you down. You need the weight training to shape your body, and alter your matabolism. The more muscle in your body the faster you will burn calories. As stated above knock off the junk food. Those are empty calories, which gets stored as fat :angry: Cut your carbs back(not out) a little and increase your protein(meat, milk, eggs) I like to lift heavy(powerlifting) But it really depends on your goals. If you lift moderately and really kick-up your cardio, and eating subway instead of taco bell, water instead of pop, you'll change your image :cheers: Beer is a good source of minerals :cheers: Just work it off the following week :lol:

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First off I would try and lose some fat like you said. Follow what everyone else said about eating less. I disagree on a diet though. I think that you should eat the same foods just a lot less of them. And eat like 6 small meals a day. Make sure you eat a good breakfast because that helps raise your metabolism. Start small with weights. When I first started lifting in 7th grade I could only bench like 125. Now I can bench 275 and I only wiegh 150. Building muscles takes time and hard work. So set realistic goals and don't get down if you miss them.

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If your on an lean routine, you need cardio and high reps with the wieghts.

Dont go 10lbs under your max, thats to build, wheras you need to lose fat and turn it into lean muscle.


Whey Protein is good for your body helps with the muscles. I just picked up a 2 month supply at GNC for like $30. Gotta love the gold cards. buy a blender, vanilla is good but blended wit some strawberries etc makes it excellent.


NOx2, about a 50/50 split people either love it or hate it, seeing more and more of the hate it lately though. I would recommend a setup called the Blitz Cycle, its got the creatine already in it plus a buncha other shit. Works great for me expensive at $70/bottle of 200 pills. Get a GNC gold card, it'll save you an assload. Oh only get the blitz cycle when you move into adding muscle mass, not until after a cardio routine.

*edit* Just checked and the blitz cycle contains NO2, creatine and some other thing.


I'm 6'2" 200 and am about .6 BMI over into the overweight realm. at 280 you gotta be at the high end or possibly the low end of Obese.


I'd do a 6-8week plan of cardio, lots and lots of cardio. I'm talking 2 miles a day at least. Wind sprints, suicide runs, all the fun shit the basketball and soccer guys just love. Yeah yeah us soccer guys are nuts.


Soccer the real Football BIATCH!

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No2 is a waste of $ Just buy arganine if you are considering that stuff. Like everyone else has says, make sure your diet is in check (eating good). No fast foods. Lots of whole grain wheats and lean cuts of meat and fish. Look into some fish oil perhaps and/or some Sesathin. Make sure to do cardio a few times a week if you are trying to cut.


Go check out http://www.bulknutrition.com go to the forums there, they have some good info. Also go check out http://www.bodybuildingforyou.com/forums they have good info also.

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Just to say buyin supplements are for pussies. You should lift and run, i used to weigh 190 pounds and know i am 185 pounds of solid muscle, All because I started to lift and run about 2 years ago, You must have a good mind too, never give up, dont say i look like im 220 YOUR 280! If you can drop to 215 220 you will look ripped and shure BJ's will be knockin on your zipper, I mean door :evil: So get off the couch and the Shee and hit the weights, who knows i though I would loose a lot but I turned it into muscle! BJ'S Rock :headbang:


Go from this :yank: to this B) in a few weeks!

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