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Herpetology, have 2 bearded dragons, 2 chameleons and  i am gonna strat breeding some geckos. also playing war games with pellet and bb guns instead of paintball guns. Hvae a few spots, set up hostage situations and captue the flag style scenarios and shoot eachother with rifles and pistols, have some paint grenades and shit.

BAH...that brought back some bad memories. I know a group of kids that use to do that with BB guns. One of the pumped his gun more that he should have, and shot his buddy in the throat. They had to rush him into the ER to get the bb out of the back of his esophagus.

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Holy shit batman!!!! That doesn't sound like any sort of fun..... (The BB in the throat thing...) I used to do the same shit, and have scars all over my arms from it.... :huh: but, my hobbies include, Wife and step son, Building trucks, Cars, suspensions, Precision Automated machinery, Bartending, MX, BMX, Mountain biking, Ski instructing, off piste skiing, skiing, SnoCross, Snowmobiling, Doing things that shouldn't be done, Alcohol, Running over small vehicles, ice hockey-(15 years), Roller hockey, My new house, tractor pulling, drag racing, (NO Nascar), Mopar, Ford, Bartending, Snowboarding, Tools, And being broke. not necessarily in that order.... :unsure:

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I'm on the computer mostly. I like building pcs and gaming. Also like working on my friend's raptor. I love it when he wrecks, gives me an opportunity to tear it apart and learn on something other than my own bike. I call that "ride security"... if I f*ck his up, at least I still have mine to ride!!!

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On November 7 at about 3 PM Banshee030C wrote:


Drinking one or two beers with my friends after we rode our banshee  is my favorite hobbies.

Thank you for doing this after riding. I like all the members of BansheeHQ. I don't want to see any of them messed up... well... permanently. Intoxication wears off in time. It's the other kind of messed up I worry about. You all know what I mean... ;)


I know people who drink and ride. It almost works for utility quads if they are going slow in the mud. However, I think it's TOTALLY wrong when mixed with riding high-performance quads like the Banshee.





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computer games (racing) nascar heat , anything to do with nascar or any other kind of racing . drag racing also building engines (chevy) siting on the computer reading post on here (bhq) and here latley spendin alot of time with my 11 month daughter . #8 #15




god speed #3 gone but never forgotten .

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what do you all do other than ride work on and  talk about banshees got any other hobbies or just work tell us

Besides riding, working on or talking about Banshees? Eat, sleep, chasin' the wife and work...about the only other thing I have time for is gaming; still working at Final Fantasy Tactics Advance on my GBA SP (love that thing), my son & I just got Soul Calibur 2 on the Gamecube that's gettin pretty damn hard ta beat (must have Mario Party 5 and F-Zero GX!), and once in a while some Warcraft 3 or Mechcommander 2 on the PC...


The older I get the more I realize all that really matters to me is;

1.My Banshee (riding, racing, meetin' new people to ride with, working on it, etc.)

2.My wife (I'm a pussy addict and admit it)

3.My friends & family (the best part is playin' video games, guess I never grew up...a close second is cookin' out or going out to eat)


Call me a pathetic loser if you like, but hey I'm happy :lol:

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Mostly I go to school, College takes up tooooo much time. But this past summer I got into climbing and did that alot, in the winter i like to ski and snowboard, and love to go snowmobiling. I also race R/C cars, they are fuckin bad. Building hot rods, off-roading, basically if it has engine and has the capability of going fast i am into it, even if it doenst have an engine, if you can go fast doin it, i am in. :D




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