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Everything posted by nayr742003

  1. thats messed up man atleast you wasnt down hill and pushing your bike up it then you would of really ben pissed.
  2. Dam lookin good cases bet you got some time in right there
  3. Man that has ben awhile ago but i agree about going back down there to ride first then stop back in and have a few drinks on them lol
  4. you can get the hose from a dealer or order from jeff (fast). To fix your pipes check and see if all the springs are holding the pipe on tightly and i think there is a gaskett between the two check that also
  5. I have them on my bike also. I ride mostly trails and do some hill climbs. When i got mine i noticed it in the low and mid range. I like them for what i do with my shee. I havent had any other pipes so some other people might give some better advice about them.
  6. Get the edge rack that way when u get to drunk and they ask you what u ride you can look at it and remember just kidding :cool: I like that one better it looks cleaner and better made just my .02
  7. Man i love it when you guys find some ass hole and prove him to be an idiot. I dont know everything about these bikes yet but god dam i learn more reading these threads about how dumb people are and how u prove them wrong. Dam i know what to look for now. A idiot selling a banshee and post his thred on here lol.
  8. i live near pittsburgh and i wouldnt mind coming up for that ride sounds like alot of fun.
  9. im on call kind sucks but hey its kewl espically when we got pounded in last night snow storm
  10. I agree 100% on doing it right. When tearing it apart i know a few things i would like to check aslo what do u recomend checkin when you got your cases apart? I took one apart before and and before the guy got the money to replace the crank he sold so i never had the chance to look at everything. thanks
  11. I was just reading my clymers and it looks that way. Thank god for manuals :cool:
  12. I was just on jeffs site i think ill go ahead and replace all the seals on the bottom end. that should take care of it and i know it will be fixed. I will also get a new water pump gaskett and replce everything there while im at it. I half to rebuild the top end anyways so i might as well do it all and do it once so its done right. Thanks for the help i appricate it alot
  13. thanks i will check the compression this weekend. I havent found where the oil is leaking yet but yes it is alot of white smoke
  14. both. cant stand losing oil and think smoking cause i need a top end rebuild
  15. so how do i fix that? rebuild ? Take cases apart and use the yamma bond?
  16. my bad looking at the front of the bike its the left side sorry. it smokes excessively.
  17. wsa just on jeffs site he has them good guy and good price fast
  18. Ok i put a post on awile ago and it was losing case oil and smoking out theright side everyone told me to replace my crank seals. Do i need to replace the crank bearings also when doing this?
  19. not sure on a stock banshee but i built one well the skyes the limit there.
  20. i use stock ones cause i cant keep my bars straight i roll over alot and they are the first thing to bend. Mine are always bent i just get use to it lmao.
  21. Now thats what im talking about something different. Did u make that one up?
  22. I havent cut mine either but there are some really nice looking shees that have ben cut. I would cut it a littel at a time then u can see what you like and go from where your at.
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