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East coast guys up for Glamis?


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HEy JT i just booked plane tickets it is the following feb14th JFK leaving at 7:50am arriving in San Diego at 11:10am-------Departure on Feb21st at 10:10pm and arrive at JFK at 6:00am the following morning. So my crew is all set there were only 2 flights on jetblue for the 14th one at 7:50am or the next at 5:10pm which means we wouldn't land there till about 8:00pm and driving 2 hours, so the morning flight was the best option and for the flight coming home it was either we left at 12:10 in the morning or what i picked 10 at night cause other wise we have all that bullshit rushing that morning i figured it was better two leave at night. That where i stand of now but JT call me (973)-573-1085 cause i lost the paper u sent me and i need to call the guy about the race fuel. thanks hope everyone is booking your tickets i say we take up half the plane if we all got the same flight oh


P.S the the tickets were $119.00 each way so the total with tax was $256.00 (Round Trip).

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I'm considering driving out :) .  Does anyone know the average elevation at the dunes? What kind of stickers do we need, and how much are they?

if I do go, I might have room for another quad...ROD, I'm looking at you!


:confused: What I do.!!!


I am seriously considering.... pm me with details.

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The weather will vary hopefully it will be dry and somewhat hot, 70-80ish. At night it can get into the 20's.


doh!! geuss I should have read a few posts back....


My brother and I want to go out that way around Feb. We'll be making the drive from Texas... What does it take to get the dune permits? And where's the best place to camp?

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The permits can be bought at a few areas at the dunes. The glamis beach store and i think its the place across the road where we got ours. Also the good spots to camp are all up to the type of dune riding your into. I prefer to camp on gecko towards the begining of the road near pad 1 - 3 Later - JT

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what's the weather like out there at that time of year?




Here is a link that will give you an idea of temps depending on what time of year you want to know


Brawley California




Yuma Arizona

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