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120mph in 8th? But set up for dirt racing

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better than bush!!


in the short time he's been there


how can you people expect a man to clean up a mess in a few months that a another man did in 8 years





I think your fighting a losing battle there.. :biggrin: Most "tax payers" are not pro-Obama. I hear a lot of things about Bush but I never hear specifics. What was it that he did or did not do?? Remember, we had several national disasters hit while he was in office that were beyond his control.


I will admit that if Obama is being honest about some of the health care stuff, maybe we will finally get a reality check for insurance cos. Now supplying Ins to people that just don't want to work, we are screwed. I think Obama seems to think that taking from people that work and giving to people that don't is the way to do things. If that is so, I should quit work tomorrow and suck on uncle sam's tit.


Sorry to go political. I think a lot of business people right now are scared shitless right now.. :blink:



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I think your fighting a losing battle there.. :biggrin: Most "tax payers" are not pro-Obama. I hear a lot of things about Bush but I never hear specifics. What was it that he did or did not do?? Remember, we had several national disasters hit while he was in office that were beyond his control.


I will admit that if Obama is being honest about some of the health care stuff, maybe we will finally get a reality check for insurance cos. Now supplying Ins to people that just don't want to work, we are screwed. I think Obama seems to think that taking from people that work and giving to people that don't is the way to do things. If that is so, I should quit work tomorrow and suck on uncle sam's tit.


Sorry to go political. I think a lot of business people right now are scared shitless right now.. :blink:



uh? what about dumbfucks banshee that goes 120 in an 1/8th. stupid politics

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you guys are out of your F#%#ing mind to think obama is all that bad. Bush had to be the worst pres we have ever had. he got rid of everything we built up for this country and sent the rest over seas to china. i dont know bout you but im set with 2.50 a gal and not 4.00 or more. terrorists coming over bwahaha you make me laugh were still over seas cleaning up a mess that we should have never made. WMD my ass. im not going to have any social security when im old like all you cuz were trillions of dollars in debt. and im paying it off. toyota has taken over the auto industry cuz we have had our foot soo far up our ass dealing with other peoples business. try this on for size

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Now supplying Ins to people that just don't want to work, we are screwed. I think Obama seems to think that taking from people that work and giving to people that don't is the way to do things. If that is so, I should quit work tomorrow and suck on uncle sam's tit.


Sorry to go political. I think a lot of business people right now are scared shitless right now.. :blink:




I agree that his plan is screwed up. But I am ALL FOR everyone getting healthcare, nobody deserves to suffer or die, period. They could start with taking away some of the money the Healtcare indusry makes off us (400% markups and shit) and pay for the ininsured like that. BUT then why should we pay if they get it free? bottom line theres no way to fix that issue unless someone gets a fucking job and makes a effort. simple.... Maybe need to just be real with us, he JUST said on cnn that the money has to come from somewhere to pay for the uninsured and that it would affect the RICH and wealthy, not us. Now, I think thats bullshit.


But as Far as Bush, he was a fuccin retard, could even speak without a advisor and he still said shit that made no since whatsoever, search google theres a montage of about 100 retarded ass things he's said. He was just dumb as hell, meant no harm lol but I agree also that Obama is in a bad position, getting tossed into presidency while we are in a economical crisis isnt exactly the best time for the first blk president to be chosen. If he fails, everyone's going to be pulling the race card and saying shit like we gave yall a shot and etc etc etc



But as to the 120mph fucctard! please keep me informed if he replies to yall! ahhahahahaha


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I agree that his plan is screwed up. But I am ALL FOR everyone getting healthcare, nobody deserves to suffer or die, period. They could start with taking away some of the money the Healtcare indusry makes off us (400% markups and shit) and pay for the ininsured like that. BUT then why should we pay if they get it free? bottom line theres no way to fix that issue unless someone gets a fucking job and makes a effort. simple.... Maybe need to just be real with us, he JUST said on cnn that the money has to come from somewhere to pay for the uninsured and that it would affect the RICH and wealthy, not us. Now, I think thats bullshit.


