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vegas banshee

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Everything posted by vegas banshee

  1. haha i like to run n knife.. i use a .44 with a tactical knife on hardcore with commando light weight and marathon haha i dont do it every game but it is fun sometimes.
  2. ino! there is a few rank hacks out now.. but im not doin em haha prestiging is ok until about lvl 50 then it gets hard haha plus my favorite guns i dont get until the 60s and everyone is like you will get em back.. but by that time its time to prestige again ahha but yea most of the 10th prestige guys suck anyways because they all cheated to get there.
  3. i just hit 70 last night.. im not doin it haha i dont wanna loose my ak-47 or double shottys
  4. ok so whos prestiging or whos done it all ready? im not.. i dont wanna loose my guns for some little symbol next to my name and some more titles... ive already seen some 10th prestiges! its nuts..
  5. ouch! thats why i wear tinted goggles too.. and thats also why i hate when people take visors of their helmets.
  6. haha couldnt be more true.
  7. welcome man! you have better spelling then me at only 10! haha nice.. i also was 10 when i got my first shee.. dont let anyone tell you your too young for it .
  8. id send that cash if i were you.. i fuckin hate to see this shit... does anyone know if he belongs to other forums?
  9. to bad brocks out for good probably.. i liked to see him fight.. what i wonder about kimbo is that he used to be cocky and thought he was the best around thug but is this new attitude an act for cameras?.. u know how respectful and all.. i hope hes really a good dude on and off cameras but im not sure yet.
  10. its a tiny tiny little town thats to the right of jean.. its mostly trailors and it literally has a 100 year old bar that still has a place to tie up your horse haha.. im pretty sure some of the trail is illegal cuz of tree huggers so a groupe might be a little sketchy to ride it haha but hey if im out at the dunes on new years ill look for you guys.. your banshee looks kinda hard to miss haha
  11. vegas to good springs is a fun easy ride most of my rides start at blue dimond then basically follow the rail road tracks.. but vegas to goodsprings and back behind some nasty mountains is about a 50mile loop... and i fill up in jean before i head up to goodsprings on the banshee.. most of my other rides are done on the xr650 with a desert tank.. sandy valley is only a bit further then goodsprings .. the farthes ive gone was vegas to jean to primm back to jean up to goodsprings and back.. its about 90-110 miles depending on the way you go.. the rides change a little every time haha i can never remember ONE specific trail so i take random ones and go the general direction i want haha i usually find my way.. the reason i dont take the banshee on long rides is mixing oil at gas pumps haha i never get it right even with a measuring cup so thats why im in the market for a trx to desert out with tank skids and long travel .
  12. WELL FUCKIN SAID MAN! im the desert rat out of my friends haha just check the quote in my sig.. but i dont just do apex.. its vegas to primm vegas to goodsprings vegas to sandy valley all hardcore desert.. apex is pretty narly tho haha lots of fun.
  13. you got me by a lil.. im about 6'6 280-300 lbs somewhere near there and i ride a banshee xr650 and lookin for a trx450.. i also ride bmx and mountain bikes.. oh an i got a 110 pit bike . im also pretty athletic fat haha
  14. my sisters 03.. for sale haha 2300 and you can have a black and yellow banshee without rebuilding hahahahaha
  15. i drive a ford and proud of it .. fuckers.. hahaha
  16. i missed the fight but im still not a kimbo fan.. even if he is getting better i still think hes just a little over rated.. not sayin i could kick his ass or anything but against other ufc guys hes not my favorite... JMO
  17. thats the only drag bike ive ever seen that looks like it could do baja haha
  18. soo sick man.. dean sundhal frame right? who cares if its heavy haha with suspension like that its not like you gotta throw it around a bunch anyways haha
  19. fuck it just get both haha thats what i plan on.. i want somthin new but there will ALWAYS be a shee in my garage
  20. verizon saved my ass once because of the good coverage.. me and my pops were riding desert on our xr650s and he was about a mile or so ahead of me saying that we would meet up at the next little town.. my bike broke a case and i was like 20 miles out from anything and had to call a buddy to come get me.. im sold on it haha i used to have tmoble a while back and it got good coverage but only in town.. once you left town you were kinda screwed.
  21. subarus are my thing.. love em but i bet hes rockin a forester haha if any subaru.. hey my name is cody too
  22. ha hard ass behind a computer screen.. oh well they come and go.. probly be a good idea to earn a rep on here before you try sellin your stuff.. then call us all duche bags.. wow you should be the next billy mays! what a sales pitch! on behalf of Bhq GTFO clown!
  23. banshees CAN do anything and be fast at it.. ive ridden long ass rides on my banshee like vegas to primm an 80-100 mile ride no prob.. been on a stock top end for 7 years and try to tell me they arent reliable and ill laugh in your face. but if your fast on a banshee in mx desert gncc ect. youll fuckin FLY on a 450.
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