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Whatever Happened To Got1banshee?

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If I remember right I think he got rid of it!

Man, what a waste...get a motor all pimped out like he did & then turn around and sell it. :( Whatever happened with the lawsuit bullshit he was going through?...maybe they took it. Or maybe he had to sell his computer to pay for legal fees. :unsure:

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Jail dosen't have hookups to the internet. If those were my quads he ended up with, he would be paying/bleeding through the nose. Thieves and their accsessories suck. I had my 1984 Suzuki 185 quadrunner stolen when I was 12. I was totally destroyed. Got1 gets what he had coming. :clap::dance:

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Jail dosen't have hookups to the internet. If those were my quads he ended up with, he would be paying/bleeding through the nose. Thieves and their accsessories suck. I had my 1984 Suzuki 185 quadrunner stolen when I was 12. I was totally destroyed. Got1 gets what he had coming. :clap::dance:

He dident know it was stolen in the first place. :angry:

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Would you buy a couple of quads from a kid? If you had half a brain you would know that they were stolen. When was the last time you let your kid leave a quad over at someone's house? He will get off pretty much scot free, and the poor sap that does own the bikes will get 2 pieces of junk back. The black market is what keeps thieves stealing in the first place. If everyone would quit buying those "shady" quads, the thieves would not have a reason to jack them.

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Would you buy a car without a title?

Why would you buy a quad without first finding out if there is still a lien on it?

I will tell you why. Got1 didn't want to know if there was still money owed on the quads. He just wanted to get his hands on some cheap shwag and failed to ask the right questions. Ignorance does not prove your innocence.

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sandstar. i think your a pussy. talkin shit about got1. i dont even know neither of you but iv seen pictures of him. hes not the one to buy stolen goods. with out a dought if he has the money to buy a house and land as big as he did. and put thousands of dollars into his banshee like he did, i know he wasnt out to buy a shady bike. the kid he bought it from was i think an ex employee or an old friend of his. quite cowardly to talk smak about him on this subject like that.


this is exactly what a theif who sold him these quads would say. not to say your him but i thoink you guys know exacly hat kind of response we could expect and this is one of them. why are you so bitter? maybe you should let go the fact that your quad got stolen when you were a little kid. drop the resentment/judgment.


we might not hear from him for a while but its only been a few weeks since, anyways.

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Talked to Rick last week. He still had the shee at that time. The other guys attorney was trying to get him to cut a deal. Usually the last gasp for a lawyer without a case.

As of then he hadn't dialed in the quad, but thought he was going to keep it.


Sandstar, what can I say. Your still a :yank: If you had a clue, you'd know not all states are title states for off road quads/bikes. Usually after the 2nd or 3rd owner the MSO is lost and all you get is a bill of sale.

Edited by Travis's Banshee
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