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Just Got Banned On Bluetraxx


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What is the point of posting in this matter/form? I think I just became

a little dumber just by reading this wasteless thread. To think anyone would take the time to decode and figure out what you are saying. If I were a moderator I would have done the same thing Dex did.

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What is the point of posting in this matter/form? I think I just became

a little dumber just by reading this wasteless thread. To think anyone would take the time to decode and figure out what you are saying. If I were a moderator I would have done the same thing Dex did.


"KABanshee" welcome to the forum. I dont think your going to like it here, this forum is very open and free speech is allowed here.


Points for not locking this thread.....


"u2354" just thought that guys out there might be interested and have some fun posting in binary. Its no big deal.


"XTShee" found it interesting enough to post back in code a few time, the two guys(XTShee & u2345) seemed to have fun posting back and forth in binary.


I thought it was interesting too, I knew you could do something like that with only Ones and Zero's, but have never seen it done before. Altho I have no idea what they said, it was amusing and interesting and not the least bit offensive to me. Someone locking my thread is 100 times more offensive. And if I did ever want to figure out what was said in binary, XTShee posted a link that would hook me up..... http://www.icdia.org/microware/using/using_a.pdf GREAT INFORMATION AND CONTRIBUTES TO THE FORUM.


"Blue Duece" musta thought it was interesting enuf to throw in a comment too. So I would assume he was not offended or upset with the posting in binary problem.


"Cotton Eyed Joe" wrote that he can read binary numbers, but didnt know how to do the letters? He then followed up with a binary post of his own, so it seems CEJ is interested also.


We have 10,000 plus more members here who didnt reply and i'd bet there's a few others that found this binary stuff interesting.




The point of posting in this matter/form... is because.... its a goddam internet disscussion forum :P , you can post anything you want as long as its not hardcore porn-nudity or racial. And you just cant tell people what they can and what they cannot post just because you dont understand binary code or the point of posting in binary.


And you just cant tell people what they can and what they cannot post

Unless your forum allows the moderators to stop creative, smart people from posting threads the mods dont like or understand.


hell yes ??

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What is the point of posting in this matter/form? I think I just became

a little dumber just by reading this wasteless thread. To think anyone would take the time to decode and figure out what you are saying. If I were a moderator I would have done the same thing Dex did.


"KABanshee" welcome to the forum. I dont think your going to like it here, this forum is very open and free speech is allowed here.


Points for not locking this thread.....


"u2354" just thought that guys out there might be interested and have some fun posting in binary. Its no big deal.


"XTShee" found it interesting enough to post back in code a few time, the two guys(XTShee & u2345) seemed to have fun posting back and forth in binary.


I thought it was interesting too, I knew you could do something like that with only Ones and Zero's, but have never seen it done before. Altho I have no idea what they said, it was amusing and interesting and not the least bit offensive to me. Someone locking my thread is 100 times more offensive. And if I did ever want to figure out what was said in binary, XTShee posted a link that would hook me up..... http://www.icdia.org/microware/using/using_a.pdf GREAT INFORMATION AND CONTRIBUTES TO THE FORUM.


"Blue Duece" musta thought it was interesting enuf to throw in a comment too. So I would assume he was not offended or upset with the posting in binary problem.


"Cotton Eyed Joe" wrote that he can read binary numbers, but didnt know how to do the letters? He then followed up with a binary post of his own, so it seems CEJ is interested also.


We have 10,000 plus more members here who didnt reply and i'd bet there's a few others that found this binary stuff interesting.





Unless your forum allows the moderators to stop creative, smart people from posting threads the mods dont like or understand.

thats why the HQ rules.....if i had some punk ragging on my every post, id be pissed too....who died and made dex christ...i think dex outta roll on back to to his site where he can play god...the best thing about the HQ is we can all share things, doesnt matter what it is......i happen to enjoy threads like this......i think whoever mods this forum for us on the HQ should ban Dextreme, give the prick a taste of his own medicine......meat is right on check, we kinda all stick together and enjoy sharing our thoughts.....Zach shouldnt have to explain a goddamm thing to dex, Zach if your a banshee owner Fuckk that site, if you cant speak your mind, whats the point......lets see if i get banned for this post?........

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wait (im wiggeling my nose) zap !!! your banned :P yeah f'n right. everyone here knows the rules and what will get you banned. being able to share a commen interest of something other then a quad, well i guess were all about that too. thats why the hq rocks. if you feel the need to tell someone to f off then do so, well just move it to the roosting room, post a question in the wrong thread and well move it to where it needs to be so it can get answered. thats what modding is about, not set tripping on someone because you dont feel its right :angry: ohh but i was never banned eighter ! and if i could go back and thank camogrizz for helping me out i would but i cant so all you bluetraxx HOME BOYS that read this, tell camo i said thanks,

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Zach, I locked the post...I didn't personally Ban you.  I think you post would have gone over better if you would have explained what it was you were doing.  It came across to me that you were trying to cause chaos. Lets keep the issue on BT and not bring it to BHQ.  :)

First off dex if you didn't then who did? second it's a little hard to keep it at bt when your banned on BT .( i know that has been changed now) also i don't think a thread of that nature is causing chaos. if i wanted to i would have posted other things or done other things. it was a simple thread that if you knew was it said you would have replied.

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Excellent replies everyone!!!!


LOL when I saw the binary thing I wanted to learn more, heres the stupid reason. lol.

When I was in the 8th grade, I had an algebra teacher that kept trying to get me out of her class. Called my parents and told them I was wasting her time.

We get to the end of the year, and she decides to "impress" us by teaching us how to "calculate" binary. I never understood what it was she was saying. She tried and tried and tried. I just couldn't get what she was saying.

Fast forward about 10 years. I have a subscription to Popular Science. They had 4 LINES EXPLAINING BINARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Instead of wasting an entire 2 days like that teacher did, this magazine took up 3 square inches. Who was wasting who's time?

Now I think its just funny that she said I'd never get it, its a point of interest, but I like to have the last laugh on shit like this.

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Alright my "rookie" ass is going to chime in. I have nothing against Dex personally, but when he said

Lets keep the issue on BT and not bring it to BHQ. 
by virtue of posting that he made it a HQ issue, and for the most part we here on the HQ all have each others backs, especially if someone is trying to get over on them. Dex could have sent a PM or E-mail to u2354 and dealt with it like a gentleman, instead it was handled in typical BT fashion, an overzealour moderating team trying to shape the forum into what they would like to see, and that, IMO is the problem with BT. But not here on the HQ - let freedom reighn.
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