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Waynoka trip 3-19 & 20 ( other one was getting long )

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it was great to see every one again, and got to meet some cool new peeps also! I cant thank my boy zack enough for building the rat for me to ride this trip.....

he built it in two days, i brought my tires and pipes, and cam brought some alky lectrons..... it turned out to be a blast to ride!!!!!!! and it even handed out quite a few ass whoopens!!!!!!! post-32433-12691196664129_thumb.jpg

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Welp, we Allen and I finally made it home. Trip took almost 8 hourse for a almost 4 hour trip.


We jacked knifed my trailer going 50mph ride behind glossy mountain on the long flat stretch...hit some snows and ice and it start going all side ways and we slide across both lanes of traffic for about 200 yards. then it swung back around and put us back in our lane with the trailer across both lanes!, was a fucking wild ride i thought we were going to be in the oncoming lane ditch upside down. the truck behind us said that was the most wicked thing hes ever seen and cant belive we pulled out of it without totalling the trailer and truck. not damage what so ever.


rest of the trip we drove like 25-30mph. Got into tulsa like 10 miles from my house and our damn break controller power wire melted and caught fire under the hood. jacked up the electronic dash inside the cab, but lucky it still ran good.


anywho nice meeting everybody again! glad we could sit around and have shannon get our ass's warm. also shannon my wife said she could have got that kfx out of the camp site better then that! she told me id have to make another banner making fun of you...said to stop erning your banners! glad i didnt tell her about the spooning we all did last night.


heres a low quality video from the helmet cam of us riding this morning...remember always know whats over the top of the next dune!


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at least he didnt get aressted this time!!


quaddad if you ever need anything let me know that ole rat rod banshee was a fun poop'n bike. i'm glad we got to all pitch in and get a bike running for you to ride around. now we all just need to find lil peanut helmets!!

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Im glad everyone made it home ok. I know I am a puss for leaving early but I am glad we left when we did.


Im sorry I didn't get to hang out with more Zak and Mel more, I will make sure I do more next time.


It was good putting faces with the names like Cam and Springer. It was good meeting both of ya'll. Ya'll can come by and hang out at my trailer any time!


Cam you can come by to eat whenever you like. I like to cook when people come back for 2nds. I will make sure I dont stay at camp as much next time.


I like staying at the state camp grounds more alot less dust. So I I come down on Wed nite again I will make sure I stay at the state park. Cam maybe you can save me a spot if you get there before I do.


SHANNON ROCKS!!!!.......Who in their right mind would put hot coals under a seat to stay warm. The was the best idea ever.


See ya'llnext trip.

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Im glad everyone made it home ok. I know I am a puss for leaving early but I am glad we left when we did.


Im sorry I didn't get to hang out with more Zak and Mel more, I will make sure I do more next time.


It was good putting faces with the names like Cam and Springer. It was good meeting both of ya'll. Ya'll can come by and hang out at my trailer any time!


Cam you can come by to eat whenever you like. I like to cook when people come back for 2nds. I will make sure I dont stay at camp as much next time.


I like staying at the state camp grounds more alot less dust. So I I come down on Wed nite again I will make sure I stay at the state park. Cam maybe you can save me a spot if you get there before I do.


SHANNON ROCKS!!!!.......Who in their right mind would put hot coals under a seat to stay warm. The was the best idea ever.


See ya'llnext trip.



well the weather friday night sucked but i had a blast thurday and friday.. i am horrible with names so dont really remember anyone... i know i was parked right across from spurdy and them.. the all black banshee if you seen it ran it is the one that needs a longer swingarm!! lol but all and all i had a good time racin'

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That was a fun trip.Glad to see you guys again and get some racin in. Poor Mike with the KTM had his nephew driving his truck and 5th wheel home for him and he jacknifed east of medford and crashed the back of the cab and broke the back window out. His 5 and 9 year old boys were in the back seat but didn't get hurt luckily. That combined with blowing the whole front of the cylinder out of his buds YFZ450 he borrowed makes for a pretty jacked up trip for him. They stopped in emporia and got a motel and came home today. I think we saw 100 cars in the ditch on I-35 comin home. See yall at snakehunt in 3 weeks.

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it was great to see every one again, and got to meet some cool new peeps also! I cant thank my boy zack enough for building the rat for me to ride this trip.....

he built it in two days, i brought my tires and pipes, and cam brought some alky lectrons..... it turned out to be a blast to ride!!!!!!! and it even handed out quite a few ass whoopens!!!!!!! build pics 008.jpg


Don't forget Zac wouldn't have got it together Tuesday night without me! He would have just shown up with a bucket of parts! Lmao! I never thought we would have got that thing together from just a frame and parts in one evening! Zac rocks!



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Tim, thanks for loaning me that drill bit.

Good to meet Springer and Quaddad who was makin fun of me for running inframes lol.

Poor Spurdy that nose will be bruised for a while looks tough tho.

We are in spots 128,129,130 for snakehunt if any of you wanna stop by for a pop.

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ya, kinda pussed out leaving when we did, but it looked cold as shit in your vid anyways, magz. glad everyone made it home safely, even though there were a couple close calls. it was good to see everyone again and meet a bunch of new people. tim, thanks for all the help with everything. doubt i'll be there for snake hunt but look forward to the next trip.

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