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Round house carrier sizes


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I picked up a used round house style swing arm for my banshee and figured they were all pretty much one standard size for the carrier, I powdered the arm and picked up a refurbished JJ&A carrier and after attempting to install it in my arm it is just plain not going to fit, I measured the arm and pretty much wherever I measure I only get a maximum of 85 ish mm and from all of the digging I have been doing trying to figure out why it will not fit I have found out that banshee round house carrier are about 87mm, so I measure my JJ&A carrier to make sure it is the correct size and it is a 87mm carrier. After a ton of searching I am getting tired enough of it to finally start a post on here asking for help...


From a bit of the searching I have been doing I think the back half is a Honda design it is one solid piece kinda like the 250r swing arms but I can not for the life of me find a specific size for the Honda round house carrier so I was hoping that someone on here had a general idea on the size of Honda carriers, and if it is the right size I will just pick up a Honda carrier. And before you ask the round tube the carrier slides threw is one solid piece and I cannot just pry it open and slide my JJ&A in, I tossed in a couple pictures just for giggles to show what it looks like, and if any one has any idea towards what brand the arm is it would be nice to know. Also from my searching it seems that Honda uses 40mm axles so if I bought a Honda carrier could I just buy the 35mm banshee style bearing kit and swap them out or would the od of the entire bearing be different?




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I have no idea as to the brand of the arm but I am fairly sure it is not a leager arm, if it is I got one hell of a deal haha there was a small amount of powder in the arm and I went at it the other day with a dremmel and wire brush and removing the powder had no real effect unfortunately. It is an anodized carrier in black however I do not see anything on it that would prevent me from sliding it in. I did pry it open quite wide and in the last picture the left tab is still kinda sprung open but I had it spread wider than that with my brother trying to get the carrier in and it still would not slip past it is about 2mm too small from everywhere I have measured which doesn't seem like much but it is a major pain in the ass when trying to slide a carrier in. Any way as a bit of a minor update I won an eBay auction for a RAD carrier and here is hoping it is just a tiny bit smaller but if not it was inexpensive enough that I won't feel bad getting it turned down at the local machine shop I do not like the idea of cutting up my nice new JJ&A carrier for a cheap swing arm. I will update when everything shows up just for giggles and to help anyone that happens across this post in five years after I sold the swing-arm and the carrier gets separated haha.

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Well my new to me carrier showed up and it was still too big to fit so I ran to the local machine shop and unfortunately the snap ring groove and where the bearing race goes are extremely close to the edge and after some measuring it would have to be cut down extremely close to where the bearing rides so the carrier can not be cut down safely to fit the swing arm... So after getting fed up enough I just chucked the arm in the vice and slit the thing down the middle with my sawzall and spread the damn thing open and slipped the carrier in. Hey it finally fits and every single arm I have seen is already cut down the center so hopefully I didn't kill the strength however if every one built today is already split I'm not entirely sure how much different things are. Once I finally have the bike assembled and ruining I will take it extremely easy on it and if all feels well I will run it for a season or two before changing it up to a brand new arm, if it feels sketchy or unsafe I'll just bite the bullet and buy a swing arm.




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If you have the ability I would weld a cpl of new pinch brackets in. Plus from the pics it looks like that arm was broken and fixed up by the pivot bolt area. That looks like a homemade gusset up front. Pay very close attention to your chain alignment, I usually measure from the rear peg bolt to the axle , should be within an 1/8 of each other or you will get chain bind

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I kinda figured it would be decent it seems every arm unless it is a heavy mx arm only has the two bolts, plus this is just going to be an overpowered trail bike any way so no massive jumps or things of that nature. I have though about welding on a couple more pinch bolts towards the center I have a fairly nice mig welder that would do the job but I am not sure I want to mess up my powder any further for the time being. I know I should have checked before powder but I didn't have the carrier at the time and I never though it was going to be too small... Oh well live and learn if I need more support I will cross that bridge later or just pick up a new one. Thanks for the tip as well I will measure it up next time I am out in the shed and see what everything measures before going any farther with this arm.

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