But as Far as Bush, he was a fuccin retard, could even speak without a advisor and he still said shit that made no since whatsoever, search google theres a montage of about 100 retarded ass things he's said. He was just dumb as hell, meant no harm lol but I agree also that Obama is in a bad position, getting tossed into presidency while we are in a economical crisis isnt exactly the best time for the first blk president to be chosen. If he fails, everyone's going to be pulling the race card and saying shit like we gave yall a shot and etc etc etc



But as to the 120mph fucctard! please keep me informed if he replies to yall! ahhahahahaha


what do you say to everyone who risked their lives for us by serving in the armed forces? part of the deal is that when they retire they will have ins. for the rest of their lives. what, now they have to loose their great plan to join universal health care and if they need health care at an older age they dont get it because their too old so their given pain killers used as a temporary cheap cure until they pass away? thats not fair. what about all the state employees who have worked for the last 30 yrs? universal health care is a good idea for those who cant afford it and deserve it but thats probably a small percentage of the population. its not fair for alot of others. i dont want somebody who is screwing the system on welfare to now have health ins for free. thats not right.


but the 120 mph phrase is funny lol

Edited by peterlocal22
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you guys are out of your F#%#ing mind to think obama is all that bad. Bush had to be the worst pres we have ever had. he got rid of everything we built up for this country and sent the rest over seas to china. i dont know bout you but im set with 2.50 a gal and not 4.00 or more. terrorists coming over bwahaha you make me laugh were still over seas cleaning up a mess that we should have never made. WMD my ass. im not going to have any social security when im old like all you cuz were trillions of dollars in debt. and im paying it off. toyota has taken over the auto industry cuz we have had our foot soo far up our ass dealing with other peoples business. try this on for size


Ok it is clear you have no idea what you are talking about. Although this isn't a political thread I have to chime in.


First of all, Bush didn't "Get rid" of anything except taxes, and social programs. As far as sending everything overseas, this has nothing to do with the president. This is on big business. It all came about after the dot com bubble burst from the laying of fiber optic cable overseas. This paved the way for international business to soar. Big business realized that they can offshore, outsource, and overseas manufacture because it costs them less, which allows them to offer a cheaper product to the consumer.


Secondly, Obama has nothing to do with the gas price. Once again if you do a little digging in your brains housing group, the gas prices started falling before the elections. Not a single thing was contributed to Obamas doing. It was the oil manufactures attempt to swing the votes.


We are still overseas "cleaning up that mess" because there are still terrorists that are attacking American troops. Remember that timeline that Omaba had set before he was elected? What was it... 18 months to be pulled out? Why was it that only 3 weeks after taking office he said that we needed to "re-examine" his timeline? Because once he became privy to all that info he was not once allowed to know, his mind changed.


The social security has been an issue well before our country was put deeper into debt. It was already predicted that we would not social security before 9/11 ever occurred.


/rant off

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Ok it is clear you have no idea what you are talking about. Although this isn't a political thread I have to chime in.


First of all, Bush didn't "Get rid" of anything except taxes, and social programs. As far as sending everything overseas, this has nothing to do with the president. This is on big business. It all came about after the dot com bubble burst from the laying of fiber optic cable overseas. This paved the way for international business to soar. Big business realized that they can offshore, outsource, and overseas manufacture because it costs them less, which allows them to offer a cheaper product to the consumer.



/rant off


What makes you think you know any more? you got a PHD in economics? Dont bash a guy for speaking his opinon. Everyone is entitled to one.. even you.


Bush took us to war without the UN's approval.. so we had to front the bill for it. For what? weapons of mass destruction that were never found? now all we have to show for it is a national debt that is higher then its ever been. (which was already higher before obama took office) I think someone should have been looking at our own economy.... rather then try to rebuild someone elses.. ooohh.. thats right, somone had oil investments. I know.. he can't have any investments by law blah blah blah.. we all know there is loop holes and his 4th removed cousin is now suddenly a billionare..


What dictates pricing on imported goods? Taxes... Who sets taxes on imported goods? The president is responsible for making it cheaper to import goods and outsource jobs...

I dont know if any of you remember when he started the security and prosperity partnership. Obviously Bush wasn't worried about american businesses. We've lost one of the biggest corp. in my industry to Mexico. yeah.. bush was great!!.. :down:




Bush is a ass.. Thats my opinion.. if you dont like it.... Tuff shit.

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