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Bottom/mid-range power without losing too much top end?

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Hi guys


How can you make more bottom and mid-range power for a more trail / mx friendly bike without losing too much top end in the process?  From what I've read, it sounds like my first step would be to swap the T5's out for Paul Turner or Pro Circuit pipes.  I have ready that the PT mids rev out around 8500 so that sounds like it would KILL top end power but some people swear by them.  I've seen some people claim the PT highs provide great bottom and mid-range plus, as the name implies, great top end power.  Almost sounds too good to be true.  How much different would these pipes be from my T5's?  


Also, I am interested in getting a port job when it comes time to rebuild the top end anyway.   From what I have read on porting, it sounds WAY too complicated for me to tackle and that I should simply find a reputable builder and tell them what I want.  Fine by me but who would everyone recommend?  I have a spare set of ported cylinders that came with my bike, the ones on it are bone stock.  Thinking about shipping these off to a builder to analyze and tell me what I have.   The proper porting job can also assist in what I am trying to accomplish, right?


All in all, I ride some tight trails, power lines etc.  I used to race MX on a bone stock banshee.  Not sure I will ever get back into racing but would like to take it to a track on practice days.  Also, I have began to ride with my 4 year old daughter who has a TRX 90 (spare me the speech - throttle limited, 1st gear for now).  It is nearly impossible to follow her though a trail right now - although I know that she will get more and more confident and probably start riding faster than I want her to in no time if she is anything like I was at that age (she is :lol: ).   I know, it's not a 4 stroke.  I'm actually asking all of this because I am considering purchasing a 4 stroke as my "daily driver / practical rider" so I can keep the shee as nice as it is and slowly build the engine more and more.  This is obviously a more expensive option so, if my goal is attainable with the banshee, I'll pursue it over the next year or so.  


Just kicking around a few ideas in ym head and I'd love to hear some people's perspectives, especially those that ride tight trails and/or MX.  I can only dream of getting to rip around in the sand dunes, there is just nowhere to open a banshee up like that around here

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Whats your budget? you can have a banshee make power everywhere from down low to up high, but a motor like that will cost you$$$$ for the cost of another quad you can more then likely have a 4 mill ported Serval. with some cpi inframes you can make 80+ hp and still have hella power on bottom....Cam at Redline seems to be the guy building the faster Servals.

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Well, my CURRENT budget is almost non-existent since I have just recently spent so much on it - LOL!  I will be making some good money in the upcoming months.  Should have enough saved by the time it gets too cold to ride to either buy a 4 stroke trail machine over the winter or ship my bike and all my money off to a pro.  I don't need 80+ hp now, that can come with time. Just want to move in the direction of a more trail friendly machine without losing my top end.  Not even sure what the difference is between a cub, cheetah, DM, serval etc. 

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I swapped my T6's and VF3's for PT high revs and VF4's. As I have done both reeds and pipes at the same time I cant comment on just the pipe swap, but I can tell you that the new setup has more bottom end and still revs high.

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VoOk - I swapped from stock reed cages to VF4's and not sure I can tell any difference but I also went from a Toomey air filter set up (no box) to an aluminum airbox with K&N at the same time.   I got a lot of bad feedback on the air box saying it would restrict airflow and rob me of HP so I'm ditching it for K&N pods (which actually just came in today).  Hopefully I will feel ~$300 worth of power under my ass tonight when I get home!. 


I love the look of the PT pipes but they are expensive as shit new!  Maybe I can find someone who would be willing to trade for my T5's (hint, hint everyone!) or sell mine and put the money towards PT's over the winter.  Decisions, decisions... 

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PT highs!

I've talked about PT pipes a few times and have told people to get them.

I've had PC, FMF, t5,t6, LRD, and mids.

The high revs are my favorite. They pull low like the mids and still have decently high rev. No over rev. The pull from down low is so quick and smooth and the pull till they can't rev anymore is constant. A lot like any 4 stroke.

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Yeah, I remember you bragging on them in some of my earlier posts.  Sounds like just what I want.  Deep down I knew I didn't need know stinkin 4 stroke


At the risk of sounding I like an idiot, I have to ask - what do you mean by "over rev".  I've seen this terminology before but never quite understood what it meant


Oh, BTW,  I cleaned and polished that skid plate you sent me, then my buddy took it to work at Delta and they welded the crack in it.  Can't believe you were going to trash that thing man! It still has years of abuse left in it - LOL  Thanks again

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K&n pods on a trail bike will lead to trouble. Sell them and get uni filter stage2 pods and outterwears. Paper filters suck for trail environments. Foam!!

As far as your motor... Look in the dyno section. Redline just did a 4mil stock cylinder for JD. Curve is outstanding!! And its a pump motor.

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If you keep it stock stroke the regular inframes are your better bet. If you decide to stroke it, I honestly loved the way the rockets came on and revved pretty well. On my last combo I only felt them flatten on the straights of half mile oval tracks. Gearing was 15/39. Motor was making 82hp at about 9,400

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