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First time, any tips?


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So I am just waiting for my helmet, should be here today. I plan to take my Banshee to a local off road park tomorrow. I have never been on something this size, My last toy was a Honda ATC90. Any tips or hints before I go out to avoid any embarrassment?



Yeah Hang on LOL.....just kidding. If you have never ridden a 2 stroke the power band could take you for a surprise!!!!! I dont know if you know about the differance of 2 and 4 strokes but if the largest you have ridden is a honda 90....be carful your first time out until you get used to the banshee. I am also new to the banshee but i have had a have ridden plenty of other 2 strokes. The easiest way to describe a 2 stroke powerband is that it is kinda like a turbo on a car not much down low but when you get into mid to upper rpm's ( the power band)the power kicks in all at once. Good luck! and have fun

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So I am just waiting for my helmet, should be here today. I plan to take my Banshee to a local off road park tomorrow. I have never been on something this size, My last toy was a Honda ATC90. Any tips or hints before I go out to avoid any embarrassment?

ATC90? how old are you?
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Oh man. I remember my first time. Its was great. And good for you using protection! All jokes aside, there is a screw on the front of the thumb throttle that prevents wide open throttle. Maybe you could run it in some, and as you get braver, (ie. better) you can open it up more, little at a time.... I learned the hard way my first time...Go too fast and there wont be a second time!! LOL, at least not with the same chick.......

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Exactly what i was thinkin?


For the record I am 31, The 90 was sold about 11 years ago when I was 20. Anyway. Thanks for the tips. One last question though. I am going to fill my gascan while I am in town today, What should the mixture be? 32:1? Thanks again.

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Yep, 32:1 is 4 ounces per gallon. And be sure to use a quality oil too, otherwise your next post will be "The shee threw me over the bars when the motor siezed up, what do i do now?" LOL, and most importantly HAVE FUN....


Am I ok to just but around in 1st or 2nd gear for the day getting a feel for it or will putting around slow damage the motor?

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Am I ok to just but around in 1st or 2nd gear for the day getting a feel for it or will putting around slow damage the motor?


I'm fairly in-experienced too, but your probably want to cruise in like 3rd or 4th and alternate between gliding and throttling it... when I'm on the tight stuff in 2nd the banshee heats up fairly quickly if you don't hit a section where you can strech its legs and get some air over it.

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I'm fairly in-experienced too, but your probably want to cruise in like 3rd or 4th and alternate between gliding and throttling it... when I'm on the tight stuff in 2nd the banshee heats up fairly quickly if you don't hit a section where you can strech its legs and get some air over it.


I have never been to the off road park, Its Prairie City in Rancho Cordova, Ca Anyone familiar with it? If so are there nice flat spots where I can get a feel for it? I would love nothing more than nailing the gas and going but I also like to live and I know the worst thing a beginner can do weather it be quads, bikes, jet skis or even new drivers is stomp on the gas and go before knowing what to expect and or how to handle the machine. Just watch all the amateurs on youtube knock the hell out of themselves. My hopes are that I can just ease into it, get a feel for it and unlike a lot of others actually learn what I am doing and what to expect before trying to ride beyond my l9imitations. I am sure some here are familiar with the ATC90 so you know come tomorrow I have a huge wake up call when I get this thing out in the opened.

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Tips: Don't put your legs down, stay in it. If it is not loud, your not in it.


I remember my first banshee ride..... I almost took out a bench at the atv park. LOL....I had just got it off the trailer and I thought it was fun sliding around. Little did I know how crazy it could get within seconds.

Got pics too.......


I was 31 back then too. LOL....


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my best advice would be ride it through all the gears get a good feel. if you feel to much power you can always pull the clutch lever and hit your rear breaks no biggie you'll learn the power curve quickly its not hard at all just make sure you where all your safety gear and look out for obstacles.

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