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bent dis-colored plastic's


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I have bent fenders to the point they dis-colored there blue with light bend marks from mostly strapping it to my truck, I have heard that you can take a heat gun or a torch and slowly heat them to get rid of these marks has anyone every tried this? does it work? thanks, Matt

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it works, but its a timely process, you just cant heat the shit out of it, it will take multiple times of heating and cooling to bring it back right. I found it works best with a heat gun, and to heat it up from the underneath part and finish the heating process on the top side, this way if you f up and get it too hot you can't see it.


I'm a big fan blue, but didn't have to worry about this crap when I had my white one.

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So I heated it up with a torch waving the flame back and forth, letting it cool than going back at it, when I was done it looked great bend marks where almost gone. the torch did take some of the shine off the plastic so I took a buffing wheel to it and did not hold it to long in one spot for to long just waved it around on the plastic, got the dis-colored marks out and shined it up looks so much better I am pleased I'll post pics. thanks guys!

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