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Send the stock head off or buy an aftermarket?

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Im about to do something in the area of the cylinder head and been searching here (i love the search function) and see that some guys are sending off their stock heads and having them milled and rechambered as opposed to buying the new aftermarket ones.


To me im not planning to swap domes i had intended on buying a set of 21cc domes and leaving it alone since i dont ride anywhere but the same spots so really no need for swapping them.


My real concern is the aftermarket head is around 230.00 and the stock modded one is 95 thats a large gap.Can the stocker be made to perform as well or better than the aftermarket ones?I dont mind buying the aftermarket one but i want the best bang for my buck.What do you guys think and why?


If the stocker can be made to perform as good or better than the aftermarket ones thats the better choice for me i think but id like to know what you guys think?

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Cool head is the way to go for sure! I have one for sale in the for sale section also. :cheers:

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I'm curious as to how a dozen orings is easier to work on then one headgasket?


A stock head cut specifically to the specs of your bike is better than a cool head with off the shelf domes.


I had mull engineering do mine and am very happy.

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If you are staying with a failry stock motor a stock head is fine. If you plan on doing much to it down the road I think a cool head is better. I have not had a lot of luck with stock head gaskets and I have worked on a lot of bikes with blown stock head gaskets.

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I'm curious as to how a dozen orings is easier to work on then one headgasket?


A stock head cut specifically to the specs of your bike is better than a cool head with off the shelf domes.


I had mull engineering do mine and am very happy.


I agree. But you can only do so much with the stock head. Some dome profiles aren't possible.


90% of the time a stock head properly setup is just as good as the cool head.


Also, you can have the stock head setup for o-rings for not much more.

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I just think... that if your not looking for the stealth factor a cool head is great... let alone you can come by them often and for cheap.


swapping out domes is easy.. if something happens your not stuck hunting for a new head... just domes which you can get a fresh set cut to your specs.



Mull does great work with stock heads... just imo.. you leave a bigger window for yourself getting a coolhead..




Also, I dont think the o-rings are that big of a headache.. I've been using a cool head for about 14yrs now.. and i've yet to have a problem with them or been inconvenienced by them.


can't go wrong either way.. cool head cost more initially. but has more headroom.. where the stock head is cheaper.. but limited on design and future changes.


If your looking to be a ninja.. you could always have the stock head setup to use domes and o-rings.

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Im confused as to what to do so maybe by giving more info and revealing my goals i can get a more definitive answer?


Im pretty happy with my bike as is but....I do plan to send off my jugs to be ported next time i do top end but other than that im happy as can be with the performance so far and thats as far as i plan to take this quad because basically its all i really need.


With the only future mods in my future being porting (aggressive trail port i think) which head will be better for me in particular?


Im thinking the mull head mods will be more than enough for my current and future mods what do you guys think?I dont mind buying the aftermarket head but with my current/future mods is it a waste of money and overkill?

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different set ups need different dome designs.


your current engine needs will not be the same as an engine with porting.


if your planning on doing some porting in the near future just get a cool head. that way you dont spend money on a mull head then need to change it cause your comp dropped too much or has you running on the ragged edge....


a mull head WILL work but if its built to best suit your stock cyls now... it wont be optimal with your porting.. or vise versa...


I would go with a cool head.. and use some NOSS or chariot shelf domes. (these shelf domes are better designed) Then when you get your porting done.. your builder would tell you if its best to get a new set or not.

Thats the good thing about cool heads.. you only have to change the domes when you change your setup.

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  • 3 years later...

for 75% of the normal trail riders looking for a little extra snap mull head will do fine.  I have one and no issues.  I didn't need or want all the gaskets, everyone I knew who had cool heads saw leaks at some point.  Pump gas guys can stick with stock head by mull.  If you got a massive built motor then try cool head.

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everyone I knew who had cool heads saw leaks at some point.


Then they all must be doing something wrong.

I've seen cool heads go untouched for 10 years.

Or you are just exaggerating and made that up.


There's nothing wrong with a mull head. But for ease of use the cool head is better. It's a universal set up. Change domes and your good.

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