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Just started smoking


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This will be a long explanation for a simple question...sorry in advance.


I went on a ride a few weeks ago, and towards the end of the ride, I noticed that It was smoking from both pipes a little. I bought this 'shee new, and other than a little smoke on startup, it rarely smokes...normally only when putting around the yard for 30 or more minutes giving the kids rides, and then only a little. It got me thinking about a ride this spring, went through a long mudhole, cranking on it pretty good, and when I looked back there was a cloud over the hole. I wasn't sure I saw it, so I didn't think anything of it till now.


I went out for another ride this week, and decided to take the same route as last time...found a great stretch of trail, and wanted to make sure I remember where it is. I got to the same place I noticed the smoke last time, and when i turned around to look, there was a HUGE cloud behind me. Right before that, I was on a nice stretch where I had it pinned in 6th for about 30-40 seconds. There was no smoke before that, and after shutting it down, taking a 5 min. break, and getting going again, there was no smoke the rest of the way back to the trailer. Most of these trails are 4th gear, jump/turn/jump again/climb a hill kind of trails, so I was riding pretty aggressively all day. Power felt perfectly normal...never missed a beat.


Is there something going on with having it wound up in the high rpm's that would cause smoke where full throttle at lower rpm's for shorter times doesn't, and I just never noticed it before, or am I looking at having to do some motor work? (my guess) I bought it a little over 4 years ago new, and the motor has never been opened, so I'm expecting to have to do something to the topend soon, just based on time ridden. If I do have to do some work, any ideas what I should be looking at first? I'm torn between hoping shee's perfectly ok, and pretty sure shee's starting to show her age.


Thanks for any advice and help...I gotta make sure she's 100% by the middle of next month...I'm taking a week off, and I can't afford to make it to the ride with everyone at little sahara, but I will be camping and riding that weekend a little closer to home.

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What oil ratio are you running in your fuel mix?


and running it for that long pinned isn't really that good of an idea.....runnin any 2-strokes that long at WOT is a bad idea as they cannot keep up with lubing themselves at that rpm. If you are going to run it that hard you should be constantly blipping the throttle.

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whens the last time you changed your packing? last year for most of the summer i would just putt around and i noticed a buildup in the silencers. lots of oil, so i opened her up for about 1/4 mile. once i stopped i noticed my packing was red hot. i was stopped and it was smoking bad so i changed the packing and it never happened again. i`m not sayin this is your problem but you did mention kids rides so it could be build up.

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running 32:1...haven't changed that in a long time.


I do blip the throttle when I wind it up...never feels right to hold it wide open for more than a few seconds at a time...something I've always done and never known why.


I just checked my owner's manual...couldn't find anything about repacking stock silencers...I did pull them apart though...cleaning the sparky was listed. very oily in there, with not much burnt on buildup. looks like that could be it...so do you think the oil in there from just putting around w/ the kids, or is there something else wrong. what would be the easiest way to clean it out? If there is no major problems, I would favor an hour or 2 going up and down some of the high speed trails over cleaning by hand.


thanks for the ideas...keep 'em coming...I would like to be pretty sure what's going on, so any new ideas are welcome

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How fast were you going? If you are blazing down a trail at speed, even with the engine spinning a pretty high RPM, you are spreading the smoke over a long distance. If you were spinning the tires in mud at a higher RPM, and not moving very far, all the smoke would be concentrated in a small area.

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I was wound out in 6th, moving quick, then pulled off the trail into a parking lot/intersection/play area, saw some smoke behind me on the trail, then I revved the motor while looking at the tailpipes and had a truly massive blow of smoke come out (filled most of the intersection). I shut it down to think and have a smoke, and when I restarted it...no smoke at all, and none the whole way back (about 30 min.)


the time in the mudhole this spring, I went into it in 4th, came out in 1st with the nose in the sky for the last 30-40 feet (the hole caught me offguard...loggers make messes in weird places)

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I'll be trying to get the stuff to repack them in the next few days...I'm normally not available during normal business hours, so it could be a bit. Thanks for the advice, and I'll let you all know how it turned out. I know it was kind of a silly question, but I was a little worried about it...feel much better now.

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