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MattSCSS LED lights


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Just got my new LED lights from Matt today. These are some nice looking lights. Hopefully in the next few days I can get them hooked to a power source and test them out.


Matt even made them idiot proof and put a + on the positive side of the terminal






I'll take some pictures when I hook them up to see how bright these little things are. I don't have a DC conversion on my Banshee yet so the pics will be off of a static power source.

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Thanks guys. Unfortunately I wasn't the genius that decided to put the sticker on there. I wish I could stake claim to that, though.


As far as a DC conversion walkthrough. Trail Tech has a VERY good instructional on floating the ground on the stator.



(The only thing they don't make clear, is when you add the wire to the ground, make it like 3 feet long to give yourself plenty of room to work with. That wire has to run to your new Reg/Rec)


As far as wiring in the regulator/rectifier, the one stock wire for the lighting circuit, matched up with the new wire you just added, goes to the reg/rec, Red wire goes to the "high beam" side of your light switch, and the black wire goes to the negative side of your lights. That's it.

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So I made a harness tonight so I could hook these up to a battery to see how bright these little suckers really are. I tried taking some picture of how bright they were but they don't do them justice. So I hooked them up to my car battery while I was in our town park where there is NO outside lights. When I held and aimed then I was really surprised the area they lite up. I can't wait to get these on my Banshee and hit the woods. I think I'll be getting a second set and get rid of my Halogen trail techs. This first set is going in the stock location since I have the handle bar mount trail tech's already. Once I get the second set, bye bye trail techs. I have to say Matt has put together a nice product.

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pics? :drool:

So I made a harness tonight so I could hook these up to a battery to see how bright these little suckers really are. I tried taking some picture of how bright they were but they don't do them justice. So I hooked them up to my car battery while I was in our town park where there is NO outside lights. When I held and aimed then I was really surprised the area they lite up. I can't wait to get these on my Banshee and hit the woods. I think I'll be getting a second set and get rid of my Halogen trail techs. This first set is going in the stock location since I have the handle bar mount trail tech's already. Once I get the second set, bye bye trail techs. I have to say Matt has put together a nice product.

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Thanks! I'll take a picture of my stator and post it here. There is a wire that is attached to the stator with a screw. I think it is the ground but I'm not sure. If it is the ground, it would be super easy to float it.


Matt, when do you expect to have some more lights?



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End result, I've been too damn lazy to go install these on my shee. I did get my reg/rec. so maybe this weekend, no promises. I might try to do the dc conversion and get these installed. The next problem will be getting my pile of banshee to start since I haven't rode it since the being of August.

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